64 year old white guy; accountant, lived in TX and NV, held an alaska hunting permit, private pilot, had fully automatic weapons and lots of them.

Not quite the profile of a liberal or left wing activist. That's the profile of a conservative (over the top) gun enthusiast.

Probably had a grudge festering for years against someone or some group and just took advantage of the first crowd he could get a vantage point on.

And fwiw, I like country music. Yeah, it's one of the sins I allow myself. Some of it makes me gag but overall I like it. But it's what I listen to in the car, much to chagrin of my family. Now that what jason aldene plays is country. It's more pop with a country twang.
64 year old white guy; accountant, lived in TX and NV, held an alaska hunting permit, private pilot, had fully automatic weapons and lots of them.

Not quite the profile of a liberal or left wing activist. That's the profile of a conservative (over the top) gun enthusiast.

Probably had a grudge festering for years against someone or some group and just took advantage of the first crowd he could get a vantage point on.

And fwiw, I like country music. Yeah, it's one of the sins I allow myself. Some of it makes me gag but overall I like it. But it's what I listen to in the car, much to chagrin of my family. Now that what jason aldene plays is country. It's more pop with a country twang.
Clearly ANTIFA. That is their Moe exactly.
Then stop voting for republicans.

Jeff sessions just argued that it should be legal to fire people for being gay. The GOP thinks even EMTs should be able to refuse to save their lives.

Why don't you want to suck my dick?

I didn't vote republican.

Sessions is an absolute metal case.

I'm enjoying my coffee and not in the mood.

Why do you hate gays?