The country's gone to hell since Oswald in '63 and Charles Witman in '66.

Took a quantum leap forward shooting guitar players and popes in the '80's.

Now we just have random shooters in schooIs, night clubs, concerts with automatic weapons randomly killing anybody.

MAGA is working. And it's all a form of terrorism. If you threaten to kill someone you can be charged with 'terroristic threats'. When you're dodging bullets you're terrorized.

We need more gun raffles so we have more AR-15's in the hands of people one brain tumor, mental illness, bad day or radicalization away from the next one.
The country's gone to hell since Oswald in '63 and Charles Witman in '66.

Took a quantum leap forward shooting guitar players and popes in the '80's.

Now we just have random shooters in schooIs, night clubs, concerts with automatic weapons randomly killing anybody.

MAGA is working. And it's all a form of terrorism. If you threaten to kill someone you can be charged with 'terroristic threats'. When you're dodging bullets you're terrorized.

We need more gun raffles so we have more AR-15's in the hands of people one brain tumor, mental illness, bad day or radicalization away from the next one.
I tried real hard to win "my dream gun" on Hannity but Jesus didn't pick me. Maybe next time.
64 year old white guy; accountant, lived in TX and NV, held an alaska hunting permit, private pilot, had fully automatic weapons and lots of them.

Not quite the profile of a liberal or left wing activist. That's the profile of a conservative (over the top) gun enthusiast.

Probably had a grudge festering for years against someone or some group and just took advantage of the first crowd he could get a vantage point on.

And fwiw, I like country music. Yeah, it's one of the sins I allow myself. Some of it makes me gag but overall I like it. But it's what I listen to in the car, much to chagrin of my family. Now that what jason aldene plays is country. It's more pop with a country twang.
There have been Communist groups inside the USA for many many years and they would be collecting guns too and now that their ANTIFA group is gaining ground we will see the old days of Communist uprisings again in America.

This isn't the first time America has suffered domestic terrorist attacks from Communists. Even Kennedy was killed by one of those Communist cunts!
As it turns out, LEO's like country music. There were several in attendance. None of them could return fire for obvious reasons. 2 were hit randomly. Their guns didn't help.
Proof that we need bigger guns with longer range and the ability to fire fully automatic in the hands of everybody, even mental defectives. If everybody in that crowd has any type of long gun, they would have been able to deliver a withering return fire into the whole side of that hotel and others and might have saved some lives. Thankfully, the Republicans and the NRA are working hard to make America a better place.
Proof that we need bigger guns with longer range and the ability to fire fully automatic in the hands of everybody, even mental defectives. If everybody in that crowd has any type of long gun, they would have been able to deliver a withering return fire into the whole side of that hotel and others and might have saved some lives. Thankfully, the Republicans and the NRA are working hard to make America a better place.

Alt left?
Then stop voting for republicans.

Jeff sessions just argued that it should be legal to fire people for being gay. The GOP thinks even EMTs should be able to refuse to save their lives.

Why don't you want to suck my dick?
Do you have proof because that sounds like complete bullshit. Sure Sessions wanted to go after marijuana but seems Trump spanked him.
Proof that we need bigger guns with longer range and the ability to fire fully automatic in the hands of everybody, even mental defectives. If everybody in that crowd has any type of long gun, they would have been able to deliver a withering return fire into the whole side of that hotel and others and might have saved some lives. Thankfully, the Republicans and the NRA are working hard to make America a better place.

Why not rpg's or even shoulder fired missiles? The military can even target them based on the source incoming fire. Every community watch should have them. Because murika!