
I believe these products are most useful for rinsing hydroton type substrate, to remove excess salts from the medium for reuse.
I've not tried any of them except for the first visit to the hydro store lol. My hydroton is 5 years old and all I've done is rinse and soak in H2O2, and the only reason for the H2O2 is I have 5 gallons that I need to use, stuff scares the hell out of me lol.
3 pages, no one has said why not to flush.

Not one reason to take another 7 days, and run some clean water through the plant.
7 days and 1/2 gallon of water?

One more time....I’m using H&G nutrients, they call to flush for 3-5 days. They don’t sell anything for flushing.

Why do they recommend to flush their product with clean water? Anyone? Hello? Help?
you have a week to waste?