Will Congress act now?

Will the Congress enact more gun control?

  • Oh, yea, absolutely!

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Never fucking happen

    Votes: 35 94.6%

  • Total voters
Not deer. Hogs. Hundreds of hogs. Guess one those that'd rather poison them???
Would a suppressor continue to function on a rapid fire rifle or would it make the rifle malfunction? Pretty high heat moving that many rounds, not sure if they are built for that.
If the weapon jammed or the barrel melted, no matter- just grab another from his cache.
Two things. It's been reported as a bump stock and you can hear the erratic rhythm of the fire on the videos.

Pick one to call fake news. Carefully though. There's a few hard core liberal sites listed


That's the stupid thing. Why did he take that many long guns to a hotel room? It's another one of those critical thinking things you're scared of.

Have you considered suicide? Ya know, before the Gray's come for you.
If the weapon jammed or the barrel melted, no matter- just grab another from his cache.

Barrel melted?(lol) Jammed? That's why military soldiers carry three rifles at all times? That's a big no. The number of firearms is suspicious as hell.
I love the fact that these conspiracy idiots will tell you all the things that make no sense and then claim that it is a conspiracy. Because conspirators usually commit ridiculous errors that these feeble-minded fuckholes can immediately recognize. Yup. Uh huh. I makes total sense.

What makes sense is that the right wing is rock-stupid - that makes perfect sense.

Just like Seth Rich was obviously murdered in a well-orchestrated plan by Hillary. You can tell because his wallet was still there. No well-orchestrated conspiracy would ever remember to take his wallet while executing a well-planned operation to make it seem like Seth Rich was robbed. Because the right-wing is more clever than professional killers - way more clever.

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Our Federal Government will not act to limit firearms as a result of this act of terrorism.

Cuz he was white. And a 'lone wolf'. He must've just had a bad day.

But if he was black, or a Muslim...? There'd be hell to pay. Fix News wouldn't let it go for YEARS.
Barrel melted?(lol) Jammed? That's why military soldiers carry three rifles at all times? That's a big no. The number of firearms is suspicious as hell.
He spent 3 days carrying weapons into his hotel room. He didn't have to carry them into a firefight, he was planning a massacre.
I love the fact that these conspiracy idiots will tell you all the things that make no sense and then claim that it is a conspiracy. Because conspirators usually commit ridiculous errors that these feeble-minded fuckholes can immediately recognize. Yup. Uh huh. I makes total sense.

What makes sense is that the right wing is rock-stupid - that makes perfect sense.
Please don't insult stones like that.
He spent 3 days carrying weapons into his hotel room. He didn't have to carry them into a firefight, he was planning a massacre.
It's Vegas so it will all be on tape. Every bit of it. Come on, think about it. Tapes can be doctored, that is why Soros choose it to happen there! Classic (((globalist))) thinking. You must be so dumb you are in ANITA.
He spent 3 days carrying weapons into his hotel room. He didn't have to carry them into a firefight, he was planning a massacre.

Where was the firearms during him transporting them to the room? The trunk of his car? Why did he perform so much effort carrying the crap around? Nobody noticed him carrying extremely heavy luggage with hundreds of round of ammo?

It's still suspicious.