Aussie Growers Thread

I fucking hate wallabies.I havt to put wire mesh around my plants then wrap string mesh around it. Only bad part about razor grass is if you forget your gloves then you will get cut up a fair bit. I don't folar feed with fertilizers but this year a have a pressure sprayer and I've been spraying the plants leaves with cold spring water to simulate rain. It seems to be working very well . copied that idea from a Canadian grower. Love this site because everyone has different methods you can copy or use in your own methods.
They love a good spray don’t they,the spring water would have some minerals in it. I foliar every 5 days and the morning after they look so happy lol.
Had 1000 litres of soil I litres of compost and amendments and have mixed all that by hand,turned the pile about 15 Times dug in 50m of irrigation line about 25 to go cleared all the spots and that’s without anything to do with the plants. Last year had issues with water just before Christmas so had to carry in about 250 litres every day till after New Years that was good fun in high 30 degree 95% humidity days
fuck me daed u must be pretty fucken fit lol im not fit at all but i tell ya man if i knew what the fuck i was doing bush wise like i just dont want to get lost and shit but fuck one day id probablly die 250 liters fuck that i can barley lift the 20 liter i got fuck im gunna have 2 start liften lol dude ur like my weed growing hero now fuck i mean id do all of that if i knew how and could manege not to die i feel the heat fuck humidity daam dude fucken hope theres a payoff forya
No way Lo you get gogo juice aswell hahahaha I got a jalapeño though was stoked it had 2in the one pot,got some ox heart tomatoes aswell
I got bout 4 litres of Go Go go concentrate already home just wanted stuff for vegie patch and the ecoseaweed for foliar spraying
Grabbed 6 bags of richgro garden soil and a bag of tomato feed soil for the vegies
If ur talking 420 bed I dug the hole deeper n wider new soil 3 or 4 goodies added cooked it for over 2 months now shes prime
If yer talking bout the chillis its all 2 yr old soil mix from the 420 bed in it
More the 420,you reckon it gets better every year ? I’ve a
Ways started with fresh soil but this stuff I’ve got this year looks like the best mix I’ve used and it’s last years mix with some compost and a few amendments
fuck me daed u must be pretty fucken fit lol im not fit at all but i tell ya man if i knew what the fuck i was doing bush wise like i just dont want to get lost and shit but fuck one day id probablly die 250 liters fuck that i can barley lift the 20 liter i got fuck im gunna have 2 start liften lol dude ur like my weed growing hero now fuck i mean id do all of that if i knew how and could manege not to die i feel the heat fuck humidity daam dude fucken hope theres a payoff forya
I don’t do it all at once lol I’ve been prepping since the start of May. I can’t lift 250litres either,but I can lift 25 10 Times ;)what @bobqp does is a lot tougher than what I do those guys are tough motherfuckers in my books
I got bout 4 litres of Go Go go concentrate already home just wanted stuff for vegie patch and the ecoseaweed for foliar spraying
Grabbed 6 bags of richgro garden soil and a bag of tomato feed soil for the vegies
That eco seaweed is top shelf for kelp,price is good to when you consider it’s 5g to a bucket
More the 420,you reckon it gets better every year ? I’ve a
Ways started with fresh soil but this stuff I’ve got this year looks like the best mix I’ve used and it’s last years mix with some compost and a few amendments
Yeah he two yrs ive used fresh soil cooked ive had the best yeilds.. .
The yr in between I only amended I had a shitloads of greenhouse whiteflies etc...
So this yr its pretty much 1/4 soil from last yr mixed with nearly all new soil plus the perlite,alfalfa,neem,rocket fuel,cow manure etc etc
Yeah he two yrs ive used fresh soil cooked ive had the best yeilds.. .
The yr in between I only amended I had a shitloads of greenhouse whiteflies etc...
So this yr its pretty much 1/4 soil from last yr mixed with nearly all new soil plus the perlite,alfalfa,neem,rocket fuel,cow manure etc etc
You happy with how it’s looking so far .
I don’t do it all at once lol I’ve been prepping since the start of May. I can’t lift 250litres either,but I can lift 25 10 Times ;)what @bobqp does is a lot tougher than what I do those guys are tough motherfuckers in my books
true but still fuck umcoukd pretty mutch build a little log cabin or some shit i mean if u found a spot year after year just fixed it up i mean wtf are the cops gunna do nock the cunt down id build it again twice as big just to fuck with em lol i think id need 2 make a fuck ton then invest in a sizable piece of land i could just be id just plant every thing every where lol
true but still fuck umcoukd pretty mutch build a little log cabin or some shit i mean if u found a spot year after year just fixed it up i mean wtf are the cops gunna do nock the cunt down id build it again twice as big just to fuck with em lol i think id need 2 make a fuck ton then invest in a sizable piece of land i could just be id just plant every thing every where lol
Or you try and stay of their radar all together. My grow is on private land which helps
like i wonder where one actually starts with that shit maybe i got to parks n shit like those big protected ones n shit not to grow but just so im not fucken days from help imean if its possable 2 learn about hiking n shit fuck it ill find a spot n hike in ay lol
You happy with how it’s looking so far .
Very happy and I'm pretty fussy
I'm about 2 weeks behind transplant growth this yr but once in the bed if the soils as gd as I think they will be same size as last season no probs
Plus the holes twice the width and a gd 50cm deeper
Fingers crossed
Or you try and stay of their radar all together. My grow is on private land which helps
ye but our countrys as big as america but the population is as small as la idk im im happy just to be able 2 have 3 hots and a bet n shit but fuck if had of one 15 million other day fuck id be buying land allover prob have some kind of buisness set up so i dont have 2 work lol i just wanna grow weed every day
like i wonder where one actually starts with that shit maybe i got to parks n shit like those big protected ones n shit not to grow but just so im not fucken days from help imean if its possable 2 learn about hiking n shit fuck it ill find a spot n hike in ay lol
Suppose mate, I’ve lived in the bush forever so it’s just what we’ve always done,I’m no outdoors man though like I wouldn’t have a clue about survival shit I can shoot but I’m not a expert by any means,I can’t light a fire without petrol,hate camping but if I’ve got a machete I’m happy enough out there
ye but our countrys as big as america but the population is as small as la idk im im happy just to be able 2 have 3 hots and a bet n shit but fuck if had of one 15 million other day fuck id be buying land allover prob have some kind of buisness set up so i dont have 2 work lol i just wanna grow weed every day
The Chinese are buying up all our land get in quick
Suppose mate, I’ve lived in the bush forever so it’s just what we’ve always done,I’m no outdoors man though like I wouldn’t have a clue about survival shit I can shoot but I’m not a expert by any means,I can’t light a fire without petrol,hate camping but if I’ve got a machete I’m happy enough out there
Sounds like me lol