When Does Life Begin ...


New Member
Having a choice is great, but human life is human life whether you like it or not. If you wanna be technical. Since you don't, enjoy Canada and enjoy your opinions.
That one was easy


human life is to be decided by the person making the human life.



New Member
enjoy Canada and enjoy your opinions.
\and p.s.

I do enjoy Canada,, its not perfect but its a helluva lot better than the U.S. right now.

And i do enjoy being able to express my opinion and not have my government and their loyal minions like you stomp all over me.

I enjoy it VERY much


New Member
look at that, everyone takes off when things start getting intellectual. You would rather just ignore the truth than change your ways.

you pro-choicers are all the same righteous pricks who feel like they are standing up for something. when in doing so they are taking away the right of a human being THAT IS LIVING.

That baby has its right to live when it becomes an INDIVIDUAL, and for those of you who need me to define everything individual means one. plain and fucking simple. And it is not one until the cord is cut and it is using its own bodily functions to sustain life

i guess we can now all see who won this one.



New Member
Loyal Minions? People decide when life is life? You're fucking delusional.

\and p.s.

I do enjoy Canada,, its not perfect but its a helluva lot better than the U.S. right now.

And i do enjoy being able to express my opinion and not have my government and their loyal minions like you stomp all over me.

I enjoy it VERY much


New Member
Loyal Minions? People decide when life is life? You're fucking delusional.
Yes, people decide when life is life. Who else would, God?
Because I have yet to hear from the character you call God.

Thats all you got punk? because im still ready and rearing to go. I want a real debate not assholes telling me i am delusional because I think that the people who are making life should be able to decide when that being becomes life.

If you dont think abortion is right than it is as simple as this.


but dont force other people to believe in what you believe.. thats not right.
Nobody is forcing people to have abortions. The woman can decide herself what she belives to be right and wrong. We are all capable of that, some of us (such as yourself) just choose not to for some reason

You MUST be a christain of some sort to be THAT ignorant


New Member
Yes, people decide when life is life. Who else would, God?
Because I have yet to hear from the character you call God.

Thats all you got punk? because im still ready and rearing to go. I want a real debate not assholes telling me i am delusional because I think that the people who are making life should be able to decide when that being becomes life.

If you dont think abortion is right than it is as simple as this.


but dont force other people to believe in what you believe.. thats not right.
Nobody is forcing people to have abortions. The woman can decide herself what she belives to be right and wrong. We are all capable of that, some of us (such as yourself) just choose not to for some reason

You MUST be a christain of some sort to be THAT ignorant
What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? Is it all an illusion?


New Member
How so?

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In the exercise of my individual rights, I can not infringe upon your individual rights. When a question of individual rights has many possible answers, many of which seem contentious to those of an opposing viewpoint, the collective will of the people, voted on, and enforced as laws, will suffice to answer the question. When the question is settled without popular consent or approval of the people, vigilantism has often occurred. As has happened with Roe v Wade. Life is too complex an issue to be taken off the table for debate, decided for us by our sometimes wise benefactors.


New Member
In the exercise of my individual rights, I can not infringe upon your individual rights.
Thats correct.

When a question of individual rights has many possible answers, many of which seem contentious to those of an opposing viewpoint, the collective will of the people, voted on, and enforced as laws, will suffice to answer the question.
That will suffice? How so?
Just because they majority of people in SOME states believe abortion to be wrong shouldnt mean everyone HAS to follow their beliefs. That is infringing upon the right for a person to choose. Just because a woman aborts her baby does not mean YOU or anyone else for that matter is affected.

Your argument is falling to pieces already CC.

You will suffice for that because it is the easy way to make everyone believe the same thing. You are scared of individuality for some reason that is beyond me.

When the question is settled without popular consent or approval of the people, vigilantism has often occurred.
No question needs to be settled.

And you are using the word vigilantism in the wrong context. vigilantism is when the people go about fixing what they believe to be wrong in an un-organized manner,, such as violence.

If you are going to use "bad" words like vigilantism, at least know what they mean.

Making your own choices is not vigilantism.
Life is too complex an issue to be taken off the table for debate, decided for us by our sometimes wise benefactors.
no, life is too complex for YOU to debate, so you let others decide for you.

I can make my own decision when life starts, im that good


Well-Known Member
In the exercise of my individual rights, I can not infringe upon your individual rights. When a question of individual rights has many possible answers, many of which seem contentious to those of an opposing viewpoint, the collective will of the people, voted on, and enforced as laws, will suffice to answer the question. When the question is settled without popular consent or approval of the people, vigilantism has often occurred. As has happened with Roe v Wade. Life is too complex an issue to be taken off the table for debate, decided for us by our sometimes wise benefactors.
I agree with the sentiment, but can only disagree with the part about "wise benefactors" these "wise benefactors" are the fools that gave us income taxes, surrendered control of our monetary supply to the Fed, Used force to confiscate our Gold, and then have consistently failed to maintain a stable currency.

They are also the ones that insist that we must provide for their largess to the "less fortunate" ignoring the fact that they do not really make any difference, and are doing a lot of harm when they steal from one group of people to give to another, and ultimately end up reducing both to lower standards of living by creating inflation due to the fact that there is no such thing as a free lunch.


New Member
go back and read the thread CC,

pro-choce already won this one.

Why do you think everone opposing me disappeared when they asked for an intelligent debate and I gave them one?

and then you show up after the action and ask me to repeat everything.

You are getting no more out of me until you go back and do some reading

we all know you have nothing better to do CC


New Member
Thats correct.

That will suffice? How so?
Just because they majority of people in SOME states believe abortion to be wrong shouldnt mean everyone HAS to follow their beliefs. That is infringing upon the right for a person to choose. Just because a woman aborts her baby does not mean YOU or anyone else for that matter is affected.

Your argument is falling to pieces already CC.

You will suffice for that because it is the easy way to make everyone believe the same thing. You are scared of individuality for some reason that is beyond me.

No question needs to be settled.

And you are using the word vigilantism in the wrong context. vigilantism is when the people go about fixing what they believe to be wrong in an un-organized manner,, such as violence.

If you are going to use "bad" words like vigilantism, at least know what they mean.

Making your own choices is not vigilantism.

no, life is too complex for YOU to debate, so you let others decide for you.

I can make my own decision when life starts, im that good
Vigilante- broadly : a self-appointed doer of justice (i.e. Ginsburg)


Just because you "feel" the fetus has no rights, doesn't make it so. Just because others "feel" the fetus has rights, also, doesn't make it so. It's a judgement call. A judgement call states, individually, should be left to decide.


New Member
I agree with the sentiment, but can only disagree with the part about "wise benefactors" these "wise benefactors" are the fools that gave us income taxes, surrendered control of our monetary supply to the Fed, Used force to confiscate our Gold, and then have consistently failed to maintain a stable currency.

They are also the ones that insist that we must provide for their largess to the "less fortunate" ignoring the fact that they do not really make any difference, and are doing a lot of harm when they steal from one group of people to give to another, and ultimately end up reducing both to lower standards of living by creating inflation due to the fact that there is no such thing as a free lunch.
It was a jab at the living constitution crowd, crowding out common sense in the high court. It went well with vigilantism.


Well-Known Member
go back and read the thread CC,

pro-choce already won this one.

Why do you think everone opposing me disappeared when they asked for an intelligent debate and I gave them one?

and then you show up after the action and ask me to repeat everything.

You are getting no more out of me until you go back and do some reading

we all know you have nothing better to do CC
Wait..what? When did Pro-choice win this thread?

I didn't even know there could be a winner, this was strictly opinion topic.

You must have missed my arguments then.


New Member
Wait..what? When did Pro-choice win this thread?

I didn't even know there could be a winner, this was strictly opinion topic.

You must have missed my arguments then.
i'm sure they were great as you seem to have some sense in you from what i have seen, but i have heard them all and they are all argued with one simple simple point

Freedom to choose.


New Member
and who is going to answer me?

i have a good dozen question unanswered by you so-called debate guru's

you just ignore the question so you dont have to say the truth.

so everyone should believe what the majority believes?