If everyone at the concert was armed this wouldnt of happened

are 12 year olds able to consent ?

No, one night just before they turn whichever age the plantation they reside on says they can consent, a magic consent fairy descends upon them and they gain the wherewithal. If the law moves higher or lower the ability of everybody within the geographical confines of that plantation shifts with the law. Weird how that happens huh ?
No, one night just before they turn whichever age the plantation they reside on says they can consent, a magic consent fairy descends upon them and they gain the wherewithal. If the law moves higher or lower the ability of everybody within the geographical confines of that plantation shifts with the law. Weird how that happens huh ?
No matter how you try to rationalize it. You are a fucking pedophile.
No, one night just before they turn whichever age the plantation they reside on says they can consent, a magic consent fairy descends upon them and they gain the wherewithal. If the law moves higher or lower the ability of everybody within the geographical confines of that plantation shifts with the law. Weird how that happens huh ?
the amount of derision you use to talk about consent laws is astounding. you really are a pedophile.
People who are incapable of giving consent cannot consent. The younger people are the less likely they've arrived at a point where they can.

I don't have any right to deprive a person who is capable of consenting to something which isn't harmful to others from doing so. Could you tell me which person has that right ?

Who decides if someone is capable of giving consent?

If I asked my 8 year old if he is capable of driving a car, he'd most certainly say yes. I would say no. Who decides?


No, one night just before they turn whichever age the plantation they reside on says they can consent, a magic consent fairy descends upon them and they gain the wherewithal. If the law moves higher or lower the ability of everybody within the geographical confines of that plantation shifts with the law. Weird how that happens huh ?
No it actually does not start like that, but to prevent perverts like yourself from taking advantage of 12 year old boy/girls we have set an age limit. Why does that piss you off.
Who decides if someone is capable of giving consent?

If I asked my 8 year old if he is capable of driving a car, he'd most certainly say yes. I would say no. Who decides?

Two answers. One, it's your car. Two, it's your kid. The answer should be obvious.
No it actually does not start like that, but to prevent perverts like yourself from taking advantage of 12 year old boy/girls we have set an age limit. Why does that piss you off.

So, are you saying that somewhere somehow a law like that could be depriving a person who is capable of consenting from doing so ?
the amount of derision you use to talk about consent laws is astounding. you really are a pedophile.

Well, no, I'm not. But it is self evident you are advancing a prohibitionist argument daddio.

If you don't agree with my magic consent fairy example above you are, since you would be admitting that a universal age doesn't exist in reality, only statutorily. If you do agree with it, you're probably beyond my help.
Two answers. One, it's your car. Two, it's your kid. The answer should be obvious.

You avoided answering the question.

Who's decision is it? Who decides if someone is capable of giving consent?

If my 10 year old daughter feels that she is old enough to have sex, but I as her parent disagree, who has the final say? Or if she feels that she is old enough to drink, but I disagree, who makes the call?

Kids think they are capable of doing all sorts of shit that they really are not. As a society we have put age restrictions on certain things like drinking, driving, smoking, voting, etc. The age restrictions may seem arbitrary, but there is some sound thinking behind it like brain development, education, maturity, etc. Of course there are some kids that are more advanced than others, and not every child fits in to the same box, but in general the age of consent is a decent guidline that was arrived at not by accident. If you leave "consent" up to children that are not emotionally mature enough to engage in certain types of behaviour, there will be consequences for that child down the road. We have observed this in children over time, and therefor have put age restrictions on certain behavior. It's common sense.