Random Jabber Jibber thread

If you're making butter with the cheese cloth you might try one of these - it's my best friend for that evolution.

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It's called a potato ricer & does a bang up job squeezing that hot AF trim/butter without burning your hands.

Holy shit fuck! I have one of those and completely forgot about it.

Tried to ruin my hands instead. Arthritis worse today from stupid squeezing for 20 minutes.

Leave it to me to choose the most labor intensive way to do things.
Holy shit fuck! I have one of those and completely forgot about it.

Tried to ruin my hands instead. Arthritis worse today from stupid squeezing for 20 minutes.

Leave it to me to choose the most labor intensive way to do things.

When you're using it make sure you don't go all superman on it right away as the hinged "pusher plate" can get cocked causing a high speed jet of butter/trim goop to spew out at you.

I had to clean the ceiling when I figured this one out. :wall:
When you're using it make sure you don't go all superman on it right away as the hinged "pusher plate" can get cocked causing a high speed jet of butter/trim goop to spew out at you.

I had to clean the ceiling when I figured this one out. :wall:

I still managed to get tiny drops on my glasses just squeezing it, Lol.

I'll try not to be so anxious next time ;-).


It's called a potato ricer & does a bang up job squeezing that hot AF trim/butter without burning your hands.
an aside: growing up it seems we had mashed potato's at just about every Midwestern meal. Mom used this contraption (called a food mill) to make them. Won't work for trim, but if you are an afficienado of perfect MP's, this is the cat's ass, especially if you make a lot of them. Get the Foley brand with a solid handle. A "lasts a lifetime" appliance.
Flat tire at midnight on the side of busy highway...shit!

Tire iron had the wrong size socket...fuck!

Call for socket set and brother drives out 20 minutes I bring it...sweet!

Socket set doesn't have a deep enough socket to get into the recess of the rim where the lug nut is hiding...damnit!

Jam socket on to breaker bar HALF WAY and manage to slip it on the lungut...relief!

Socket won't budge. Thing is locked on...stomp my feet for 5 minutes...grrr!

Borrow pipe from 24 hour security guard patrolling a construction site, use it for leverage and break the lug nut free...thank you!

Spare tire doesn't line up with the bolts on my rotor...really?

Find second hidden spare tire under the first...um okay?

Put spare tire on, drive 200 feet, spare tire pops...fuck my life!

Call AAA, get towed, post on RIU...relief.

Five dabs later...my toe hurts, I'm gonna eat two corn dogs and a pint of Cherry Garcia...life could be worse.