I don't know if you read that article but it pointed out that recent elections in the south have put two people who are black and progressive in mayoral offices in extremely conservative states. His theory is that if progressives can win there they can win anywhere. In the cases mentioned in the article, what you said is true. We can win anywhere, even in Jackson Mississippi, and maybe even in a Senatorial contest in Alabama when people who oppose the right wing agenda unify.
Trump and the extreme right are going to own the racist vote, which is about half of all white people, probably a little more than half. To end their domination, we need to unity across racial and class lines among the people who oppose the right wing agenda.
Unfortunately, I don't think Sandernistas like
@ttystikk ,
@Padawanbater2 ,
@st0wandgrow seek unity, they seek compliance. For some reason
@st0wandgrow thought I'd be upset over the victory of a black progressive in Mississippi, which means he doesn't understand the concept of unity, only liberal white supremacy. But there is still time to talk about this.