What did you accomplish today?

Took the kid and wife to the pumpkin patch today. Lots of milfs. Pretty fun. Got stung by a yellow jacket on my shoulder as we were leaving. Not pretty fun. Think I'll live.

A couple of years ago I was playing a wedding ceremony with my best friends when a bee started buzzing around my face. I didn't swat at it or make any quick movements. I didn't want to piss off the bee and the bride was walking down the aisle, so I didn't want make a mistake and fuck up her jam. The bee landed on my eyebrow and stung me right in the eyelid. Fucking hurt, so I stopped playing (my friends continued) and went cursing inside to the bathroom. I picked out the little stinger and rinsed out that eye, but it swelled up to a cartoonish size. The groom handed us a tip after the cocktail hour for $100 per man, which is rare. My buddies still joke that it's because he felt bad about the bee sting and my hideous face, and that they should make sure I get stung in the eye every gig. Fuckers...
I was a pussy!
I'd clean my kid up when it was easy, what i called pollen poop, after that....no fucking way! Ok, maybe like 50 times? It's all fun and games until it stinks like shit if you ask me. :spew:

Hahaha, I went to see my grandson this past weekend and from the time I showed up they put me on poop duty. Ohh well he's a good kid and doesn't fight or play in it , so not to bad ( except the smell )
Hahaha, I went to see my grandson this past weekend and from the time I showed up they put me on poop duty. Ohh well he's a good kid and doesn't fight or play in it , so not to bad ( except the smell )
Well, you the man bro! I was kind of exaggerating when i said i changed my kids diapers around 50 times. Thinking about it more, it was more like maybe 20 times.
I'm def not doing it for my grandkids when that happens, i say it now. Maybe the peepee ones, but no cacka stinky poopoo ones. Fuck all that!
It's always good to have video.
My daughter has become a vegetarian and denies that she ever hated mushrooms.

Lying little bitch... :roll:
You know how you are with your first kid. Video tape everything. Snap awake in the middle of the night to check if they are breathing. Overly cautious over everything.

I just happened to be filming while the wife was changing her. I wasn't even paying attention. I was waiting for her to get done and still caught it on film.

It was like a runny poop bomb went off.

I've been changing poopy diapers and helping wipe butts for 8 years. Mine are all potty trained. Its sad in a way because they are growing up but in the other hand I'm kind of glad not to have to change anymore.