Truth about roots in dwc

You sure can.
DWC -The hard truth about % DO Saturation and PPM DO Concentration simplified… You can keep guessing, hoping and praying every day that your res water DO will be "safe" for your crop and Bennys or if you really want to know if you are winning or losing the DO challenge of insuring safe oxygenation in your DWC or RDWC res water, well that's easy to do and it's simple…. Test your DO with a DO meter or DO chemical test strips. The test strips are cheap, $1 a test or so.

It is really popular not to really know what DO surprise awaits you when check your roots every morning, Always watching for the dreaded symptoms of root rot... and the Pythium outbreak. Oh the routine morning anticipation of looking at your roots not knowing what surprise you might find every morning is sort of exciting for many growers so to speak.

If your DO saturation is too low, simply add more oxygen, if your DO Saturation is within the “safe range”, don’t worry, be happy and roll up a big one, get laid and chill out because your DO is safe in your res water.

But, if your DO Saturation is too low, you really got big problems and if you do not fix that low DO problem, you will have sick, dying, dead and decaying roots and you can bet your 1st born child (legitimate or bastard child) the fungus is always present and will colonize and thrive on your dead marijuana roots.

All that aggravation and heart break is predictable every time your DWC/RDWC life support system fails to support aerobic life forms.

Adding more air, air stones higher water falls does not add more O2, because air is always 80% Nitrogen and 1/5 oxygen (O2) and Mother Nature absolutely controls that mixture of gases, not you. Mother Nature calls the shots and the oxygen is air is a limiting factor when elemental oxygen (O2) is necessary in any life support system.
Short concise straigh-to-the-point answer that leaves no doubt. This is ANYTHING BUT.
Is there any way i could get someone to give me a short concise straigh-to-the-point answer that leaves no doubt?[/QUOTE]
Try it for your self and only you can see if any difference is there. Go try it with two cuttings or at least two of the same strain.. good luck and happy growing
Hey, hey, hey, have any of you dudes heard the news this morning?

David Meade has predicted the end of the world. Dave claims that Planet X or “Nibiru” arrives today, September 23, 2017. If Dave is right, roll up everything you got… now.

If you got’um, smoke’um, all of’um and bang your bitch several times this morning before breakfast. Wait and watch for Planet X or “Nibiru” today. It will definitely be impressive when it hits.

But, on the bright side, the end of our world is not new… the earth has already experienced 5 mass extinctions where 75% of the earth’s life forms were destroyed.

The worst, most massive extinction happened 250 million years ago when 96% of the marine species and 70% of the land species were exterminated.

Keep in mind, while our ancestors have been around for about six million years, the modern form of humans only evolved about 200,000 years ago. Civilization as we know it is only about 6,000 years old, and industrialization started in the earnest only in the 1800s.

Are you dudes ready to meet your maker in person today?
Hey, hey, hey, have any of you dudes heard the news this morning?

David Meade has predicted the end of the world. Dave claims that Planet X or “Nibiru” arrives today, September 23, 2017. If Dave is right, roll up everything you got… now.

If you got’um, smoke’um, all of’um and bang your bitch several times this morning before breakfast. Wait and watch for Planet X or “Nibiru” today. It will definitely be impressive when it hits.

But, on the bright side, the end of our world is not new… the earth has already experienced 5 mass extinctions where 75% of the earth’s life forms were destroyed.

The worst, most massive extinction happened 250 million years ago when 96% of the marine species and 70% of the land species were exterminated.

Keep in mind, while our ancestors have been around for about six million years, the modern form of humans only evolved about 200,000 years ago. Civilization as we know it is only about 6,000 years old, and industrialization started in the earnest only in the 1800s.

Are you dudes ready to meet your maker in person today?
You REALLY should read up on what you puke out to others.
Stuff like this is why I had to ask. This line specifically implies roots can breathe O2 atmospherically. Since asking this, I've learned they dont breathe atmospherically at all and get 100% O2 in water as DO, but I wanted to come back and show an example of misleading info. It's from this site too. Also, the best answer to this question, instead of 20 bushbeating posts, would have been, "Roots get all O2 from the water as DO, and none atmospherically" BAM, one damn sentence was all that was needed lmao funny thing about growin is that a little experience can 1. Make ppl feel like pros who then try to give advice arrogantly on forums, and 2. Teach a grower enough to eventually answer his own questions.
Thanks for the learning experience


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how do roots "breath" in soil and in aeroponics then?

Before I answer, this "100% via DO" thing is somethin i read, NOT something i learned from any experience. Just wanna make that clear so i dont look like another repetitious lipflapper lol It's the culmination of asking a million times, then finally finding it while researching.

I would guess that in soil and aeroponics, the roots never totally dry out, so either moist soil, or water that hasnt totally dried before the next soaking, are what keeps the O2 comin in. I assume that if they were dry enough that the root came in direct contact with the air, that O2 would not be absorbed.

Also, one or two ppl 'kinda' answered it right, so i dont wanna look like im disrespecting ALL who answered, just the ones who talked down their noses like im stupid for asking, without even bein able to answer the simple SIMPLE question. Even though i asked for short and concise answers only lmaooo
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Is it possible to change the name of this thread? I'd prefer "How roots breathe", but idk how (or if i can) to change it
Hey, hey, hey, have any of you dudes heard the news this morning?

David Meade has predicted the end of the world. Dave claims that Planet X or “Nibiru” arrives today, September 23, 2017. If Dave is right, roll up everything you got… now.

If you got’um, smoke’um, all of’um and bang your bitch several times this morning before breakfast. Wait and watch for Planet X or “Nibiru” today. It will definitely be impressive when it hits.

But, on the bright side, the end of our world is not new… the earth has already experienced 5 mass extinctions where 75% of the earth’s life forms were destroyed.

The worst, most massive extinction happened 250 million years ago when 96% of the marine species and 70% of the land species were exterminated.

Keep in mind, while our ancestors have been around for about six million years, the modern form of humans only evolved about 200,000 years ago. Civilization as we know it is only about 6,000 years old, and industrialization started in the earnest only in the 1800s.

Are you dudes ready to meet your maker in person today?
FYI; we're living through another Mass Extinction Event right now, of our own making.
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I would just tend to think that since oxygen is a molecule it gets taken up just like any other. Air or water, O2 is O2.
Correct me if that's totally wrong.
Because of all the conflicting information, please only post if you have experience. I get the same rhetoric over and over from both sides, and it's usually verbatum as if ppl are quoting the same sites instead of speaking with original thoughts.
In dwc, are the roots breathing oxygen dissolved in the water or are they breathing atmospherically through the roots that are above the water?
Half the sources say they breathe from the water. Those are the ones sayin i need smaller bubbles, because those take longer to get to the top and have more surface area.
The other half says that roots only get 1 to 2 percent of their air from the water, and that the rest comes from the air between the waterline and bucket lid. If this is true, i could unhook my air stone and just let huge bubbles come from the hose itself and those bubbles would not only aerate the exposed roots but would do better at moving the underwater roots around (to prevent nutriend and oxygen deadzones).
Is there any way i could get someone to give me a short concise straigh-to-the-point answer that leaves no doubt?
I've been a fish breeder for longer than some people on this site have been alive, so I have worked a bit with water and bubbles and all that shit.
I see a couple of common misconceptions here....

Firstly I don't care how small your bubbles are, oxygen dissolves very badly into oxygen by just passing through it... If you use a CO2 ladder you can see how easily CO2 gets absorbed as the bubble shrinks while it goes up instead of the expansion you would expect.
The real mechanism at work is simply exposing as many molecules of water to the surface of the water. What works better than bubbles is a simple waterfall system, heck you could go out and buy a waterfall filter for an aquarium for a few bucks.It will even capture organic debris in the water and break it down into nitrites and nitrates.

For millions of years things have been going extinct nothing has changed.
whatsup with the old thread though.