Will Congress act now?

Will the Congress enact more gun control?

  • Oh, yea, absolutely!

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Never fucking happen

    Votes: 35 94.6%

  • Total voters
So you are going to dictate what I need when hiking? What gives you that right special one? I'm going to carry 30 regardless tyvm, bears head is pretty big and the cats are pretty thin skinned so one spare clip is pretty comfy.

So now that we have established how huge you think my dick and house are, and that I'm going to carry 30 rounds and there's absolutely jack shit that you or the Democratic Party is going to do about it except possibly attempt to make me carry 2 spare clips instead of 1.......whats the point considering its a state issue anyways?
Yes carry two clips hell carry three...just don't make it were some tiny dick secret mentally unstable individual can pop off 30 without a reload. You also might what to spend more time on the range if you need 30 shots to hit your target. HMMMMM the smell of pussy in the air.
You're the only pussy I know that's scared of black bears, lol.

Tweakers don't hike.

Have you ever even seen a mountain lion while hiking?
LOL Tweakers out hiking away from the city and drugs. Funniest shit ever
9mm vs a grizzly? you are dumb. I would carry my 44 in Alaska but this is Cali. I said "bears, cats and tweekers" and then you come up with this dumb shit.
I don't carry. I've spent weeks hiking in Grizzly country in the Tetons, Yellowstone and Montana. A hand gun just gives false sense of confidence. Keep a clean camp, hang the food well away from the camp. Make noise as you hike down the trail and stay out of areas if a sow and a cub are working it.

Alaska is a different situation. The rules are the same, keep a clean camp, hang food well away, make plenty of noise when walking about and yes, I'd consider carrying protection there. I don't know what that would be. I'd have to think that one through.

It was some other asshole who was talking about carrying a 9mm. For bears and cats, in California nontheless. LOL. Not me. I'm not going to worry about extremely rare events.

Be careful when taking a shower, lots of people get hurt when taking a shower. People who raise the level of risk to others because they are afraid of extremely rare events are cowards.
I don't carry. I've spent weeks hiking in Grizzly country in the Tetons, Yellowstone and Montana. A hand gun just gives false sense of confidence. Keep a clean camp, hang the food well away from the camp. Make noise as you hike down the trail and stay out of areas if a sow and a cub are working it.

Alaska is a different situation. The rules are the same, keep a clean camp, hang food well away, make plenty of noise when walking about and yes, I'd consider carrying protection there. I don't know what that would be. I'd have to think that one through.

It was some other asshole who was talking about carrying a 9mm. For bears and cats, in California nontheless. LOL. Not me. I'm not going to worry about extremely rare events.

Be careful when taking a shower, lots of people get hurt when taking a shower. People who raise the level of risk to others because they are afraid of extremely rare events are cowards.
If I can carry. Im going to carry. I don't want to be eaten or robbed.
Alaska is a different situation.
my old boss loved to tell this story:
him and 3 guys went up to fish in AK. they show up at base camp, the guide asks what they all have for bear protection. one of the guys pulls out a .38 special. the guide with a really serious look asks if he filed the front sights off of it. he says why in the world would i do that? the guide says when the bear shoves it up his ass right before he mauls him, it will go in much easier. all 5 guys bust out laughing.

41/44 mag or a 12 ga slug if I ever go up that way for sure. or a .22 and shoot the knee caps of whomever i'm with and run like hell.
You're the only pussy I know that's scared of black bears, lol.

Tweakers don't hike.

Have you ever even seen a mountain lion while hiking?

nope but a dude was hit in paradise a couple years ago in the morning, remember that? ever hit up the top of Shasta for a nice walk and check all the tracks in the snow?

tweekers can hike 10x what your flabby ass can lol
Might kill my cat, if you could hit it, but a cougar? It would be eating your balls before it died. And a 9mm head shot to a bear charging? What planet do you live on?

the planet where I can actually hit a basketball sized target at 30 yards with a pistol....maybe practice a bit and join us? idk dude up to you.

what's next, just a shot in the ground during a standoff wouldn't prolly be enough? gimme a break dude what's next diving with no knife and riding with no helmet?

I support your right to do both lol
the planet where I can actually hit a basketball sized target at 30 yards with a pistol....maybe practice a bit and join us? idk dude up to you.

what's next, just a shot in the ground during a standoff wouldn't prolly be enough? gimme a break dude what's next diving with no knife and riding with no helmet?

I support your right to do both lol

you say you support riding without a helmet but there is no way a sub-poverty racist like you could ever contribute to keeping a vegetable on life support, hick. that's a bill the rest of us have to foot for brokedicks like you.
This is why these idiots need ARs with bump-stocks...

Cos they're stupid as fuck.

I wouldn't face a bear or a mountain lion with anything less than a .45 ...but on second thought any pistol tbh seems kinda retarded.

Especially with a bear, all that fur, it's just a big weaved mess of matted keratin... acts similar to a natural kevlar.

see? there ya go..."your 9 is too small I would need at least a 45" right?

you can get a .223 pistol if that makes you feel safe in the woods man, whatever floats your boat.

maybe a judge with 410 slugs.....ya know if your allowed to.
you say you support riding without a helmet but there is no way a sub-poverty racist like you could ever contribute to keeping a vegetable on life support, hick. that's a bill the rest of us have to foot for brokedicks like you.

I especially support your right to ride without a helmet bunk. shit I support a bunk bike fundraiser to just have one waiting on you to Darwin yourself.
I don't carry. I've spent weeks hiking in Grizzly country in the Tetons, Yellowstone and Montana. A hand gun just gives false sense of confidence. Keep a clean camp, hang the food well away from the camp. Make noise as you hike down the trail and stay out of areas if a sow and a cub are working it.

Alaska is a different situation. The rules are the same, keep a clean camp, hang food well away, make plenty of noise when walking about and yes, I'd consider carrying protection there. I don't know what that would be. I'd have to think that one through.

It was some other asshole who was talking about carrying a 9mm. For bears and cats, in California nontheless. LOL. Not me. I'm not going to worry about extremely rare events.

Be careful when taking a shower, lots of people get hurt when taking a shower. People who raise the level of risk to others because they are afraid of extremely rare events are cowards.

you're the dumb one that brought up grizzlies in norcal remember?

so ya go on your hikes, clean your camp and pack your food like the rest of us do.

be the next grizzly man bruh if that's your deal. accept that if you are attacked, it's your destiny and that you should have sealed that zip lock full of teddy grahams and Flintstone vitamins.....44 minimum I would say for Alaska but you don't need that cuz ur dee aminal wizzburer lol good luck.

no knives either might just fall on it, impale yourself right? thanks for the lulz you never disappoint.
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you're the dumb one that brought up grizzlies in normal remember?

so ya go on your hikes, clean your camp and pack your food like the rest of us do.

be the next grizzly man bruh if that's your deal. accept that if you are attacked, it's your destiny and that you should have sealed that zip lock full of teddy grahams and Flintstone vitamins.....44 minimum I would say for Alaska but you don't need that cuz ur dee aminal wizzburer lol good luck.

no knives either might just fall on it, impale yourself right? thanks for the lulz you never disappoint.

you are a joke to us here.
oh, wait.

the guy that voted for a serial sexual predator is trying to feign outrage about harvey weinstein, and from some retarded reason is trying to make it about hillary clinton.


lol no it was about you actually. I don't recall betting my account on my vote for Johnson but you bet your account on this lady though, enjoy!

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Yes carry two clips hell carry three...just don't make it were some tiny dick secret mentally unstable individual can pop off 30 without a reload. You also might what to spend more time on the range if you need 30 shots to hit your target. HMMMMM the smell of pussy in the air.

30 without a reload down to 10 with with one second between mags to infinity....progress!

I can hit my target with one, now how many can I carry sire? each according to need right so I get one, bunk gets 75, you get one and Justin gets 23, it's only fair we get to defend against one target.....