Will Congress act now?

Will the Congress enact more gun control?

  • Oh, yea, absolutely!

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Never fucking happen

    Votes: 35 94.6%

  • Total voters
You're 'glad' when the language you use lacks clarity to such an extent even you aren't able to define your own words? This is tantamount to being proud of one's own ignorance. Strange.

What is an 'involuntary government'?
There's a lot of people like this. They're called Trump supporters.
my vote for Johnson

lol, right. as you recite every trumptard talking point verbatim like a good little boy.




it's funny whenever you trumptards try to feign outrage over harvey weinstein.
my old boss loved to tell this story:
him and 3 guys went up to fish in AK. they show up at base camp, the guide asks what they all have for bear protection. one of the guys pulls out a .38 special. the guide with a really serious look asks if he filed the front sights off of it. he says why in the world would i do that? the guide says when the bear shoves it up his ass right before he mauls him, it will go in much easier. all 5 guys bust out laughing.

41/44 mag or a 12 ga slug if I ever go up that way for sure. or a .22 and shoot the knee caps of whomever i'm with and run like hell.
Hollow points.
lol, right. as you recite every trumptard talking point verbatim like a good little boy.




it's funny whenever you trumptards try to feign outrage over harvey weinstein.

it's funny when you have to make shit up to defend yourself, that's for sure.

say, didn't you bet your account on a feminist that's married to a rapist?

talk moar about twump though, cut my life into pieces.
you have to make shit up

no i don't, you aree a trump lover. you recite trumptard propaganda verbatim. witness:

married to a rapist

clinton got sued for sexual harassment once, but he has never settled a rape case, much less multiple rape cases like trump, you retarded lying hypocrite.

i can see why you like trump though, no one else calls nazis like you "very fine people".[/QUOTE]
nope but a dude was hit in paradise a couple years ago in the morning, remember that? ever hit up the top of Shasta for a nice walk and check all the tracks in the snow?

tweekers can hike 10x what your flabby ass can lol
you should be more worried about rat bites

a mountain lion attack won't happen,

this and your penchant for day trading explain a lot about your losses
no i don't, you aree a trump lover. you recite trumptard propaganda verbatim. witness:

clinton got sued for sexual harassment once, but he has never settled a rape case, much less multiple rape cases like trump, you retarded lying hypocrite.

i can see why you like trump though, no one else calls nazis like you "very fine people".

you aree defending clinton while aree not defending trump. pretty funny.

hey, didn't you bet your account here about a year ago on a lady that called black people "super predators" then went on a black radio show and said she always carried hot sauce in her purse?

you did.
"while are not defending trump"?

nice try at english.

oh, and good job on repeating more laughably false trumptard propaganda, trump lover. please show me where in the transcript she mentions black people, who you think should have endured your vicious south carolina racism without civil rights.

aree you thinking that the feminist you bet your account on who knew and was friends with her donor rapist weinstein, helped Russia secure American uranium for the proposes of rigging the election against her later just to make you personally die inside a little?

I do.

nice try at english again. keep trying, sport.

you sure are worried about weinstein for a trailer dweller who voted for a rapist.

hillary raped your credibility. did you read her new book? it got wonderful Amazon reviews....after amazon deleted all the bad ones that is.

anyhow, anxiously waiting on those Johnson rape accusation links youre going to post up, that's why you're bunk man, hop to it.
hillary raped your credibility. did you read her new book? it got wonderful Amazon reviews....after amazon deleted all the bad ones that is.

anyhow, anxiously waiting on those Johnson rape accusation links youre going to post up, that's why you're bunk man, hop to it.
for the proposes of reality, you are part and partial of the trumptard cult.

do you get paid to parrot the same stuff russian bots are posting on twitter?