Game Wardens do not need warrants.

If you own your property put up a sign that says'' KEEP OUT AND ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK'' This works IF you have a LOCK on your entrance to your property in Florida!! no one has that much authority unless you are on PUBLIC PROPERTY OR ON STATE OWN LAND!!:hump:
all they need is suspicion or probable caus or a fake anominus tip, then they can legally enter your land and or home weather or not you being there .. for example If my neibour didn't like me and wanted to cause problems for me, all they would have to do is call the local game and wild life department or the department of natural resources and say that I'm keeping a baby deer on my property.. then with out a warrant they could legally enter my property and home to look for said deer.. however they can't look in your cupboard or under your couch and what not, but they can and will look through your fridge and freezer..
Oh ya - wardens are complete dicks sometimes. I had one try to give me a ticket for no boat registration ON MY SAIL BOARD. Somehow I talked my way out of it. Once they wanted to bust me for OREGANO they found in my backpack during a camping trip. Another time I got a ticket in the BWCA for no permit, because the damn lake had ice on it and I couldn't get into Quetico park. Way too much power, with negligible training.
My Friend Pat was busted in the in 1980's twice by game wardens going through his vegetable garden in Vermont. They said in court the weed was in plain view while conducting their job tracking wildlife. He could not beat it in court, lucky for him Vermont is and was liberal so he got probation.
I can only speak for Texas Wardens, but, assuming that the game is similar across the board, don’t be surprised if your state isn’t the same. I know a bit about Alaska and New Mexico, but let’s talk about TX.

In TX They fall under the TX Department of Public Safety, the same dpt as our Highway Patrol, only they are much more highly trained versions of a HP. Kind of our “special forces” of law enforcement.

Game and Fish laws are incredibly difficult to enforce, so Wardens are given more authority than your average LEO (Law Enforcement Officer). You can hide a few trout under the seat of your truck, a quartered out doe in a truck toolbox etc. so they are given authority to search without permission if they suspect a law may have been broken.

A Game Warden doesn’t have to suspect a game law has been broken. He only needs to suspect a LAW has been broken because of who he works for. (TX DPS) If he smells weed, he will suspect you have weed on you and legally search you and your vehicle. Go ahead. Fight him. You will wind up in cuffs in the ditch.

Our Wardens are issued full auto M4’s. I am not aware of any other State level LEO in the USA that carry full auto (for all practical purposes, they have the same thing as our soldiers carry). Feds, yes. State ... not aware of any.

I believe our Wardens are the ONLY LEO in the USA that can operate outside Texas as LEO’s under a military commission. Remember Katrina? Our Wardens were there acting under a military commission as LEO’s.

Now, as for “they can’t do that, I’ll tell them to get off my property” or “they aren’t looking for weed, they are just Fish cops”. Hate to burst your bubble, but their job has been enforcing the law. Busting meth labs, catching poachers, assisting with anything the TX DOT needs. That is their job.

LEO’s may not have written quotas, but they are expected to do their jobs. And a 1/4 Oz is a nice ticket to write! Plus you get to see what the inside of game wardens truck looks like!

They will never turn a blind eye to weed. If you are driving through TX, and a Game Warden pulls you over and they smell weed, you are done brother. They are tenacious and they are better at their jobs than your average Barney Rubble.

I can’t speak for other states, but it’s sure likely that they have the authority to search your vehicle without your permission. Keep this in mind at State parks, lakes, rivers etc. They do gather Wardens at lakes on holiday weekends, walking around campsites, looking for this exact thing. They can and will search all your stuff given the tiniest bit of probable cause. Smell, pipe, papers ... whatever.

The Texas and Alaska Game Warden is no joke. They are the most highly trained LEO’s out there. Do not underestimate their power or their abilities.
Game and Fish laws are incredibly difficult to enforce, so Wardens are given more authority than your average LEO (Law Enforcement Officer). You can hide a few trout under the seat of your truck, a quartered out doe in a truck toolbox etc. so they are given authority to search without permission if they suspect a law may have been broken.

Sounds like you might know what your're talking about. Can you explain to me why wardens have more authority to go after fish poachers, than say a 'normal' LEO has going after drug traffickers? Or violent criminals? Not sure I'm getting this. I hope I don't have to remind you that we have a constitution in this country.

A Game Warden doesn’t have to suspect a game law has been broken. He only needs to suspect a LAW has been broken because of who he works for. (TX DPS) If he smells weed, he will suspect you have weed on you and legally search you and your vehicle. Go ahead. Fight him. You will wind up in cuffs in the ditch.

I've got no problems with them enforcing any laws. What happen to me was that they HEARD us talking about pot. Searched us. Found oregano. End up in cuffs. Hows that fit your narrative?

You want to live under the cuff, you are more than welcome. I will ALWAYS be a free man.

The Texas and Alaska Game Warden is no joke. They are the most highly trained LEO’s out there. Do not underestimate their power or their abilities.

Bull shit. I lived in Texas for three years. Big Ol Boy country, if I've ever seen it. Highly trained? Only if they allow fat fucks.
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Sounds like you might know what your're talking about. Can you explain to me why wardens have more authority to go after fish poachers, than say a 'normal' LEO has going after drug traffickers? Or violent criminals? Not sure I'm getting this. I hope I don't have to remind you that we have a constitution in this country.

I've got no problems with them enforcing any laws. What happen to me was that they HEARD us talking about pot. Searched us. Found oregano. End up in cuffs. Hows that fit your narrative?

You want to live under the cuff, you are more than welcome. I will ALWAYS be a free man.

Bull shit. I lived in Texas for three years. Big Ol Boy country, if I've ever seen it. Highly trained? Only if they allow fat fucks.
just like any leo need warrant from judge to enter any private home or land or its just not sticking!!
. . . . . . . . .The Texas and Alaska Game Warden is no joke. They are the most highly trained LEO’s out there. Do not underestimate their power or their abilities.
In Florida the Rabbit Sheriff's are pretty sharp too. They are real good at what they do. You do not want to piss one of them off. They are used to stakeouts in the woods. Most cops are not. If they really wanted to bust folks for growing, lots of folks would get busted.

I've got a few breaks over the years from them. Not for weed, but for hunting infractions. Helps that in small towns you know them.
The charges might not stick. But they'll tear your house, car, apart and take all your shit through civil assset forfeiture.

Either way your screwed. And as a former texas resident I will say game wardens are not the navy seals as they are portrayed here. They are just cops..... I used to fish and I never saw a game warden that looked like rambo walking around with assault rifles.... a lot of times they just asked for a fishing license and went on their way. Even on the water they would measure the keepers and leave. Not search every corner of the boat, and one of my fishing buddies was the stereotypical stoner, dreads, tiedie, tatoos and long beard.... and never had an issue where they patted usdown and looked in all our stuff....maybe I was just lucky I guess....
Deno, you are correct, we have a 4th amendment and we must live by it. They are not above it. Thumper is right, they need a warrant to search your house. If they don’t, get a good lawyer cuz you got yourself a case!

Because of the nature of game laws, and the makeup of private land (TX is something like 99% privately owned) they can come on private property and search places where game can be hidden, with probable cause.

They have to follow the same set of laws as every other LEO. Attorneys will use every other case law and argument against them, so they can’t just operate with impunity.

Our 4th amendment uses the words “unreasonable” search and seizure. By now that term is firmly ensconced in case law and defined to the point that LEOs know when and where to draw the line. If they don’t, their case is thrown out. Happens too many times and then guess who is thrown out?

Our TX game wardens trucks were recently changed from saying “Game Warden” to “State Police” on the tail gate. Still has the same crest on the door indicating it’s a Game Warden. Nothing changed. Same job.

I’m just giving you the 411 on TX wardens.

The Alaska Wardens aren’t called Brown Shirts for nothing, btw. Those guys are serious. Some of them fly planes around and ticket hunters in the field. By themselves. They too have a similar structure working for Alaska Troopers I believe. Don’t mess with the brown shirt troopers in AK.
Deno, you are correct, we have a 4th amendment and we must live by it. They are not above it. Thumper is right, they need a warrant to search your house. If they don’t, get a good lawyer cuz you got yourself a case!

Because of the nature of game laws, and the makeup of private land (TX is something like 99% privately owned) they can come on private property and search places where game can be hidden, with probable cause.

They have to follow the same set of laws as every other LEO. Attorneys will use every other case law and argument against them, so they can’t just operate with impunity.

Our 4th amendment uses the words “unreasonable” search and seizure. By now that term is firmly ensconced in case law and defined to the point that LEOs know when and where to draw the line. If they don’t, their case is thrown out. Happens too many times and then guess who is thrown out?

Our TX game wardens trucks were recently changed from saying “Game Warden” to “State Police” on the tail gate. Still has the same crest on the door indicating it’s a Game Warden. Nothing changed. Same job.

I’m just giving you the 411 on TX wardens.

The Alaska Wardens aren’t called Brown Shirts for nothing, btw. Those guys are serious. Some of them fly planes around and ticket hunters in the field. By themselves. They too have a similar structure working for Alaska Troopers I believe. Don’t mess with the brown shirt troopers in AK.
here they can enter hunting-sport camps with no warrant to check fish or game rules, but not ones home need paper to do that
The charges might not stick. But they'll tear your house, car, apart and take all your shit through civil assset forfeiture.

Either way your screwed. And as a former texas resident I will say game wardens are not the navy seals as they are portrayed here. They are just cops..... I used to fish and I never saw a game warden that looked like rambo walking around with assault rifles.... a lot of times they just asked for a fishing license and went on their way. Even on the water they would measure the keepers and leave. Not search every corner of the boat, and one of my fishing buddies was the stereotypical stoner, dreads, tiedie, tatoos and long beard.... and never had an issue where they patted usdown and looked in all our stuff....maybe I was just lucky I guess....

What are the rules of civil asset forfeiture? Can they take everything for 1 plant or does it have to be a certain amount?
This is both political, and legal... so I am posting on the same topic in both places.

Be aware that you have no rights of privacy in the world of Conservation Officers.

It varies from state to state, and I am compiling a complete list of states in which Game Wardens can:

"34. Examine, without a warrant as provided by law, any vehicle, creel, land or water conveyance, fish box, cooler, game bag or any other place where evidence of a crime may be hidden or transported whenever there is reason to believe that a violation of state law has been committed."

They have the "right" to be on your private property, without warrant on suspicion of ANY crime. They have the right to inspect ANY container, regardless of it's location (for instance a freezer in your basement, whether or not that freezer exists).

This is not conspiracy theory. This is fact.

"Search with or without Warrant

The laws in many U.S. states allow game wardens to conduct certain types of searches with or without search warrants. The law in Louisiana for instance states in part "...any commissioned wildlife agent may visit, inspect, and examine, with or without [a] search warrant, records, any cold storage plant, warehouse, boat, store, car, conveyance, automobile or other vehicle, airplane or other aircraft, basket or other receptacle, or any place of deposit for wild birds, wild quadrupeds, fish or other aquatic life or any parts thereof whenever there is probable cause to believe that a violation has occurred. Commissioned wildlife agents are authorized to visit or inspect at frequent intervals without the need of search warrants, records, cold storage plants, bait stands, warehouses, public restaurants, public and private markets, stores, and places where wild birds, game quadrupeds, fish, or other aquatic life or any parts therof may be kept and offered for sale, for the purpose of ascertaining whether any laws or regulations under the jurisdiction of the department have been violated...."[4] The laws in other states may grant more or less search and seizure authority. These exceptions granted to game wardens are still considered to fall within the constitutional limits of search and seizure as outlined in the U.S. Constitution."

Game warden makes $600,000 bust,0,7614799.story
Wildlife Officer Who Killed Hunter Won't Face Prosecution

The States I have researched so far (and I will get to all 50) where Game Wardens (Conservation Officer is the new title they like) can conduct warrantless searches on any private property, OR ISSUE WARRANTS are as follows:

Texas, yes Texas
North Carolina

They have the power and authority of State troopers typically, except for the fact that they are somehow still able to commit unlawful search and seizure.

Please help me and look up your own states game wardens, and link me to their statutes so I can add to this list.
Nope can't search your private dwelling without search warrant, freezer in your basement not without search warrant
If you own your property put up a sign that says'' KEEP OUT AND ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK'' This works IF you have a LOCK on your entrance to your property in Florida!! no one has that much authority unless you are on PUBLIC PROPERTY OR ON STATE OWN LAND!!:hump: