Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

Thank your lucky stars you live in such a liberal state.

But as a defense, your comments are pretty sad.
Sad how? I'm not going to mandate to other states how to run their primaries. I don't want the national committee to have the right to meddle in my state's primary rules. Why would you want that? If you don't like how the rules work in CO, get them changed. As you say, GET INVOLVED.
Holy makeral guys, the election is over. HRC was a horrible choice, probably the only person who could have lost against Trump. You don't put someone up there who's negatives are so high. She also doesn't have charisma - completely a non-leader type. I know at least one life long liberal who couldn't bring herself to vote for her. She fell for the right wing propaganda - voted for Stein instead. Sander's isn't much better. If you want to win, you need to put a leader up there. A natural born leader. It's not rocket science. I called it a year before the elections, asking why we were coronating HRC. I was basically crucified for even questioning. Now look what we've got to deal with.
Show us where Sander's approval ratings aren't much better; he's the most popular active politician in America today.
true that

I don't know what that means in terms of actual votes. But yes, he's one popular person.
I'd say it means that a lot of people would vote for him- if they're given the chance, that is. It's pretty clear that there are plenty who don't want to see that happen and are willing to do whatever it takes, 'by fair means or foul'.

He's the present day's analog of FDR. Sadly, I gear that Americans won't get serious about stopping the latest rush towards aristocracy until we suffer another Great Crash and Great Depression.

We seem to be pretty hard headed about the lessons of history.
I'd say it means that a lot of people would vote for him- if they're given the chance, that is. It's pretty clear that there are plenty who don't want to see that happen and are willing to do whatever it takes, 'by fair means or foul'.

He's the present day's analog to FDR. Sadly, I gear that Americans won't get serious about stopping the latest rush towards aristocracy until we suffer another Great Crash and Great Depression.

We seem to be pretty hard headed about the lessons of history.
Yeah every fucking Republican is gonna vote for a socialist Jew.
Nice try. The remarks I like aren't bigoted, even if the same poster says something bigoted elsewhere.

Yep. If someone says something that the tribal elders deem offensive, that person is branded, and the ball washers attempt to discredit everything that person ever has to say.

Now if you like a post from that person you’re lumped in there too.

The embarrassing part is that these cats are grown ass men....some old enough to be a grandparent.

Yep. If someone says something that the tribal elders deem offensive, that person is branded, and the ball washers attempt to discredit everything that person ever has to say.

Now if you like a post from that person you’re lumped in there too.

The embarrassing part is that these cats are grown ass men....some old enough to be a grandparent.

Such tactics prove that they aren't interested in debate- what they really want is a cult of personality. 'Blind loyalty for the win!'

With an attitude like that, they should be Chump supporters.
Holy makeral guys, the election is over. HRC was a horrible choice, probably the only person who could have lost against Trump. You don't put someone up there who's negatives are so high. She also doesn't have charisma - completely a non-leader type. I know at least one life long liberal who couldn't bring herself to vote for her. She fell for the right wing propaganda - voted for Stein instead. Sander's isn't much better. If you want to win, you need to put a leader up there. A natural born leader. It's not rocket science. I called it a year before the elections, asking why we were coronating HRC. I was basically crucified for even questioning. Now look what we've got to deal with.

Buck, are you going to report this Russian bot, or do I have to?
Yep. If someone says something that the tribal elders deem offensive, that person is branded, and the ball washers attempt to discredit everything that person ever has to say.

Now if you like a post from that person you’re lumped in there too.

The embarrassing part is that these cats are grown ass men....some old enough to be a grandparent.

Tell us again how you think black people do not know what is in their interests. Make sure you forget to acknowledge that voting rights was one of the major focal points of the civil rights movement.
Russia bot - haha. That's what I'm talking about. You can tell these people what's going to happen - they just act like they know better. Then proceed to lose. I'm a free thinker. My comments on Sanders were in relation to his leadership presence. If you think he's a winner, you are just going to lose all over again. The left just doesn't get it with elections. Leaders get elected. FWIW, I always vote Democrat, although I don't call myself one anymore, due primarily to the recent emphasis on identity politics, as if the left hasn't ALWAYS stood up for the poor, minorities, gays and disenfranchised. Suddenly the new left think they have it all figured out, and proceed to lose to Trump.
Such tactics prove that they aren't interested in debate- what they really want is a cult of personality. 'Blind loyalty for the win!'

With an attitude like that, they should be Chump supporters.

They are not to be taken seriously.

Buck has said some of the most vile, offensive shit I’ve seen posted on here, but not a peep from the ball washers. Shit, he openly dumped on (multiple times) American soldiers calling them “stupid bullet catchers”, and expressed his disgust in having to fund their pensions, and yet there’s ole constant-conflict (a vet) standing in line waiting to polish bucks nutsack. lol
They are not to be taken seriously.

Buck has said some of the most vile, offensive shit I’ve seen posted on here, but not a peep from the ball washers. Shit, he openly dumped on (multiple times) American soldiers calling them “stupid bullet catchers”, and expressed his disgust in having to fund their pensions, and yet there’s ole constant-conflict (a vet) standing in line waiting to polish bucks nutsack. lol
'do we SAY, not as we DO!'

Sounds just like Chump supporters to me, all right.