White people, particularly men:


Well-Known Member
No you can't, I have to repeat comments several times because you're so terrible at reading. Really, you're extremely vapid. Be sure to make your response in such a way that reveals you understood mine so I don't have to repeat it for you, dumb ass honkey.
You don't hear the answer you want and numbly repeat questions. Try answering a few first.


Well-Known Member
You don't hear the answer you want and numbly repeat questions. Try answering a few first.
Says the guy who repeated the same tired BS about antifascism for several pages, went on and on about sharia law despite that it is already unconstitutional, and follows UB around for attention...


Well-Known Member
You first dipshit. I asked if as a person of Jewish faith you support Muslims or sharia in America. C'mon, let your balls drop and take a stand.
i already answered that.

muslim people in america are more tolerant than white evangelicals. sharia law is unconstitutional per 1A. of course, you hate 1A because it also stops youo from banning certain religions from holding public office.

your turn, nazi.

are you honestly so fucking brainwashed and stupid that you even think it's a possibility?

honest question.


Well-Known Member
What thread did that come from?
You replied to a comment directed to that racist guy, you must want to bottom for him. The difference between this post and when you suggest this sort of thing regarding me is that my penis works, unlike yours, so being bottom is your only option.

Have you considered suicide?


Well-Known Member
You replied to a comment directed to that racist guy, you must want to bottom for him. The difference between this post and when you suggest this sort of thing regarding me is that my penis works, unlike yours, so being bottom is your only option.

Have you considered suicide?
good point. his dick does not work. all he can do is receive from other men essentially.


Well-Known Member
i already answered that.

muslim people in america are more tolerant than white evangelicals. sharia law is unconstitutional per 1A. of course, you hate 1A because it also stops youo from banning certain religions from holding public office.

your turn, nazi.

are you honestly so fucking brainwashed and stupid that you even think it's a possibility?

honest question.
Of course it's a possibility. Are you blind? All Nation states eventually become co-opted and fall. One only need look to recent history. Pol Pot, Ida Iman. Say, did you know that in Germany last century some really bad shit occurred?


Well-Known Member
Of course it's a possibility. Are you blind? All Nation states eventually become co-opted and fall. One only need look to recent history. Pol Pot, Ida Iman. Say, did you know that in Germany last century some really bad shit occurred?
germany's fall tarted with banning certain religions from doing things like holding public office, like you want to do.

no, sharia law is not possible here, the first amendment explicitly forbids it you racist un-american nazi retard.