Can phone pics get u busted?!

If they wanted to arrest people for sharing pics of pot plants I would've been in jail a long time ago. Turn off location for your camera app if you are paranoid but dude nobody cares. Yes it is possible that some asshole somewhere is watching but it is highly unlikely the authorities will waste resources to get you for a couple plants. They look to bust commercial drug dealers; growing a personal amount of weed isn't a threat to anyone. The bigger threat is an unrelated visit by the cops for say a domestic call or something.
Through the mail at my lifetime best friends house 45 mins away in his name. Paid for with his card also.
Man, you gotta relax or your gonna lose your marbles over the fear of getting busted.
2nd of all, why put your friend in jeopardy for your grow?
If that's the way you feel about growing and smoking herb, you are going to give yourself an ulcer, so stop now before you get ill.
I'm not putting my friend in harms ways. Seeds aren't illegal to have so he can't get in trouble there. He doesn't grow so he's good there. How can I get him in trouble again
If they wanted to arrest people for sharing pics of pot plants I would've been in jail a long time ago. Turn off location for your camera app if you are paranoid but dude nobody cares. Yes it is possible that some asshole somewhere is watching but it is highly unlikely the authorities will waste resources to get you for a couple plants. They look to bust commercial drug dealers; growing a personal amount of weed isn't a threat to anyone. The bigger threat is an unrelated visit by the cops for say a domestic call or something.
Another great answer. Thanx bro
Man, you gotta relax or your gonna lose your marbles over the fear of getting busted.
2nd of all, why put your friend in jeopardy for your grow?
If that's the way you feel about growing and smoking herb, you are going to give yourself an ulcer, so stop now before you get ill.
Thanks for the reassurance!
I was hoping for better and more serious answers. How much can I expect from potheads?! Figured I'd have a little sense of humor. I can't believe this isn't a very interesting topic. I see so much bs and nonsense on here with tons of pages. I figured this would be a great thread for all of us ADULTS.

Way too paranoid .... Unless you are " moving " bales of weed or have a commercial sized grow , I wouldn't worry about shit ... I got grow pics in my phone , on the cloud and a couple of old Sensi Seed posters in the room.

The HARDEST PART is keeping your trap shut about your OWN growing.
I if you act sketchy then expect bad things ..... Cops are too busy shooting unarmed youth instead of looking for your indoor closet grow. If you start using VPN or meta tag games then you bring more suspicion on yourself. The way it works here ... No pics or it didn't happen .... It's a weed forum hence gonna share weed pics.
Enough of this Reefer Madness bullshit.
Man, you gotta relax or your gonna lose your marbles over the fear of getting busted.
2nd of all, why put your friend in jeopardy for your grow?
If that's the way you feel about growing and smoking herb, you are going to give yourself an ulcer, so stop now before you get ill.

Stress doesnt cause ulcers. H. Pylori does
of course, if they want to bust you they will.

I think most of us post here, knowing the exposedness.

if LT walked in tonight, I'm well with in county limits....ATM lol.

these laws are not perfect, all of us on a federal level are subject to uncertainty.

would I be surprised to see something I posted on the internet in court...nope.

the more time that passes the better, the longer these laws stay on the books, we will/have already started to set precedence(s) and that's good.
How can you get your friend in trouble?

Well, since you are being paranoid, seeds are classified the same as leaf and bud under federal and most state law. Seeds are cannabis under most state regs. Even here in MA, which is rec legal, seeds are classified as cannabis.

At a minimum, if a leo was attemtping to be prickish, that could lead to a possesion charge, If they really want to squeeze them (to flip the grower), they can add sending/receiving controlled substances through the mail. They can completely toss the guys house, and if he has any loose weed or other contraban, they can up the charges. That could cost him/her a job, a professional license, or potentially, custody of kids. In the 1980's under ronnie raygun, houses and yacht's were seized/forfeited over a single joint.

So yeah, there are risks. Realistically, it's such a low priority that it is a joke to most leo's.

Unless you are in iowa, wisconsin, or a state that is trying to profit from drugs. It is common in those states for leos to search your phone. They have rippers they can use even if you won't unlock them (may not work on all phones, but it works on a lot).

So, just stay in the herd, don't stick out, don't call attention to yourself, and don't have a significant other. It seems pissed off ex-lovers are a very risky loose end. ;)
I do know in some situations they can. For example, if ur at work and u have to take a pic of a part or something and send it. It could easily get sent to someone or while scrolling through ur gallery someone being nosey might get a peek. Then ur busted. My question is can our phone pics be hacked by an agency that decides to inspect RIU for anything illegal. For example if you're person who freely takes tons of pics and shares. You could be a person of interest, then what? Can they find out the source of the pics and whether or not the pics were taken personally from that phone or just downloaded from some sight. For example, a newb wanting tons of rep posting amazing pics to impress everyone but in reality he or she is just downloading from another site. I'm interested in how much big brother knows and how much he cares to know. Big brother could be many people. A nosey neighbor with hacking skills, the local police, fbi, u name it. No one actually grows legally because mary j is still illegal federally. I made that statement because the first thing someone's going to say is I'm legal man. No you're not bro. Just depends if and when they feel like messing with growers. They meaning big brother again. With all that being said what does RIU think?

Strip the exif data and the pictures could be from anywhere, to be honest big brother has bigger fish to fry right now. I wouldn't worry about it unless you think you're going to be in a situation where the police/feds are going to physically have your phone.
I do know in some situations they can. For example, if ur at work and u have to take a pic of a part or something and send it. It could easily get sent to someone or while scrolling through ur gallery someone being nosey might get a peek. Then ur busted. My question is can our phone pics be hacked by an agency that decides to inspect RIU for anything illegal. For example if you're person who freely takes tons of pics and shares. You could be a person of interest, then what? Can they find out the source of the pics and whether or not the pics were taken personally from that phone or just downloaded from some sight. For example, a newb wanting tons of rep posting amazing pics to impress everyone but in reality he or she is just downloading from another site. I'm interested in how much big brother knows and how much he cares to know. Big brother could be many people. A nosey neighbor with hacking skills, the local police, fbi, u name it. No one actually grows legally because mary j is still illegal federally. I made that statement because the first thing someone's going to say is I'm legal man. No you're not bro. Just depends if and when they feel like messing with growers. They meaning big brother again. With all that being said what does RIU think?

Not the biggest fan of posting a ton of pic's.

So trans to PC and do a re-burnable data disk and save your favorite lady shots that way.

There is a tool for removing meta data right here on this site. Not hard to do anyway. Not to mention simply turn your location services off before taking pic's...

Why are you leaving pic's on your phone anyway.....Cops love looking at phones..... You think they don't when in their property? Legal? Maybe not but, knowing whats on your phone and not using it against you in court. Well, they now know more about you don't they? Be a reason for them to want to visit you again eh? How easy is it for them to find a reason to?

Don't keep plant pic's on your phone! It's that fucking simple!
Not the biggest fan of posting a ton of pic's.

So trans to PC and do a re-burnable data disk and save your favorite lady shots that way.

There is a tool for removing meta data right here on this site. Not hard to do anyway. Not to mention simply turn your location services off before taking pic's...

Why are you leaving pic's on your phone anyway.....Cops love looking at phones..... You think they don't when in their property? Legal? Maybe not but, knowing whats on your phone and not using it against you in court. Well, they now know more about you don't they? Be a reason for them to want to visit you again eh? How easy is it for them to find a reason to?

Don't keep plant pic's on your phone! It's that fucking simple!
So what If the location is turned off and the pics are uploaded straight into riu, that way they actually don't save to the phones gallery? Same difference? Can they still somehow see that your phone took that pic but wasn't saved to the gallery since the pic was taken on the spot when uploading a file to riu?
Download an exif data eraser itll delete the meta data like location n shit but if ur location is off u should be grand.
This is what I gathered taking a gander at ur data on the picView attachment 4032130
I'm going to look into this app. So you basically just pulled up all that info just by clicking on his/her pic? And it even told you the exact location, address and everything of where that pic was taken?!?
Hes his location off so it wasnt shown.
I just edited his meta data to show the above information instead as a joke really but yeah if youve your location turned on I can get the exact longitude n latitude.
I use to help out noobs when they'd first post pics, id check out the data as alot of ppl are well..dumb as shit so I pmd him a pic of his house and mentioned the importance of basic opsec n he was never seen again lol I told him i deleted all the data but he ran.better me telling him than some blackmailing cunt.
Long story short if you want to post pics Google meta data remove it or exif remover.
Meta data is basically data about data.