Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
You're suggesting we should have no laws whatsoever? Perfect. You wouldn't have any issues with a group of 'foreigners' coming into your house and setting up camp, because they have implicit freedom to do as they please without 'the threat of force for noncompliance' to nonexistent laws.
Preemptively, your response will somehow place your 'freedoms' above someone else's.
I'm suggesting you consider the difference between uses of offensive force and defensive force.
Laws which are facilitated by the use of offensive force, are suspect to me.
Not sure what you mean when you say "foreigners", but I don't view people as serfs only identifiable by the figurative brand emblazoned on them by one nation state / plantation or another. So there is that.
I have the same right to freedom as everybody else. Whether I can use it or not is another topic.