What did you accomplish today?

I've got a 10/22 that only has the receiver left as the stock piece.
Green river s/s bull barrel & more Volquartsen stuff than one gun needs.
Also went with the blued Barracuda stock & a 4-10 scope.
A one holer @ 50-75 yds.

I'll try & dig up a pic after work.

As promised.

For those interested the lower one is a S&W piston gun - PSX in 5.56 with a Triji & a Timney trigger assembly. The trigger swap was a last (and very satisfactory) resort to clean up the "Lawyer approved" unit it came stock with.
The gamey taste has a lot to do with the animals diet, when it's harvested (The rut makes this strongest in ungulates) and how the meat is treated after it is taken.

The first two may be out of your control, but the third can make all the difference in the world.
Diet exactly: the deer here browse on chapparal plants, too gamey for my tastes so I don't hunt them. The few years I spent in Minnesota was completely different, the white tails feasted on farm crops and well watered indigenous plants. Very tasty
LOL In CO rabbit, deer, elk even the duck all tasted like sage.

Outstanding choice of diet - that simply removes one step in the seasoning process. :cool:

How do you like the piston? How's it compare in performance and reliability to gas?

I had an initial issue with it that sent it back to the factory for repairs - it blew the piston & spring assembly out of the gas chamber after 100 rounds or so. To be honest though it was a brand new design for S&W (I got one of the first off the line) - the factory rep told me it was a "Machining Anomaly" which I said "I'm a trained Machinist and I know what anomaly means", to which he said "I think we might have had a non-dimensional part in there". I let it drop as they paid shipping & everything (not to mention as a Vet I paid only 60% of MSRP). I've dumped over 1500 rounds through her since her trip to the hospital so far without a hiccup.
As far as the difference between a Piston vs DI, you can rip through 3 or 4 30 round mags, crack her open & dump the bolt into your hand with zero excess heat or carbon build up.

A far better system than the original IMHO.
I think I'm getting screwed over at work. A couple of weeks ago a crew of co-workers got in a dust up, so they put me with the assistant superintendent of that crew. And then he turned in his resignation letter and now I am doing his job and they told me on Tuesday that I would be promoted to the position, and then on Wednesday they told me that I would be doing the work but not get the promotion and that the position was not going to be filled. These asshole's are a bunch of asshole's.
I think know I'm getting screwed over at work. A couple of weeks ago a crew of co-workers got in a dust up, so they put me with the assistant superintendent of that crew. And then he turned in his resignation letter and now I am doing his job and they told me on Tuesday that I would be promoted to the position, and then on Wednesday they told me that I would be doing the work but not get the promotion and that the position was not going to be filled. These asshole's are a bunch of asshole's.
fify ;)

responsibility without remuneration sucks. are there opportunities in your area job market for your skills at your current pay?
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I think I'm getting screwed over at work. A couple of weeks ago a crew of co-workers got in a dust up, so they put me with the assistant superintendent of that crew. And then he turned in his resignation letter and now I am doing his job and they told me on Tuesday that I would be promoted to the position, and then on Wednesday they told me that I would be doing the work but not get the promotion and that the position was not going to be filled. These asshole's are a bunch of asshole's.
Idk your situation, but you could write up a letter of resignation and present it to your boss. Either you get paid or you submit the resignation. I've found most places ars willing to pay an existing employee a little more, rather than find a new one and train them.

I woulda started packing my box when they pulled the promotion but still expected me to do the job. I learned that lesson the hard way when I was the last guy left in our department after a round of cutbacks. My workload substantially increased plus I had other support roles dumped on me, all for the same pay. Then the company bragged about record profits at the end of the year. That'll never happen again.
You guys realize were all very spoiled by seeing awesome dank here right?

I was given a sample nugg by someone who has no idea I grow. The dude pulled a bag of this shit out and I could immediately tell ((SCHWAGG CITY))...and then I got a whiff :shock:....I'm not kidding when I say there is something wrong with this weed. I'm pretty sure he either chopped a layer of mold/rot off of it...or honest to God sprayed it with something to make it look appealing.
((WHAT IS THAT)) it's so Larfy I can see through it ...and the top part that's missing fell off somewhere between the car and barn. It's obvious worms have been in it by how easily chunks fall off of it....not to mention the visible munch marks and web. What the Fuck people
You guys realize were all very spoiled by seeing awesome dank here right?

I was given a sample nugg by someone who has no idea I grow. The dude pulled a bag of this shit out and I could immediately tell ((SCHWAGG CITY))...and then I got a whiff :shock:....I'm not kidding when I say there is something wrong with this weed. I'm pretty sure he either chopped a layer of mold/rot off of it...or honest to God sprayed it with something to make it look appealing.
View attachment 4033116
((WHAT IS THAT)) it's so Larfy I can see through it ...and the top part that's missing fell off somewhere between the car and barn. It's obvious worms have been in it by how easily chunks fall off of it....not to mention the visible munch marks and web. What the Fuck people

There are winners and there are weiners ;-).

Was that guy's name Oscar Meyer?

You guys realize were all very spoiled by seeing awesome dank here right?

I was given a sample nugg by someone who has no idea I grow. The dude pulled a bag of this shit out and I could immediately tell ((SCHWAGG CITY))...and then I got a whiff :shock:....I'm not kidding when I say there is something wrong with this weed. I'm pretty sure he either chopped a layer of mold/rot off of it...or honest to God sprayed it with something to make it look appealing.
View attachment 4033116
((WHAT IS THAT)) it's so Larfy I can see through it ...and the top part that's missing fell off somewhere between the car and barn. It's obvious worms have been in it by how easily chunks fall off of it....not to mention the visible munch marks and web. What the Fuck people
Bud rot makes em crumble like that. When I'm trimming my outdoor bud, I always look closely at stems. When something is wrong with the stem, there's a *very* good chance the bud has issues and should be rejected.
@Indacouch, my left rotator cuff is sore after my workout today, any advice/suggestions?

Hopefully it's just sore from excercise and not actually injured buddy. I use to get a cream from a doctor that was like icy-hot on steroids....I would massage that in and try to be as easy as I could on it....a shoulder injury is what took me out of the body building game so take it very very serious....I just worked through the pain and it fucked me over in the end....I suggest you have the wife massage some icy/hot into that area and DO NOT do any exercises that agitate that pain until it's healed. I know your a busy guy but do your best.....if you don't wana use icy-hot then use a cold pack before bed or resting.....and if you do have your wife massage it, don't put a lot of force/strength into it......take it super serious bro...those are no joke and can ruin your whole program....like I said, let it heal and at very least cold pack it.......id much rather have a broken bone than an injury like that....hopefully it is just sore from excercise.