So inclination to rape/incest is less worrisome to you than what? What exactly has she done? Just trying to understand. What did she do to commit treason? Please cite some references.
Making classified information available to the pubic, (then lying about it), is a willful act of treason. Anyone else would have ben prosecuted and be sitting in Leavenworth for a long time for this offense. She cannot be trusted with the countries secrets and should be disqualified from running as she is presently under congressional investigation.
The additional lies about her health, the now under investigation Clinton foundation, and the recent reports that the "IT guy" was ordered to scrub those emails . . . seriously guys, what are you thinking!!
Believe me I too wish there was a third choice that had a chance of winning, but there currently isn't. I stand on my statement. Trump is a better choice, and I strongly disagree with some of his points of view.