Well-Known Member
yes I have many years agoGot the nutrients and reading the girls pretty well. At this point, I'm learning about hormones. Today I just got BAP6, Brassinolide, IBA-K, and triacontanol. Gonna be experimenting with two clones. One for control, the other for the experiment. I've got charts of how and when to use them at what ppm to use them. How's the organic thing going? If you've ever experimented with hormones let me know of any experience
bare with me it was a long time ago so my memory isn't perfect
I did the bap..yes
and the Gibberlins, cytokins, triacontinol, and a few others
the brassinolide I didn't try that one but if I recall its suppose it boost immune system I think
I rand 3 plants for each hormone
1 got nothihng
1 got std dose
1 got double dose
the std dose plants showed minor changes
the double dose plants got frankenstined like freakish lol
the bap if I recall correct the double dose created plants with little leaf and huge stems...almost as if all the energy the plant had went into the stems only
the tricontinol is the only one id consider using again but I might get a product called calcium25 and not bother with trying to mix my own as its a pain in the ass
one of them I think you gotta use lye... I cant recall but I have the chemicals in the back of the closet but I think it was lye I needed
its hard to get them to constitute proper when using a microwave or whatever
in the end it was a fun experiment but I don't feel like any of it was worth the trouble...
for whats its worth for me it seemed as if the hormones would borrow from peter to pay paul so where ever you gain something you lose somewhere else
the tricontenol didn't freak the plants out even at obscene amounts
also keep in mind these hrmones could create hermies
mine didn't but they could have
especially the gibberlin (I think)
ive also explored the use of (misspelled) chomquatchloride, I think that's close but might be wrong
basically its the shit they put into the bushmaster years ago
its expensive to buy...I have a pint minus 1 oz that ive had for years and will never use....
its highly concentrated for commenrical golf course use to keep the grass thick and short
real poison man
its also use on azelas and some other potted flowering plants
you ever wonder how the garden centers get these short stacked potted flowering plants covered with flowers and then you get it home and a few weeks later its stretched out and the flowers are few and far between
that's cuz they spray them with the chomquate or the other shit ( I cant recall the name) to keep them short and full of buds