Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

Is it racist if I call someone who is of African American descent a "black boy"? Or someone who is of Latin American descent a "brown boy"? Or someone who is of Asian American descent a "yellow boy"? Or someone who is of Native American descent a "red boy"?
Yes, those things are racist, ya dumb fucking white boy.
I just asked you a direct question:


I disagree. At first you were stating it was wrong to do violence against innocent people, to which I would have agreed. It is not wrong however to show up with the explicit intention of punching a nazi or two. When I show up to defend protesters since the police won't and are too busy protecting nazis, I wamfw step up so I can punch him twice. If all they're doing is spewing racist remarks, I'd just punch their gringo face once. Either way, not innocent, completely deserved.

Also, please explain again why you think more is expected of you because you're a white guy.
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Yes, those things are racist, ya dumb fucking white boy.
Then you can't argue it's not equally as racist to call me "white boy"

You are racist according to your own standard

It is not wrong however to show up with the explicit intention of punching a nazi or two.
It's wrong to assault anyone, for any reason, other than self defense. "Self defense" means defending yourself from being attacked. Not from what you perceive as "verbal abuse". Because if anyone with such weak sensibilities as you could just mosey on up to the legislation office and get people's 1st amendment rights taken away because what they say offends you, you yourself wouldn't have any rights, either. I suppose that's the goal of the authoritarian left, like you, though, right? Control what people think and can legally say.
Either way, not innocent, completely deserved.
That's the exact same justification the people you're in opposition with use against you

Are you too stupid to realize this?

Instead of acting like an internet tough guy and swinging your tiny dick around, why not realize that the only solution is diplomacy?

Also, please explain again why you think more is expected of you because you're a white guy.
Then you can't argue it's not equally as racist to call me "white boy"

You are racist according to your own standard

It's wrong to assault anyone, for any reason, other than self defense. "Self defense" means defending yourself from being attacked. Not from what you perceive as "verbal abuse". Because if anyone with such weak sensibilities as you could just mosey on up to the legislation office and get people's 1st amendment rights taken away because what they say offends you, you yourself wouldn't have any rights, either. I suppose that's the goal of the authoritarian left, like you, though, right? Control what people think and can legally say.

That's the exact same justification the people you're in opposition with use against you

Are you too stupid to realize this?

Instead of acting like an internet tough guy and swinging your tiny dick around, why not realize that the only solution is diplomacy?

Poor oppressed white guy thinks he's the victim of racism and that more is expected of him than people who are not dumb ass gringos like him.

Have you considered suicide?
get people's 1st amendment rights taken away...
What does punching nazis have to do with this, cracker?
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you can go be "diplomatic" with literal fucking nazis (when you're not too busy being anything but diplomatic with liberals) and the rest f us are gonna take a page from history, realize that nazism is an inherently violent ideology, and beat the living shit out of any one of them that tries to preach one word of their violence to us.

you little shitstain child.
If you feel so strongly about it, then work towards enacting changes towards the 1st amendment

You don't though. You would rather just garner more sympathy sjw points instead of actually doing anything, because you know subverting 1st amendment rights are authoritarian and unpopular.

Protecting the right to speak freely while abiding by the law is more important than your right to not be offended in public. If you're offended by something, hey, maybe the public isn't the place for you until you can thicken that skin up and go out without the entitled belief that everything in the world revolves around you?

I don't disagree with you that Nazism is an inherently dangerous belief. But American Nazi's have every right to espouse their abhorrent beliefs -- here's the key point, ready? -- so long as they're abiding by the law. So guess what? The second an American Nazi decides to commit violence or break the law, that's the point where he is in the wrong and it would be justified to take legal action against him. Not before that, and definitely not according to some arbitrary version of censorship based on an authoritarians view of what is and isn't offensive to him based on feelings.
nothing in the first amendment protects incitement to violence retard
Violence is already illegal. Like I said, as soon as someone becomes violent their rights end, including yours. You hold an authoritarian position in regards to free speech and violence. Those you support are free to speak, those you don't, not so much.
Violence is already illegal. Like I said, as soon as someone becomes violent their rights end, including yours. You hold an authoritarian position in regards to free speech and violence. Those you support are free to speak, those you don't, not so much.

i don't support you but you are free to speak up and call people "f****ots", say black people have a "herd like mentality", question the legitimacy of rape, and so on and so forth.

as always, you are wrong once again, padaraper.
i don't support you but you are free to speak up and call people "f****ots", say black people have a "herd like mentality", question the legitimacy of rape, and so on and so forth.

as always, you are wrong once again, padaraper.
You advocate committing offensive violence against people because they hold different political beliefs than you
that's the cutest euphemism for "wants to ethnically cleanse my family to achieve a white aryan ethnostate" that i've ever heard you little bitch.
As far as I know, there are laws preventing someone from attempting to cleanse your family to achieve a white aryan ethno state. Please correct me if I'm wrong, though. Because if there aren't, that should probably be fixed. I would support a resolution to fix that..
Violence is already illegal. Like I said, as soon as someone becomes violent their rights end, including yours. You hold an authoritarian position in regards to free speech and violence. Those you support are free to speak, those you don't, not so much.
Nobody has tried to argue that you should be arrested for your bigoted and hateful remarks, ya dumb ass gringo.
So no? No laws preventing that? You think you're entitled to take it upon yourself to impose authoritarian rule against people you disagree with politically? Well, then you agree with Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin
Nobody has tried to argue that you should be arrested for your bigoted and hateful remarks, ya dumb ass gringo.
You condone offensive violence against people you disagree with politically, like American Nazi's, do you not? You and your ilk promote the idea of attacking people's livelihood whom you disagree with politically, do you not? These tactics you choose to employ do not solve racial problems; they exacerbate them.
You condone offensive violence against people you disagree with politically, like American Nazi's, do you not? You and your ilk promote the idea of attacking people's livelihood whom you disagree with politically, do you not?
Poor oppressed white guy afraid to go outside without police protection? Good. You will need it if you go in public with your sheets on. If you do so, your employer will definitely be notified. You will likely be confronted. If you become violent in this confrontation, or otherwise threaten protesters, you will likely be punched in the face. You could possibly have your "rights" violated and just get punched in the face anyway.

If I was an employer and I was notified that one of my employees was spreading hate speech in public, I would fire that employee. Conversely, if I notify an employer that one of his employees was spewing hate speech in public and that employer refused to take action, I would never patronize his business again, but would also inform other antifascists (my ilk) so that they do not either.

Please stop spreading the false and deceitful notion that I would take these actions simply because I disagree with you or your bigoted ilk. I would only take these actions if you were out spreading hateful rhetoric which has been proven to cause harm. Have you been punched in the face by an antifascist? You act like someone who has.
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You condone offensive violence against people you disagree with politically, like American Nazi's, do you not? You and your ilk promote the idea of attacking people's livelihood whom you disagree with politically, do you not? These tactics you choose to employ do not solve racial problems; they exacerbate them.

re you still crying because i get racists fired on social media?

