The time when America stopped being great

Everything you have said in this subforum is deserving of heavy criticism. You've just been pacing yourself. My guess is that you get banned from most sites you post in faster.

So you're angry that I'm still posting and haven't gotten banned yet?

What you said is mostly guessing, some is true.
This subforum is about politics which is talking shit and passing lies and farts around, it also give members the opportunity to cry and complain about things they don't like.

I come here to rub UB's butthole since he started it, otherwise I would've kept to my self.
I think maybe you're going about it the wrong way. He's married and hates antisemites.

his avatar say's something else :hump:

I believe I did, and I was wrong that time to think all jews were zionists.
you would call anyone one out whenever it suits your agenda or mood, whether what you say is right or wrong.
I guess that's one way to characterize your belief that Jews did the holocaust in order to control the world or some retarded shit like that. Another way would be to just call you a bigoted shitstain.
what makes the holocaust so special and holly, and the rest of human race shall pay for it? why no one gives a fuck about natives in north and south america, austrailia, Rohingya , africans, and palestinians?
because they are second or lower class, and they have no money.

Is it fair when people play with food in Europe and the US, while Somalians and Africans starve to death? Do you know who fucked up Somalia?

tell me you bigoted dried shitstienn.
I'm confused. You are holocaust denier because we don't pay attention to other evils ? So you think only Jews have money ? or Jews are not poor ? Do you know where the term Ghetto came from ? I speak out against the holocaust and I speak out for Palestinians. Both can be done
I I speak out against the holocaust and I speak out for Palestinians.


Well, it's been a 100 years since his majesty decided to give what he doesn't own to strangers from europe, where terrorist israeli gangs committed war crimes against the an armed palestinian villagers which caused a palestinian exodus from their land (do they teach you that in history books?).
What has the zionist UN done so far? zionist London still support its illegitimate child, so does the US, France and most of the western world.

all we hear about is the nazis and the holocaust, but rarely hear about the palestinians holocaust.

Well, it's been a 100 years since his majesty decided to give what he doesn't own to strangers from europe, where terrorist israeli gangs committed war crimes against the an armed palestinian villagers which caused a palestinian exodus from their land (do they teach you that in history books?).
What has the zionist UN done so far? zionist London still support its illegitimate child, so does the US, France and most of the western world.

all we hear about is the nazis and the holocaust, but rarely hear about the palestinians holocaust.

not 24 hours on this weed site with over 100 views but very few comments gotta tell you something ..

its not just about trump but read it again /...about the fall of modern 'merica

the way the world sees it...! (IMPARTIAL)

kidney shaped swim pools, free burgers, and why you so unhappy?

this may make you smile..

'You're JUST like CNN' Trump LASHES OUT at BBC reporter in fiery 'fake news' clash
The President, who has been heavily critical of CNN for alleged “fake news”, laid into the BBCas he compared the two corporations.
Speaking at a press conference in Washington on Thursday, the President bashed the BBC.

During the hour-long press conference, President Trump criticised the media for their coverage over possible links between the billionaire's team and Russian officials.
The President then turned on BBC North America editor Jon Sopel after he attempted to quiz the 70-year-old over his travel ban

'Here's another beauty': Donald Trump bashes the BBC again in heated back-and-forth

with 'impartial free and fair' reporter Jon Sopel during bizarre White House press conference
'Here's another beauty': Donald Trump bashes the BBC again in heated back-and-forth with 'impartial free and fair'
reporter Jon Sopel during bizarre White House press conference

That would be 1913 when the Fed was born
and while you all constantly stay in the political distraction, here's the truth

More and more the disgusting swine wallow of DC proves to be a whorehouse serving the dregs of a 2nd species destroyer class, with useless show girl parasite political actors out in front of the brothel pretending to be worth more than two cents, while the real action goes on in back.

The entirety of the DC apparatus is nothing short of a giant extortion scheme boondoggle that rapes the American people only to benefit the 2nd species controlled predatory deep state Military/Intelligence networks, whose 'destruction-for-profit' agenda is always the order of the day.

If the useless political actors never existed, it would not make one iota difference as to the agenda of, or to disgusting predatory practices and daily activities of the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, or M.I.C. 2nd species destroyer class pigs.


CIA’s “Operation Gladio” with Paul Williams


Well, it's been a 100 years since his majesty decided to give what he doesn't own to strangers from europe, where terrorist israeli gangs committed war crimes against the an armed palestinian villagers which caused a palestinian exodus from their land (do they teach you that in history books?).
What has the zionist UN done so far? zionist London still support its illegitimate child, so does the US, France and most of the western world.

all we hear about is the nazis and the holocaust, but rarely hear about the palestinians holocaust.
so you want to downgrade the holocaust because of the displacement of Palestinians ? do you hate all Jews, be it Ashkenazi , Sephardim, Mizrahi, etc... or do you lump them all together and just say " I hate Jews " ?