The SAME voters didn't vote for Obama, the STATES voted for Obama.
I hear these Trump assholes everyday.
Using the N word, saying confederate statues erected right after the 1964-65 CRA & VRA should stay because they're 'historical', saying Muslims and Mexicans should be shot. No way in hell they voted for Obama, their state voted for Obama while they seethed for 8 years and jumped on the birther band wagon.
There isn't exactly a depression in my state or the other two.
A lot of people didn't vote at all, or for a 3rd party. The non voters let the deplorables have a voice.
There's a dozen reasons why Trump snuck in. Former Obama voters switching to Trump is not the reason, that's fake news.
I don't live in any of those states, but I've personally spoken to voters who told me they voted for Obama and then Trump because they saw Clinton as unacceptably beholden to corporate influences.
It didn't make sense to me, so I asked them why they made that choice. The response was always that they were choosing their perceived best agent of change.
I'm not at all convinced that everyone who voted for Trump did so for racist reasons; that's a convenient canard offered by Democrats who don't want to admit that they have been doing a shit job of representing average Americans.
Americans have been voting for change for decades, and have been increasingly frustrated that they haven't gotten it. This partly explains the phenomenon of Trump.
In this article,
I've excepted a few paragraphs that I think speak to the frustration of the typical American voter;
"Soon after he entered office Donald Trump abandoned the populist rhetoric that got him elected and began pushing programs that benefit connected plutocrats. Soon after he entered office Barack Obama abandoned the populist rhetoric that got him elected and began pushing programs that benefit connected plutocrats. Soon after he entered office Bill Clinton abandoned the populist rhetoric that got him elected and began pushing programs that benefit connected plutocrats. Astute readers may detect a pattern here."
Further down;
"The 15% (yes, the same 15%) of the country that finds the ‘Russia stole the election’ story relevant is undoubtedly the target audience for Mr. Schumer’s ‘Better Deal’ talking points. Reminder: when Democrats last held the White House and both houses of Congress they passed a Republican health insurance sales scheme while bailing out Wall Street. To wit, Hillary Clinton earned $21 million giving speeches to Wall Street
after Wall Street killed the global economy. Unless national Democrats are suggesting that Russian operatives wrote Mrs. Clinton’s speeches to Wall Street, the ‘lesser’ classes appear to understand this corruption and who does, and doesn’t, benefit from it just fine."
The whole article is worth the read.
The American people want change and haven't been getting it. They're increasingly willing to vote for anyone who promises it, no matter how questionable their credibility. This, much more than 'racists!', explains why the current occupant of the White House got there.