Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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you are just naive, something you have proven over and over and over again.
Um, YES. Just like Netanyahu.

The more you talk, the more your true apartheid apologist colors come out. You're a right winger in Democrat drag and you've been caught in your own web of lies.

From the same article linked in my post to @Fogdog above, an excerpt for you, apartheid denier;
"Today, about six million Israelis live on 85% of the area that was Palestine under the British mandate. Nearly 3.5 million Palestinians are confined to the remaining 15%, with their towns and cities penned between Israel's ever-expanding settlement blocks and behind a network of segregated roads, security barriers and military installations."

Read the whole article, if you have the balls to face the truth.
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Your whitewashed, cloistered view of history leaves you blissfully ignorant of many inconvenient truths;

In 2004, Ronnie Kasrils visited the Palestinian territories to assess the effect of Israel's assault on the West Bank two years earlier in response to a wave of suicide bombings that killed hundreds of people. "This is much worse than apartheid," he said. "The Israeli measures, the brutality, make apartheid look like a picnic. We never had jets attacking our townships. We never had sieges that lasted month after month. We never had tanks destroying houses. We had armoured vehicles and police using small arms to shoot people but not on this scale."

Yes, that's right; the SOUTH AFRICANS were shocked at the brutality of the Israelis against Palestinians... and yet here you are, defending Israel as if somehow they aren't as bad as South Africa?!

Maybe you should learn some history before attempting to revise it so blithely.
You give an example a South African said of Israeli military aggression was worse than apartheid as a defense of your claim they are the same?

The two policies are different. You just said so yourself. Stop muddling historic fact with histrionic dramatic statements.
The two policies are different.
Apartheid in South Africa was a political policy that subjugated one group of the population because of their ethnic differences. Apartheid in Israel is a political policy that subjugates one group of the population because of their ethnic/religious differences. Of course there are differences, but both policies are the same in their application. Apartheid in SA was beaten because of international pressure and sanctions. The reason American conservatives oppose sanctioning Israel for their treatment of the Palestinian population is because of the importance of the location geopolitically. Similar to the reason American conservatives oppose sanctioning Saudi Arabia for their human rights abuses; we like oil. That's the only reason America and the international community let's Israel get away with their treatment of Palestinians.
Apartheid in South Africa was a political policy that subjugated one group of the population because of their ethnic differences. Apartheid in Israel is a political policy that subjugates one group of the population because of their ethnic/religious differences. Of course there are differences, but both policies are the same in their application. Apartheid in SA was beaten because of international pressure and sanctions. The reason American conservatives oppose sanctioning Israel for their treatment of the Palestinian population is because of the importance of the location geopolitically. Similar to the reason American conservatives oppose sanctioning Saudi Arabia for their human rights abuses; we like oil. That's the only reason America and the international community let's Israel get away with their treatment of Palestinians.
there are arabs and palestinians at every level of the israeli government and military you fucking idiot child.
Apartheid in South Africa was a political policy that subjugated one group of the population because of their ethnic differences. Apartheid in Israel is a political policy that subjugates one group of the population because of their ethnic/religious differences. Of course there are differences, but both policies are the same in their application. Apartheid in SA was beaten because of international pressure and sanctions. The reason American conservatives oppose sanctioning Israel for their treatment of the Palestinian population is because of the importance of the location geopolitically. Similar to the reason American conservatives oppose sanctioning Saudi Arabia for their human rights abuses; we like oil. That's the only reason America and the international community let's Israel get away with their treatment of Palestinians.
There are very big differences between apartheid in terms of implementation, policy and philosophy compared to Israel's policies regarding Palestinians. You point at ways they are similar. Again, you cherry pick to fit your argument.

Do you read history or do you just get your facts out of your ass?
You give an example a South African said of Israeli military aggression was worse than apartheid as a defense of your claim they are the same?

The two policies are different. You just said so yourself. Stop muddling historic fact with histrionic dramatic statements.
You don't even listen to yourself when you say shit.

Yes, the Israelis are worse. Of course it's still apartheid.

I'd ask if you're really that dense but you've already provided ample proof.

No more breadcrumbs for you!
There are very big differences between apartheid in terms of implementation, policy and philosophy compared to Israel's policies regarding Palestinians. You point at ways they are similar. Again, you cherry pick to fit your argument.

Do you read history or do you just get your facts out of your ass?
Ok, split hairs all you want. On your own time. You're done wasting mine.
there are arabs and palestinians at every level of the israeli government and military you fucking idiot child.
And the sun rises in the East! Your rebuttal is irrelevant- you would have us believe the window dressing while ignoring the carnage. You disgust me.

And gratuitous insult because reasons!

You are stuck in a trap of your own making and worse, you attract the unwary and entrap them, too.
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Apartheid in South Africa was a political policy that subjugated one group of the population because of their ethnic differences. Apartheid in Israel is a political policy that subjugates one group of the population because of their ethnic/religious differences. Of course there are differences, but both policies are the same in their application. Apartheid in SA was beaten because of international pressure and sanctions. The reason American conservatives oppose sanctioning Israel for their treatment of the Palestinian population is because of the importance of the location geopolitically. Similar to the reason American conservatives oppose sanctioning Saudi Arabia for their human rights abuses; we like oil. That's the only reason America and the international community let's Israel get away with their treatment of Palestinians.
They don't want to know the cold, hard truth; the lies they've swallowed are comfortable and warm.
As I said in the post, I'll look for them. I haven't seen any as yet, but I pretty much stick with the American economics articles.

No, I've made no likes of posts that denied the Holocaust.

You know, Hitler founded Volkswagen. By your logic, the fact that you own one is proof that you're a Nazi.

I think that's ridiculous and that you're not only reaching, but you can't debate me on the issues.

i never knew that. VOLVO means 'i roll'.
Um, YES. Just like Netanyahu.

The more you talk, the more your true apartheid apologist colors come out. You're a right winger in Democrat drag and you've been caught in your own web of lies.

From the same article linked in my post to @Fogdog above, an excerpt for you, apartheid denier;
"Today, about six million Israelis live on 85% of the area that was Palestine under the British mandate. Nearly 3.5 million Palestinians are confined to the remaining 15%, with their towns and cities penned between Israel's ever-expanding settlement blocks and behind a network of segregated roads, security barriers and military installations."

Read the whole article, if you have the balls to face the truth.

netanyahu: elect me, me, me, me and 'no two party state'..what does he mean by this?
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