Looks great! Id dump the roots excel though. Just my view based on me using it and other root enhancers.Talk good people !!
I used various types of fertilizers now I am with some of the line house & garden. I set up a basic table and I would like to know what you think of the dosages. Remembering that it is only the flowering.
Thanks my brothers!
Looks great! Id dump the roots excel though. Just my view based on me using it and other root enhancers.
This is all i use now, I used their whole line up years ago. Oh and i do use the shooting powder.Thank you my brother!
This is all i use now, I used their whole line up years ago. Oh and i do use the shooting powder.
This is all i use now, I used their whole line up years ago. Oh and i do use the shooting powder.
i would maybe cut it 1:1 with some worm castings but it should be fine. animal manure should be aged a minimum of a year to be considered good compost i think. then use 1 part peat moss 1 part compost/castings 1 part aeration.I have a couple of soil questions. I’m just about ready to start my second little auto flower grow of 3, maybe 4 plants total. My first didn’t flower out very well but I had to use potting soil. I know, I know, regular potting soil if no good but I had to go with what was easy to get.
I have cows and feed them big round bales of hay. Of course they poop all around them so I always have hay mixed with poop that they curn up into mud where the hay ring sits. By the end of the next fall, all of that has turned into a very rich soil. I’ve collected plenty of that soil and am going to mix in perlite. My first question is:
1-That would be 100% organic soil, right? A super soil?
2- Will I still still need to feed nutrients?
3- will this be too rich for seedlings?
PS: I do know that it should be loaded with nitrogen.
Thanks for sharing that. I would indeed stay away from the Algae in a DWC. Root excel should be used at half the doses when using airpumps+stones (they recently added a note about that on the feed charts/calc).
Amino was one I was considering on trying out, interesting he recommends against it. I stopped using Root Excelurator and my roots are healthier than ever, I literally see no benefit from using it, only downsides (stains roots and makes filters dirty and the bottle is expensive regardless of their sales story about having to use little).
I think if your system and roots are clean I wouldn't add anything else and continue doing what you do. Then perhaps next round add something to see if there's a difference.
Ridiculous. And so dramatic. Being able to produce something better than AN is a given for most and does not lead to an obligation to respond to a silly rumor. Go fish some plastic out of the ocean.And just like Big Mike came out and said it was a better product then anything AN could produce , house and Garden should have the balls and be come out and be honest to all those of us that put bread and butter on their table and let people know what really happened. If they can't tell us the truth than how can we trust them with any other products they sell ???
How do you like the multi zen compared to other enzymes?This is all i use now, I used their whole line up years ago. Oh and i do use the shooting powder.
The compost is one year old. Thanks for the tips.i would maybe cut it 1:1 with some worm castings but it should be fine. animal manure should be aged a minimum of a year to be considered good compost i think. then use 1 part peat moss 1 part compost/castings 1 part aeration.
Thanks for the reply, I am really enjoying both multizen and bud xl. Haven't seen the benefits from bud xl yet but I will when I throw my soilless plants in flower. Multizen works well, I had a couple plants that I overwatered and some of the roots got a little brown. After letting them dry out a bit, I used multi zen and cleaned those roots right up. I have noticed to that the ph rises quite quickly while sitting in the res. Didn't know h&g made a ph stabilizerKingzt, I just switched from Multizen to Bud XL in week 4 and 24hrs after dose my rhinos smell sweet. Sweet like the usual rhino I'm familiar with. Could just be it was that time but I noticed quickly after dosing with Bud XL
Just an update on the pH Stabilizer with Aqua Flakes to help keep it stable.
I tried out the Stabilizer for a coupe of water changes in both DWC cloner and hydro soil with high air system. The problem I was having was that pH was climbing way to fast.
The pH Stabilizer definetly helped in my 2qt. DWC cloner in a light solution of Aqua Flakes.
Now, for the part I actually care about hydro soil. The pH stabilizer did absolutely nothing to hydro soil. Everytime I water change, do random pH checks or add nutrients pH to 5.0 it all test or drains out 7.0 neutral. The soil was 6.3 at the start of grow and by the end of veg it completely neutralized itself. I'm still trying to figure this one out could be the live soil microbes ecosystem at work. I do think this will set up for good PK absorption when I start adding Top Booster and Shooting Power.
Also wanted to mention I chose H&G because I been familiar with it for 8 years but never had a reason to use it. It comes highly recommend to me because I want a quality finished product. I have an appreciation for science, chemistry, raw materials, and knowing its made in USA by a brainy mad chemists ever batch is hand made and verified just to give me a piece of mind. I could care less about the fertilizer ratio numbers. It's not important to me because there is no standard in the industry when company's label there nutrient % values.
The important thing I look for is the actual ratio. To me it's all about the K so I look for fertilizer with high K, medium to low amounts of N, and always low P.
For example ratios of 3-1-7 or 17-5-25 high K, med N, low P. for my base nutrients.
For someone like myself that has not experienced H&G to see it in action is really mind blowing.
Kingzt, I just switched from Multizen to Bud XL in week 4 and 24hrs after dose my rhinos smell sweet. Sweet like the usual rhino I'm familiar with. Could just be it was that time but I noticed quickly after dosing with Bud XL
Just an update on the pH Stabilizer with Aqua Flakes to help keep it stable.
I tried out the Stabilizer for a coupe of water changes in both DWC cloner and hydro soil with high air system. The problem I was having was that pH was climbing way to fast.
The pH Stabilizer definetly helped in my 2qt. DWC cloner in a light solution of Aqua Flakes.
Now, for the part I actually care about hydro soil. The pH stabilizer did absolutely nothing to hydro soil. Everytime I water change, do random pH checks or add nutrients pH to 5.0 it all test or drains out 7.0 neutral. The soil was 6.3 at the start of grow and by the end of veg it completely neutralized itself. I'm still trying to figure this one out could be the live soil microbes ecosystem at work. I do think this will set up for good PK absorption when I start adding Top Booster and Shooting Power.
Also wanted to mention I chose H&G because I been familiar with it for 8 years but never had a reason to use it. It comes highly recommend to me because I want a quality finished product. I have an appreciation for science, chemistry, raw materials, and knowing its made in USA by a brainy mad chemists ever batch is hand made and verified just to give me a piece of mind. I could care less about the fertilizer ratio numbers. It's not important to me because there is no standard in the industry when company's label there nutrient % values.
The important thing I look for is the actual ratio. To me it's all about the K so I look for fertilizer with high K, medium to low amounts of N, and always low P.
For example ratios of 3-1-7 or 17-5-25 high K, med N, low P. for my base nutrients.
For someone like myself that has not experienced H&G to see it in action is really mind blowing.[/QUOTE
You guys have taken farming MJ to a whole nother level. I’m amazed how far it’s come. I’m trying to learn from you guys but I have a long way to go. I just started back growing. I’m growing inside for my personal use. I haven’t grown a single plant since the 1980’s. Back then the only seeds I had or could get came from Mexican mass crop weed. I’m on my 2nd auto flower grow now. The first time I hardly yielded any bud because I didn’t know what kind of LED lights to use. I didn’t know the light I had was for veg only. I corrected that by buying one with flower spectrum leds. Two of the autos (Green Crack) are harvested now with about two ozs. yield per plant. The 3rd plant (Northern Lights ) should finish I a couple of weeks. I’ll never catch up but thanks to you guys I should get better.
It is night and day compared to what you do used to get before the additive removal from the recipe like you say massive furry white roots as white as snow but now it's a run of the mill root simulator.absolutely incredible mass of white health roots