Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

I had my appendix out years ago. In my case the symptoms were nothing more than a persistent stomach ache in my lower right abdomen.

I sure hope this has you feeling better than you have in years!

Thanks. I hope so too. Seem to have developed a bulge on the left side that really hurt when I lifted my left leg to put on my shoe to go out for a smoke.

Another reason to quit. :)

I got my cocobudder so taking a decent dose right now.
Already had an RN look at it and will be seeing the surgeon in the morning to get the drainage tube removed and be sent home. He may get an ultrasound and/or x-ray for a look she said.

I want out of here!!!
Oh shit, you're still in inpatient jail?

I made them keep me overnight to monitor for signs of infection. My mom picked me up the next morning, all grumpy because her appendectomy didn't go nearly a week as mine. But she gave it to me lol
I would rather start a small lab to offer cheaper pot testing for folks. Start just doing thc/cbd and go further as the profits allow.

Not likely to run into legal hassles doing that. Gonna be a bigger demand for that service. Probably get it running for 100-150G.

I have the credentials with a diploma in environmental chemistry and a clean criminal record. Little shy on cash but with a decent bissiness plan and some research to show viabilty I'm sure I could tap into my inheritance for 50G. Or sell the farm and move south. :)
Worth thinking about. It didnt occur to me because i know zero about labs and chemisty...lol
Oh shit, you're still in inpatient jail?

I made them keep me overnight to monitor for signs of infection. My mom picked me up the next morning, all grumpy because her appendectomy didn't go nearly a week as mine. But she gave it to me lol

This little tale of woe really began about 3.5 years ago when I started having bloating, cramping etc in my lower belly. That gave me the squirts when prior to that I was a one big solid dump within an hour of getting up then good to the next morning. Multi grain breads yadda-yadda have been in my life since I was about 15 and I've never been plugged up in my life but that's what the idiot of a doc said was my problem. When I pushed down where my appendix was and jerked in pain he said it wasn't there. Two nurses present looked at him like he had two heads and when I asked where it was then he just left the room. Both the nurses said they were pretty sure I was right and the surgeon that took it out said I was dead on. His treating me as costipated complicated everything that followed and near cost me a large section of my colon and intestine.

Anybody thinking lawsuit cause I sure am!
This little tale of woe really began about 3.5 years ago when I started having bloating, cramping etc in my lower belly. That gave me the squirts when prior to that I was a one big solid dump within an hour of getting up then good to the next morning. Multi grain breads yadda-yadda have been in my life since I was about 15 and I've never been plugged up in my life but that's what the idiot of a doc said was my problem. When I pushed down where my appendix was and jerked in pain he said it wasn't there. Two nurses present looked at him like he had two heads and when I asked where it was then he just left the room. Both the nurses said they were pretty sure I was right and the surgeon that took it out said I was dead on. His treating me as costipated complicated everything that followed and near cost me a large section of my colon and intestine.

Anybody thinking lawsuit cause I sure am!
Two kinds of doctors in this world; one kind likes to tell you what you have and the other finds out what ails you.

Sue the first and trust the second.
Trust NO doctor.....61 years old...never had med problems until I started going to doctors in my mid 50's then they want to shove every pill they have down your throat. New doctor hates that I am a mmj patient and refuse to take his pills....fuckem
They don't make any money if you aren't taking pills because you aren't sick, not in pain and you're happy!

WTF is wrong with you, man? You trying to put those poor pharmaceutical reps out of a job? That's downright unAmerican!
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14 in 1966, first weed smoked was supposedly from Vietnam in 1971.

Best flower I had ever seen, Columbia Gold, 1979 smoked in evening each night during 3 day CPA exam testing which I passed all 5 sections, or was that four.

Stopped smoking in 1987 when three kids were between 12 and 8, too much alcohol at the time, gave up alcohol for 30 years at this point , started smoking for pain and arthritis relief in 2008. Still no alcohol as I have no off switch.
14 in 1966, first weed smoked was supposedly from Vietnam in 1971.

Best flower I had ever seen, Columbia Gold, 1979 smoked in evening each night during 3 day CPA exam testing which I passed all 5 sections, or was that four.

Stopped smoking in 1987 when three kids were between 12 and 8, too much alcohol at the time, gave up alcohol for 30 years at this point , started smoking for pain and arthritis relief in 2008. Still no alcohol as I have no off switch.
Missing same switch and none since June 2002. I've lost a lot of family to alcohol in different ways.
Still f,n around with that shit but not to the extent as before. Little piss-up every two months or so.

Crashing on buddies couch tonight after a great night with him and his wife. She just had a cancerous boob tumor removed and ran out of RSO so i gave her my jar of strong cocobudder, about 180ml. All bud, 10:1 ratio.

Sleepy time 1:30am. Home tomorrow by suppertime.

52 years old. In 1973 when I was 8 years old some older kids from down the street tried to get me high. I don't remember feeling high, I remember it tasted like crap. Spent a lot of 9th through 11th grades high (1980-1982). Then I stopped senior year (1983) -- until 2004, when I moved to Oregon at 39 years old. A few weeks after arriving a second gen Humbolt grower (retired and living up here) was visited by his 3rd gen son, who left him with some cannabis. He gave me a good sized bag, for free. Free or bartered pot found me for the next decade, and I learned to love it again. I lived in and around Eugene for that period, and cannabis was as common as coffee.

As far as growing older is concerned, it's not what I expected it to be, which of course is laughable. For a couple of decades I was into spiritual/New Age stuff, and expected that by the time I reached 50 I'd either be self-actualized or on a clear path to it... such hubris. I really thought I knew things. I've come to abandon believing in things and I'm still looking for grace in living in not knowing. The rest of growing old seems to be watching things go wrong with my body and wondering which ones are a "normal" part of our physical decay, and which are actually issues I need to fight with my HMO to address. So far anything that's not causing me pain, they suggest I leave alone. Who knows, maybe that's good advice.