the politics of fucking little girls: roy moore, the next GOP senator from alabama

will you vote for roy moore, the nazi pedophile?

  • yes, MAGA!

  • no

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...and yet no actual proof. Just hearsay 40 years after the alleged event.
Do you have as much of a problem discerning what style of sock you are as you do with the difference between evidence and hearsay?
Even Mitch McConnell is walking back his stance and I'm sure he's a source of validation near and dear to your heart. ;)

BTW, I love you just as much as your professed love for me above.
Stfu, historically you are a common idiot apologist for the lowest of the vile, greedy racists. Dumber than fuck with commitments to corrosive and toxic beliefs, youre well aware that your posts are regarded as stinking droppings.
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Woman shares new evidence of relationship with Roy Moore when she was 17

Delray Beach, Fla. — Debbie Wesson Gibson was in her attic hauling out boxes of Christmas decorations last week when she noticed a storage bin she said she had forgotten about. Inside was a scrapbook from her senior year of high school, and taped to a page titled "Those Who Inspire" was a graduation card.

"Happy graduation Debbie," it read in slanted cursive handwriting. "I wanted to give you this card myself. I know that you'll be a success in anything you do. Roy."

The inscription, Gibson said, was written by Roy Moore, the Alabama Republican nominee for U.S. Senate who in recent days has repeatedly denied the accounts of five women who told The Washington Post that he pursued them when they were teenagers and he was an assistant district attorney in his 30s. Since those allegations were published last month, four more women have come forward to allege that Moore made unwanted sexual advances. The accounts in The Post includedthose of Leigh Corfman, who said she was 14 when Moore touched her sexually, and Gibson, who said that she publicly dated Moore when she was 17 and he was 34, a relationship she said she "wore like a badge of honor" until she began reevaluating it in light of the accounts of other women, and now, Moore's own denials.
I love it when they "shoot from the hip" and prove what I warned them about correct.
:roll: :roll: :roll: (This one's for Crustin.)
Answered in another thread (on education no less) where you fail using the exact same phrase.
Seems to fail here as well.
Squeaky, Is that a meme reference for what would otherwise be stated as: "I don't like you or your commentary but I can't think well enough to pose a lucid argument to what you say so I'll use hand gestures to show that I really have nothing important to say"?

You pegged it!

You'll notice the other one that can't debate liked it though.
You starting a club?
HE was banned from a public office due to his religion

no, he was fired twice for violating the constitution.

he was not fired for being christian.

he wants to ban muslim people from holding office.

that is more extreme than hitler.

and you wanted to vote for him, unsurprisingly.

you are a neo-nazi scumbag.
Squeaky, Is that a meme reference for what would otherwise be stated as: "I don't like you or your commentary but I can't think well enough to pose a lucid argument to what you say so I'll use hand gestures to show that I really have nothing important to say"?

You pegged it!

You'll notice the other one that can't debate liked it though.
You starting a club?
"Lucid argument", "debate" how far up your ass have you lodged your corroded dome? You are dumber than fuck with no interest or capacity for lucidity, cogency, or moral legitimacy. Stfu clown youre an embarrassment to yourself and riu.
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