the politics of fucking little girls: roy moore, the next GOP senator from alabama

will you vote for roy moore, the nazi pedophile?

  • yes, MAGA!

  • no

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"they" who? you saying "they" knew but "they" waited for the high profile special election....doesnt add up.

of course after some sort of prosecution i will gladly sing your tune.

how does that not add up?

it was known in alabama political circles for years. investigators checked it out because a possible pedophile could be seated in the senate. what they found is incontrovertible. cops said they were assigned to keep him away from high school football games. malls banned him. he wrote fucking yerarbook messages to little girls.

i'm not even sure what is worse, his pedophilia, or his stated position of wanting to make homosexuality illegaland ban muslims from public office.

of course, all these nazi positions only appeal to you
I must live in the state in which a predator violated a child before denouncing pedophelia? Weird rule, fuckface. You either have zero integrity or you're a pedophile yourself. I'm guessing the latter.

twostroke did claim he videotaped another man's child dancing with a popsicle one time.
how does that not add up?

it was known in alabama political circles for years. investigators checked it out because a possible pedophile could be seated in the senate. what they found is incontrovertible. cops said they were assigned to keep him away from high school football games. malls banned him. he wrote fucking yerarbook messages to little girls.

i'm not even sure what is worse, his pedophilia, or his stated position of wanting to make homosexuality illegaland ban muslims from public office.

of course, all these nazi positions only appeal to you

You forgot "with views more extreme than hitler".

I wonder why?
how does that not add up?

it was known in alabama political circles for years. investigators checked it out because a possible pedophile could be seated in the senate. what they found is incontrovertible. cops said they were assigned to keep him away from high school football games. malls banned him. he wrote fucking yerarbook messages to little girls.

i'm not even sure what is worse, his pedophilia, or his stated position of wanting to make homosexuality illegaland ban muslims from public office.

of course, all these nazi positions only appeal to you
mall security supervisor never heard of Moore and says bans are documented.

Gloria allred refused to have the yearbook signature analyzed by experts and avoids that yearbook like the plague.....
mall security supervisor never heard of Moore and says bans are documented.

Gloria allred refused to have the yearbook signature analyzed by experts and avoids that yearbook like the plague.....
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LOL! Search "allred withholds yearbook". It's nothing but white nationalist and tin foil "deep state" sites for nuts. Some of it probably originates in Russia.
Speaking of things withheld, rumor has it that the Mueller team is pouring over the orange dotard's tax returns.
LOL! Search "allred withholds yearbook". It's nothing but white nationalist and tin foil "deep state" sites for nuts. Some of it probably originates in Russia.
Speaking of things withheld, rumor has it that the Mueller team is pouring over the orange dotard's tax returns.

sweet, maybe he will uncover some more mueller team bias!

meanwhile the fbi seems unaccountable to congress......
why are you making this about me dude (rhetorical) that fuckery ain't happening here.....if it did you would at least have facts, names and sources and a nice story with arrest records for me beating that older guys ass.

got any of those names, facts or sources?
I made this about you because you seemingly are defending this creep.
What did you say " it is only allegations ". So with you doubting the story of multiple women you must approve of this behavior for your child. Admit it.