Lucky Luke
Well-Known Member
You do realize that the Nazi did exactly the same thing to the Jews excluding slave labour and death camps right? Ok they don't have to wear a star of David but barring that its eerily similar.Really, tty. The Israelis are going to be operating concentration camps and gas chambers in in the Israeli State? Which propaganda site did you get that from?
Yes, Israel is a military led government and has done all sorts of bad acts against Palestinians. It's a quagmire that the US has partnered with Israel to create. It's really, really bad. A simple review of the actions and policies of the Nazi government will show the important differences, including the exclusion, arrest and planned extermination of Jews. The propaganda tactic that you bought in to is a lie that is based upon the principle of telling as big a lie as possible and repeating it until people believe it is true.
I oppose and point out what is easily seen as manipulative propaganda. What with your professed belief in many fake conspiracy theories you can add the lie that Nazis treated Jews like Isreael treats Palestinians to the list. Maybe somebody can explain why this lie is being promoted. I don't understand the purpose of this lie but it is obviously a lie and don't like it one bit.
Were you aware that there are roads only Israelis' can drive on? Are you aware that Palestinians are forced out of the homes so Jews can live there?

Its no wonder the middle east hates America. Its supporting a systematic invasion that is driving Palestinians off their own country.
Just because I disagree with a countries policies does not make me anti semantic or a Jew hater. It simply means I don't agree with what they are doing.
I don't agree with Americas stance on Iran atm or their domestic health policy or the Travel bans, does that make me anti American? Of cause not.
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