AP: US terrorism alert warns of politically motivated violence.

They were only notionally Christian, because that got them votes. Once votes didn’t matter, the top of the party was cultivating and deploying a sort of Teutonic mysticism, vaguely parallel to Japan’s military right commandeering and then distorting the warrior code, nationality as religious basis.

That whole "true chrsitian" thing is a mess. In reality, there are like five of 'em somewhere.
Everyone wants to be their own god, do not have time for the Real thing.
Do you mean the trillions of tiny organisms inside of each of our human meat sacks that are really the ones telling us what to do?

Your Democrats are the real fascists was funny though thanks for that.
"Why should freedom of speech and freedom of press be allowed? Why should a government which is doing what it believes to be right allow itself to be criticized? It would not allow opposition by lethal weapons. Ideas are much more fatal things than guns. Why should any man be allowed to buy a printing press and disseminate pernicious opinions calculated to embarrass the government?"
- Vladimir Lenin

As a guy that advocates socialism (I actually think full on communism is worse than what we have currently), have to say you won't find many leninists or stalinists here. It really helps to understand the groups you want to slander. Otherwise you just spout nonsense.

Sort of like the libertarians, big wide spectrum of beliefs over here in commie land. We just don't allow the age of consent weirdos in.
And rarely do we come across one.

I have another christian friend that talks about how much he hates this and that with a passion and I think....where'd ya learn all that hate? He's been fully indoctrinated since birth, embraces it as an adult, and commonly quotes bible scripture. It's not like he's uninformed. I've developed the opinion that, if a person firmly believes any specific detail in the bible, they're doing it wrong.
We must do something about these white supremes, they are now making black men kill minorities in the name of hitler.
Data mining for vulnerable people to micro target is depressingly easy nowadays.

And not Hitler, more in the name of Putin and the other right wing dictators who are trying like hell to brainwash enough people for them to maintain power.
Data mining for vulnerable people to micro target is depressingly easy nowadays.

And not Hitler, more in the name of Putin and the other right wing dictators who are trying like hell to brainwash enough people for them to maintain power.
kgb putler? thought he was a commie?
your derogatory classist insults show your true racist colors.

Redneck isn't a race. I'm sorry you feel such a close connection to rednecks to be offended and feel like a victim of racism. It's what happens when people have things too good for too long, they become hypersensitive pussies.
kgb putler? thought he was a commie?
What does that word even mean anymore? You get 100 people who use it, and you are likely going to get 100 different explanations of what it means to them.

Brainwashing propagandists will use anything and everything to trigger vulnerable people into doing violence. It is sick, extremely harmful, and needs to stop.
Redneck isn't a race. I'm sorry you feel such a close connection to rednecks to be offended and feel like a victim of racism. It's what happens when people have things too good for too long, they become hypersensitive pussies.
You sound like a facist.
What does that word even mean anymore? You get 100 people who use it, and you are likely going to get 100 different explanations of what it means to them.

Brainwashing propagandists will use anything and everything to trigger vulnerable people into doing violence. It is sick, extremely harmful, and needs to stop.
What does right winger mean?
What does that word even mean anymore? You get 100 people who use it, and you are likely going to get 100 different explanations of what it means to them.

Brainwashing propagandists will use anything and everything to trigger vulnerable people into doing violence. It is sick, extremely harmful, and needs to stop.
the “Communists” of the previous century were fascist authoritarians with a peculiar ideological veneer. Not much practical difference between Hitler and Stalin. Which explains Sir Winston’s darkly muttered observation at Yalta (iirc!) that “we slaughtered the wrong pig”.
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