AP: US terrorism alert warns of politically motivated violence.

Do you know what "moving the goalpost" is..? It's what people do when they don't know what they're saying.
oh just look at his username. Of course he means the wrong President.

(edit) I could be wrong. I thought i remembered Maga content from this user, but now I’m not at all sure.
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What does right winger mean?
Fair (even if you are not answering what it is that you are calling a 'commie' and just pushing what could easily be a troll tactic)if I actually said that to you, but I said 'right wing dictator'. Which has very real examples.

DeSantis in Florida, Trump, Putin, Abbott in Texas, the Republican state politicians in Michigan, and many more. All pushing through bullshit culture wars onto the majority of their people who did not vote for it so that they can maintain power because they know is being used in propaganda to scare their voters into keeping them in power.
the “Communists” of the previous century were fascist authoritarians with a peculiar ideological veneer. Not much practical difference between Hitler and Stalin. Which explains Sir Winston’s darkly muttered observation at Yalta (iirc!) that “we slaughtered the wrong pig”.
'of the previous century', what is it today?
Fair (even if you are not answering what it is that you are calling a 'commie' and just pushing what could easily be a troll tactic)if I actually said that to you, but I said 'right wing dictator'. Which has very real examples.

DeSantis in Florida, Trump, Putin, Abbott in Texas, the Republican state politicians in Michigan, and many more. All pushing through bullshit culture wars onto the majority of their people who did not vote for it so that they can maintain power because they know is being used in propaganda to scare their voters into keeping them in power.

'of the previous century', what is it today?
Who is still Communist today? Not Russia or its satellites. China has been doing their own hybrid form, which has far too much distributed ownership of the means if production to even rate as socialist. North Korea, maybe? I always saw them as an autocracy with the usual red veneer. Cuba? No idea how things are tgere after Castro.
Who is still Communist today? Not Russia or its satellites. China has been doing their own hybrid form, which has far too much distributed ownership of the means if production to even rate as socialist. North Korea, maybe? I always saw them as an autocracy with the usual red veneer. Cuba? No idea how things are tgere after Castro.
Exactly, it is now just a ink blot test that allows people to trigger at anything they are programmed to attach to that word, when trolls chum the internet with it.
https://www.rawstory.com/diamond-arnold-johnson-arrested/Screen Shot 2022-10-29 at 11.59.09 AM.png
On Friday, the Arkansas Times reported that Diamond Arnold-Johnson, the Democratic nominee for Arkansas state auditor, has been arrested on a charge of terroristic threats.

"The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported this morning on a police report that indicated police had attempted to serve an arrest warrant on Oct. 13, but left without serving it," reported Max Brantley. "Neither police nor Arnold-Johnson provided details on the allegation, but she called it a 'malicious prosecution' and a 'form of harassment.' She reportedly told officers she was going to call Mayor Frank Scott Jr. and yelled at officers. The newspaper reported that Arnold-Johnson had pleaded guilty in 2014 to misdemeanor carrying of a weapon and misdemeanor third-degree endangering the welfare of a minor. She was sentenced to probation."

Arnold-Johnson posted a video of her arrest on Facebook Live.

According to the report, the Democratic Party of Arkansas is not standing by her. "Everyone has the right to due process; however, our Party firmly believes people must be held accountable for any criminal behavior, especially candidates for public office," said the party in a statement. "The Democratic Party of Arkansas did not recruit her to run for Auditor of State, and we cannot bar her from running for this position. We remain focused on working for a better Arkansas and winning races across the state."

This is not the first time this year that Arkansas Democrats have had to disavow the actions of a candidate who won a major political nomination without their backing. The party also recently condemned John White, the Democratic nominee for Arkansas' 4th Congressional District, for claiming at a debate that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from former President Donald Trump, and that the January 6 Capitol attack was just a harmless "demonstration" — something even Republican incumbent Bruce Westerman rebuked him for on the stage.

According to the report, Arnold-Johnson was at the most recent update being held at the Pulaski County Jail without bond having been set.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2022/10/29/david-depape-blog-pelosi-fairies/Screen Shot 2022-10-30 at 8.41.08 AM.png
David DePape is shown in Berkeley, Calif., in 2013. An intruder attacked and severely beat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer in the couple's San Francisco home early Friday. Police discovered 82-year-old Paul Pelosi and the suspect, DePape, said Police Chief William Scott. (Michael Short/San Francisco Chronicle/AP)

The San Francisco Bay area man arrested in the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband filled a blog a week before the incident with delusional thoughts, including that an invisible fairy attacked an acquaintance and sometimes appeared to him in the form of a bird, according to online writings under his name.

David DePape, 42, also published hundreds of blog posts in recent months sharing memes in support of fringe commentators and far-right personalities. Many of the posts were filled with screeds against Jews, Black people, Democrats, the media and transgender people.

During October, DePape published over 100 posts. While each loads, a reader briefly glimpses an image of a person wearing a giant inflatable unicorn costume, superimposed against a night sky. The photos and videos that followed were often dark and disturbing.

He published a drawing of the Devil kneeling and asking a caricature of a Jewish person to teach him the arts of “lying, deception, cheating and incitement.” Several contain lifelike images of rotting human flesh and blood, including a zombified Bill Gates and Hillary Clinton. Others depict headless bodies against bleak, dystopian landscapes.

Before those writings were removed Saturday, The Washington Post reviewed them, as well as gory photos, illustrations and videos on a website that DePape registered under his name in early August and that his daughter confirmed was his. Notably, the voluminous writings do not mention Pelosi. Police say DePape broke into the home Pelosi shares with her husband early Friday, yelled “Where is Nancy?” and attacked 82-year-old Paul Pelosi with a hammer.

Pelosi remained hospitalized Saturday, recovering from surgery to repair a skull fracture and serious injuries to his right arm and hand, according to the speaker’s office. San Francisco’s police chief and district attorney provided no update, but on Friday local, state and federal authorities said they were working together to investigate DePape’s motive.

A woman who identified DePape as her “father” said Friday that she was stunned by his arrest even though he was, she said, abusive to other members of the family. “I love my father,” Inti Gonzalez wrote in a statement posted to her website and later removed. “He did genuinely try to be a good person but the monster in him was always too strong for him to be safe to be around.”

“This attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband came as a shock to me,” wrote Gonzalez, who is 21, according to her website. “I didn’t see this coming and there was no sign of the possibility from his end.” Gonzalez wrote she followed her father’s writing online but was not aware of the website he registered in August.

Reached by The Post before she issued the statement, Gonzalez declined to comment about DePape.

DePape grew up in British Columbia, a relative told CNN. He briefly drew public attention nearly a decade ago in San Francisco when he participated in a demonstration against a city ordinance banning public nudity. The protest was led by Gonzalez’s mother, Gypsy Taub, an outspoken nudity activist.

Videos posted on YouTube show that DePape was among a group of protesters marching through San Francisco’s Castro neighborhood for the 2013 demonstration.

On his blog, DePape wrote bitterly in recent months of his relationship with Taub, who also promoted debunked conspiracy theories on her own blog, including that 9/11 was an “inside job.” He accused Taub of manipulating her children to turn them against him.

Taub is serving a sentence for felony stalking and attempted child abduction, after prosecutors said she became fixated with a 14-year-old boy and attempted to kidnap him. She could not be reached for comment. Gonzalez told The Post that she had spoken with Taub and that Taub would be making a statement upon her release. She is eligible for parole in January.

Four days before the Pelosi attack, DePape posted on his website what he presented as a 2021 email to Gonzalez. In it, he told her he struggled with the urge to end his life as his relationship with Taub and her children was falling apart. “I was extremely suicidal, Mentally I would beg you guys daily to let me kill myself,” he wrote in the email. DePape cut off contact with Taub and her children after he was he was kicked out of their home and living in a car, according to his online account. He does not say when those events occurred.

The domain frenlyfrens.com was registered Aug. 8 under DePape’s name and to an address in Richmond, Calif., where a neighbor told a Post reporter he lived. The web address uses the phonetic spelling of “friend,” which has become a slang term adopted by many in the far right — a term that is sometimes written as an acronym for Far Right Ethno-Nationalist.

Reddit banned an openly anti-semitic group by the name /r/FrenWorld in 2019, saying it contained postings that glorified or encouraged violence. One cartoon featured repeatedly by members contained pictures of a frog character that has been appropriated by the far right.
“Frens, sound the alarms!” one says. “Arm yourselves! The longnose is coming, the longnose is coming.”

Two weeks after registering the site, DePape’s first post was titled “Mary Poppins.” Amid the ongoing feud between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and Disney over the company’s criticism of the state’s law known by critics as the “don’t say gay” bill, the violent video depicted a SWAT team firing at Poppins.

Details of DePape’s everyday life in recent months are included in the postings that followed. He played video games at a nearby library and spent hours meditating, according to the writings. In another post, he shared an image of a fantasy miniature salamander he purchased on Etsy. He wrote that he was looking to purchase a fairy house on Etsy but was frustrated that the doors were painted and so could not be used by a fairy. “They have lots of fairy houses but NONE of them are MADE for fairies,” he wrote.

In late August, DePape became engrossed in the decision by Twitter to ban Jordan Peterson for his posts about transgender people. The Canadian psychologist turned conservative podcaster had once said that being transgender was comparable to “satanic ritual abuse.”

DePape published six posts in support of Peterson and then continued with his own caustic takes on transgender people, saying they should not be a protected group. “They were not BORN a freak. They are not INHERENTLY a freak threw no fault of their own. … They are CHOOSING to be FREAKS,” he wrote in one post.

In the last week of September, as the Justice Department filed a motion seeking to compel former Trump adviser Peter Navarro to return government emails, DePape blogged his take: “No evidence of election fraud. Any journalist saying that should be dragged straight out into the street and shot.”

DePape was also active on the message board 4chan, a site notorious for extremist discussion, posting memes and debating other anonymous users about his beliefs, according to his website.
In an Oct. 24 post titled “Disinfo Shill Tactics,” he complained that he was a target of law enforcement he described as ‘paid shills’ trying to manipulate the message board. “I would come in and lay out the facts and so all the paid shills would jump on me. To try and suppress it,” he wrote.

That same day, DePape shared images from a construction site where he worked months ago.
One highlighted a jackhammer with the number 33 on it, an apparent reference to a conspiracy theory about Freemasons and world control. A co-worker remarked he sounded like the now deceased right-wing radio personality Rush Limbaugh after referring to feminists as “feminazis” during a discussion on feminism, according to the account.

In another post on Oct. 24, four days before the attack on Pelosi, DePape shared images of a wooden birdhouse he said he had purchased for an invisible fairy he communicated with that had begun interfering with his life. “He appears in a form that makes sense in my reality because I can’t see fairies. He’ll do things to let me know its him and he o[f]ten appears as a bird,” he wrote.
F_T_P finds an 82 year old man being almost murdered by a republican conspiracy theorist and trump follower to be funny?
a man who doesn't even himself hold any office? you have a very fucked up and disturbing sense of humor.. :(
Beating up an 82 year old with a hammer always brings out a laugh. What a fucked up world you/we all live in at the moment. :(.
F_T_P finds an 82 year old man being almost murdered by a republican conspiracy theorist and trump follower to be funny?
a man who doesn't even himself hold any office? you have a very fucked up and disturbing sense of humor.. :(

referring to this guy as a Republican is like calling Kanye West a philosopher. Clearly he was influenced by some crazy stuff but you’re not reading anything beyond excerpts that support your personal views if you’re not able to acknowledge the other details that have arisen about his lifestyle and mental health
referring to this guy as a Republican is like calling Kanye West a philosopher.
I think it would be more like calling Kanye West a Republican.

Clearly he was influenced by some crazy stuff but you’re not reading anything beyond excerpts that support your personal views if you’re not able to acknowledge the other details that have arisen about his lifestyle and mental health
Only the insurrectionists in the Republican Party are using these conspiracy theories as their platform man.

I do agree it is shitty that they have driven these mentally unstable people into becoming domestic terrorists because it helps them get re-elected.
referring to this guy as a Republican is like calling Kanye West a philosopher. Clearly he was influenced by some crazy stuff but you’re not reading anything beyond excerpts that support your personal views if you’re not able to acknowledge the other details that have arisen about his lifestyle and mental health
where do you think he got those other ideas? who do you think fed into them and amplified them? do you really think he would have been so fucking crazy if there wasn't a group of people who were constantly reinforcing the worst of his delusions? and who would those people be?....i wonder?....does it maybe rhyme with REPUBLICAN ?
i read the story...he was a harmless weirdo, until someone...some group of people with an ulterior motive...started reinforcing his fucking craziness. it was qanon magats...find me a democratic qanon magat...i'll wait...the blame goes where it goes, and a big chunk of it goes to those republicans inflating qanon stupidity.
Starts up about 5:05.

The Republican bullying technique starts up on those guy's trying to shift the conversation to a snowflake to try to use it to attack Democrats, but she doesn't let it stand at that, when he gets all self righteous she just rolls back over him.

Good for her, it is insulting how stupid these insurrectionist politicians are assuming that we all are to their con, and they need to get smacked down every time they try it.