Well-Known Member
listen man, and i mean this with all sincerity, i don't care.when the bank orders fed notes for the vault, or for the computer, what prompts the order?
personally I'm not making a specie backed argument at present, i read the coinage act and the window closed, duh.
say that note in your pocket that you conflate as a dollar was born in the bailout, still not debt?
say it was created when some guy took out a loan for a car, still not debt?
I'm not making a jew conspiracy argument either, or any conspiracy.
but the note in your wallet isn't a dollar and is redeemable in lawful money.
that said, the constitution protects your right to contract outside of it and use any money system you want....
you have lots of options there but you can only pay taxes with one elastic fiat variety and that's the catch.
i know what im talking about, i was paid by a top financial institution to know this sort of shit.. think what you want, it really means absolutely nothing to me.
the fact remains, The Federal Reserve is a government entity and a Federal Reserve Note is not debt. plain and simple, done and done. say whatever it is that you want to say, you can't change facts.
let's all agree to disagree.