★ Atomic Squat ★

@neosapien aka Stinky penguin
Come on bro surely you can do better than that? That's a pretty piss poor effort eh? Why'd ya attention the other handle bro? The only problem I got is with you man no one else. So let's keep this real and why don't ya start actin' like the poor excuse of a man ya really are? Wait a minute, yeah you've done that. This low life piece of shit is claimin' "the mods must have done it." Come on man take ownership. Don't blame the mods. Show some sac dude. Everyone knows you're the resident depraved pervert takin' advantage of any female member that'll let ya. What'd this woman do to ya bro? Wouldn't be hard to work it out. She stop sending ya snaps? Your butt get real hurt ya thought you'd get your own back? I'd love to come face to face with a dirty dog cunt like you. You wouldn't be postin' on any forums for a good while bro let me tell ya that. Ya don't believe me? Hit me up any time bro. It'd give me great pleasure teachin' a piece of shit like you a lesson or two on how to respect a woman ya putrid excuse for a human. Seriously bro, hit me up.

I agree what's happening is wrong but so is the name calling and threats from you.
Told the cunt to hit me up. I ain't threatenin' shit. He wants to degrade innocent women, I got no problem showin' him how I like to treat poor excuses for men. Simple as that man. No need for you to defend the putrid cunt. Mods did it. What a fucken cop out. Piece-a-shit doesn't comprehend right from wrong, what's acceptable behaviour towards a woman and what's not. I'd be happy to teach the cunt. That's all I'm sayin'
Hes not defending..hes saying you are NOW doing the same shit you claim he did. Pathetic brain you have
I agree what's happening is wrong but so is the name calling and threats from you.
Go away Abe, this is pretty low trying to get back in by exploiting her

....snip....doesn't comprehend right from wrong, what's acceptable behaviour towards a woman and what's not...........snip.....

Profanity removed, I assume you are her boyfriend. Your beef is really with your girlfriend. How could these possibly be her?
Seriously. Get off me. It was in a freaking pony tail and very intentional why I didn't show it.
~I'm feeling awfully good right now. The non stop thought process begins~
I have absolutely no pity for chicks that end up having dirty pics of them selves plastered all over social media from a now ex partner who thought he'd share. Don't put yourself in that position(literally) and u have nothing to worry about. Can still send your boyfriend dirty pics. Heaps of ways to be tastefully dirty without major details of your physique showing. More fun too I think. Bit painful sometimes trying to get the right angle in the right light +filter bla bla bla.
Haha Ive fucking lost it so sorry! Where was I gojng with all that??? My hair not showing!
Abuse is abuse regardless the form.

Remember that fulminantly drunk psychopath from Michigan? abe someone?

He would spout platitudes just like this and then do the abuse he so coyly threatened.

You're behaving just like him.

The alternating between trashing and championing the blonde cancer is a specific tell. You'll recruit anybody.

"not a foe" my maiden aunt Fanny. (Got a cat named Fanny, "gully"?)

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the latest superbro, but the deck is out of aces and faces.

Starve it and watch it dissolve into offended hysterics like the demon-possessed moral parasite this one is.

Until the next dishonest stalk-puppet that is.
@neosapien aka Stinky penguin
Come on bro surely you can do better than that? That's a pretty piss poor effort eh? Why'd ya attention the other handle bro? The only problem I got is with you man no one else. So let's keep this real and why don't ya start actin' like the poor excuse of a man ya really are? Wait a minute, yeah you've done that. This low life piece of shit is claimin' "the mods must have done it." Come on man take ownership. Don't blame the mods. Show some sac dude. Everyone knows you're the resident depraved pervert takin' advantage of any female member that'll let ya. What'd this woman do to ya bro? Wouldn't be hard to work it out. She stop sending ya snaps? Your butt get real hurt ya thought you'd get your own back? I'd love to come face to face with a dirty dog cunt like you. You wouldn't be postin' on any forums for a good while bro let me tell ya that. Ya don't believe me? Hit me up any time bro. It'd give me great pleasure teachin' a piece of shit like you a lesson or two on how to respect a woman ya putrid excuse for a human. Seriously bro, hit me up.

STFU .....you stupid fuck ....any self respecting women wouldn't send pics like that PM or otherwise .....trying to be the do gooder for your Riu crush .....and looking just as dumb as the tits themselves.

And Neo would fuck you up.

Quit fucking up my ladies music thread.

Defending a lady who sent nudes via a stoner site ...lol......then calls Neo a cunt ....after acting like he's protecting females in general ...LMFAO ....only on RIU

Guarenteed homeboy has fapped 12 times to the pics .....fuckin idiot

@Diabolical666 love you long time

Sshhhh don't tell my wife ....SMH
Okay I am who and whatever you say I am. If I wasn't why would you say I am?

I'm done.

Any (term not sanctioned by admin) who claims to be "not a foe" and then engages in this sort of borderline reality distortion ...

... and will not reveal who he is in PM, thereby ensuring he is certainly no friend ...

is someone I want to be done. Go away, abe.