Go away
You got it.
Last edited:
Go away
Quod Erat Demonstrandum, good ole editing Abe
View attachment 4063473
You got it.
While you continue to pm me! So very done, just like abe.
I remember three-year-olds shouting at each other "I'm done!"
No I'M done!
No dummy I'm DONE!
Shurrup I'm the one who's done!
Gotta keep better track of who you are just now, abe of the thousand abes.
Btw how many of those taken but postless socks are yours? You've ruined it for those who sock up for truth, justice and the American way.
I apologized for what I said. I'm done.
No more/
I apologized for what I said. I'm done.
No more/
seriously, coming from a guy that recently drove another member off, your morality lessons are interesting. I think you feel guilty for being a complete prick to reddan incessantly so now you've shifted your focus to my topic. I'm not saying you're wrong, just a massive hypocrite.
Bob, going for your throat is the only way to pacify you. Tried being nice, doesn't work. You are slippery and a wimp when you're out bullied. I told you I'd stop, apologized even, but you kept opening your mouth to tempt me to hammer you. Now you're wagging your finger, whimpering. nice try.
Just prior to your child, you know damn well, you'd blast other members, daily, stating how you were fucking their wives. And you still don't hesitate to tell other members to kill themselves. That's who YOU are Bob.
Where were you @Indacouch, M, DB, when Bob was pulling that shit? C2G had no-objections to Bob doing this either! Buncha phony punks. It's only "funny" when one of your buds is mischievous. And No, it's NOT funny whatsoever!
You have no idea how wrong you are. I logged out 100% for two months, yet occasionally read the forum. Go ahead and tell yourself whatever you like. You don't give two shits about the truth and claim to be high and mighty w integrity.
It was you asshats that kept projecting the notion of me onto every new account. You turds are obsessed and I can understand why.
Yes it was a sex dream. Bob was in it too. Don't forget about Bob.
How is it your clique incessantly brought up my name over the past two months that I've been off forum, yet you claim you all live in my head? Only Annie lives in my head. Since you've kept bringing me up in my absence I'm pretty sure I have a stake in your brain.
How exactly can you tell if I'm working or not? Do you have cameras in my house? You're making shit up again.
Where is my gag me with a spoon spoon?
I forgot about those don hertzfelt vidsWhere is my gag me with a spoon spoon?
Take this.
Marlena is hot, john black rocks, orpheus sucks and where is roman?
SquatWhat's this thread about?
"...I am a man of my word, if nothing else."
~neosapien 6 Sep '17
^^^This is my only defense. Lulled into a false sense of security by a well known, well liked, seemingly well respected member. What can I say? It was a stupid thing to do.
I have no one to blame other than myself and will bear it, or "bare" it seems to be more befitting.
I trusted neo. But was also well aware I may be placing that trust in vain. And hence, here we are...
I'll say it again, I blame only myself for going against my
better judgement.
@neopsapien, u did what u thought u had to. I'm not angry. Embarrassed? For sure. All I ask is u don't add insult to injury and for one minute think I believe your story that "the mods stole them." U did it,
Own it. CN taught me this lesson.
Oh and for those that are less than satisfied with my "features" and feel the need for speculation, each of these photos, and any more likely to surface were taken within days of each other in September this year. ~At CN in particular, I have one child only, delivered naturally not via c-section.
And that's all I have to say about that...
I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and a better new year to come.
Seriously. Get off me. It was in a freaking pony tail and very intentional why I didn't show it.
~I'm feeling awfully good right now. The non stop thought process begins~
I have absolutely no pity for chicks that end up having dirty pics of them selves plastered all over social media from a now ex partner who thought he'd share. Don't put yourself in that position(literally) and u have nothing to worry about. Can still send your boyfriend dirty pics. Heaps of ways to be tastefully dirty without major details of your physique showing. More fun too I think. Bit painful sometimes trying to get the right angle in the right light +filter bla bla bla.
Haha Ive fucking lost it so sorry! Where was I gojng with all that??? My hair not showing!
Spoiled milk.What's this thread about?
Shhh, honey the adults are talkin' just go snort some more Xanax. It will all be okI’m lost and don’t wanna read back, anyone bring me up to speed here ?