★ Atomic Squat ★

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"...I am a man of my word, if nothing else."

~neosapien 6 Sep '17

^^^This is my only defense. Lulled into a false sense of security by a well known, well liked, seemingly well respected member. What can I say? It was a stupid thing to do.
I have no one to blame other than myself and will bear it, or "bare" it seems to be more befitting.
I trusted neo. But was also well aware I may be placing that trust in vain. And hence, here we are...
I'll say it again, I blame only myself for going against my
better judgement.
@neopsapien, u did what u thought u had to. I'm not angry. Embarrassed? For sure. All I ask is u don't add insult to injury and for one minute think I believe your story that "the mods stole them." U did it,
Own it. CN taught me this lesson.

Oh and for those that are less than satisfied with my "features" and feel the need for speculation, each of these photos, and any more likely to surface were taken within days of each other in September this year. ~At CN in particular, I have one child only, delivered naturally not via c-section.


And that's all I have to say about that...
I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and a better new year to come.

My, my. Lotsa drama up in here this morning! You'll never see a nude you sent me anywhere else but my PM box, because I'm greedy and anti-social and wouldn't share them with anyone. I should be rewarded for my upstanding behavior, please send more...
"...I am a man of my word, if nothing else."

~neosapien 6 Sep '17

^^^This is my only defense. Lulled into a false sense of security by a well known, well liked, seemingly well respected member. What can I say? It was a stupid thing to do.
I have no one to blame other than myself and will bear it, or "bare" it seems to be more befitting.
I trusted neo. But was also well aware I may be placing that trust in vain. And hence, here we are...
I'll say it again, I blame only myself for going against my
better judgement.
@neopsapien, u did what u thought u had to. I'm not angry. Embarrassed? For sure. All I ask is u don't add insult to injury and for one minute think I believe your story that "the mods stole them." U did it,
Own it. CN taught me this lesson.

Oh and for those that are less than satisfied with my "features" and feel the need for speculation, each of these photos, and any more likely to surface were taken within days of each other in September this year. ~At CN in particular, I have one child only, delivered naturally not via c-section.


And that's all I have to say about that...
I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and a better new year to come.
Why you sending inappropriate pictures to married men and then ruining their Chinese vacations? You wanted attention thats what you got, why the long face? WHY BRO, WHY?