F'n Georgia... We have a looooong way to go

You know what's funny about idiots like you?

You spout off these long, long rants and you have NO CLUE what you're talking about.

To hear you tell it, 63 young, law abiding, fine, upstanding little children were innocently standing around doing absolutely nothing wrong when a SWAT team dropped on their heads from a helicopter and arrested them all over a single joint laying on the ground a mile away that wasn't theirs.

That is NOT what happened.

What happened was ONCE AGAIN a party of young, black youth completely over ran a house with a block party. The party got COMPLETELY out of hand with loud music, screaming, yelling, fights...

and then the gun shots went off.

Yes, you read that right. Gun shots.

Now, to clue you in, that is fucking illegal - firing a gun in a residential neighborhood AND marijuana.

So the cops showed up because they were CALLED THERE BY THE NEIGHBORS.

Now, what the cops really, REALLY wanted to know was: who fired the gun shots?

Nobody would talk. The place reeked of pot. All over. And as idiots go, these kids were top drawer. They actually just threw it right there on the fucking lawn at the officers feet essentially.

So the cops then start asking, 'whose dope is this' and 'where are the guns'?

Nobody talks.

So they bust all of them, take them down to the detention center, process them, get a warrant, go back to the house and what do they find?

MORE drugs, the guns, and lots of other shit as well.

All of it ILLEGAL.

Now, this wouldn't really be all that big a deal if:
  1. A party exactly like this turned into a shooting that killed 6 youths about 4 miles away from that location last year.
  2. Somebody had simply owned up to the pot and taken it like a man.
  3. Somebody had turned over the guns, claimed one was accidentally discharged and take whatever citation they had coming.
But you know why none of them would do that?

Because, surprise surprise, MOST of them have criminal records, are under age and not even eligible to own a hand gun and are not old enough to qualify for any sort of medicinal marijuana license.

In other words, they all, being the criminal minded people they are, didn't want to get busted AGAIN because they knew they'd be in a world of shit for 2nd, 3rd, 4th or however many other offenses they may have had.

But keep on defending idiots like this. It's what sets marijuana legislation for everybody else back 100 years.

Best gif ever award to @tyler.durden
You know what's funny about idiots like you?

You spout off these long, long rants and you have NO CLUE what you're talking about.

To hear you tell it, 63 young, law abiding, fine, upstanding little children were innocently standing around doing absolutely nothing wrong when a SWAT team dropped on their heads from a helicopter and arrested them all over a single joint laying on the ground a mile away that wasn't theirs.

That is NOT what happened.

What happened was ONCE AGAIN a party of young, black youth completely over ran a house with a block party. The party got COMPLETELY out of hand with loud music, screaming, yelling, fights...

and then the gun shots went off.

Yes, you read that right. Gun shots.

Now, to clue you in, that is fucking illegal - firing a gun in a residential neighborhood AND marijuana.

So the cops showed up because they were CALLED THERE BY THE NEIGHBORS.

Now, what the cops really, REALLY wanted to know was: who fired the gun shots?

Nobody would talk. The place reeked of pot. All over. And as idiots go, these kids were top drawer. They actually just threw it right there on the fucking lawn at the officers feet essentially.

So the cops then start asking, 'whose dope is this' and 'where are the guns'?

Nobody talks.

So they bust all of them, take them down to the detention center, process them, get a warrant, go back to the house and what do they find?

MORE drugs, the guns, and lots of other shit as well.

All of it ILLEGAL.

Now, this wouldn't really be all that big a deal if:
  1. A party exactly like this turned into a shooting that killed 6 youths about 4 miles away from that location last year.
  2. Somebody had simply owned up to the pot and taken it like a man.
  3. Somebody had turned over the guns, claimed one was accidentally discharged and take whatever citation they had coming.
But you know why none of them would do that?

Because, surprise surprise, MOST of them have criminal records, are under age and not even eligible to own a hand gun and are not old enough to qualify for any sort of medicinal marijuana license.

In other words, they all, being the criminal minded people they are, didn't want to get busted AGAIN because they knew they'd be in a world of shit for 2nd, 3rd, 4th or however many other offenses they may have had.

But keep on defending idiots like this. It's what sets marijuana legislation for everybody else back 100 years.

I hate you.
So, since nobody agreed with your point of view yesterday, you figure announcing they were black this morning solidifies your point?

WTF is up with that?

That isn't it at all.

You people say they never broke the law, that none of it was legitimate, that the police are all wrong.

You're fucking wrong.

Illegal drugs were involved. Fighting was involved. Noise was involved. FUCKING GUNFIRE WAS INVOLVED.

This has been a HUGE problem among the black youths around this area for the last 20 years. The funny part is when the police don't act and shut shit like this down and kids wind up dead, everybody says, "why the fuck didn't the police do something"?

But then when they do something to shut this shit down you all say, "why are they fucking with innocent kids"?

Bunch of god damned hypocrites, the lot of you.
That isn't it at all.

You people say they never broke the law, that none of it was legitimate, that the police are all wrong.

You're fucking wrong.

Illegal drugs were involved. Fighting was involved. Noise was involved. FUCKING GUNFIRE WAS INVOLVED.

This has been a HUGE problem among the black youths around this area for the last 20 years. The funny part is when the police don't act and shut shit like this down and kids wind up dead, everybody says, "why the fuck didn't the police do something"?

But then when they do something to shut this shit down you all say, "why are they fucking with innocent kids"?

Bunch of god damned hypocrites, the lot of you.

Take a deep breath. Stop listening to the guns.

It doesn't matter that laws were broken. It doesn't matter that noise was made. It doesn't even matter that guns were fired. It's important, but it doesn't really matter.

What matters is the police couldn't say with any confidence who did it. Not every crime will be solved, and that is a good thing if the guilty can't be identified. The party was ended, the guns were seized, and a few warrants were collected. Whoo-f'n-hoo.

Because the MOST IMPORTANT part of justice, and the only part that matters, is that you don't charge innocent people for crimes they didn't commit.

So police will get frustrated. They will get upset. They can stomp up and down and cry like little children. But they don't get to arrest 70 people for something you wouldn't arrest a single person for just because they feel impotent and angry.

Btw, do you have any idea how many guns get fired during noisy parties in rural georgia by crackers and trailer park residents? But I guess as long as they are white it's just good ol' boys having fun.
What matters is the police couldn't say with any confidence who did it.


They knew that SOMEBODY there was responsible. Since nobody owned up to it, they all go.

That has been black letter law for about the last 240 years in this country. It's called, "guilt by association". Look it up.

If people are to stupid to fess up or point out who is at fault, they make themselves part of the crime and as such are responsible.

That is all there is or ever was to it.

Only one type of person thinks that's wrong: the criminals.

They knew that SOMEBODY there was responsible. Since nobody owned up to it, they all go.

That has been black letter law for about the last 240 years in this country. It's called, "guilt by association". Look it up.

If people are to stupid to fess up or point out who is at fault, they make themselves part of the crime and as such are responsible.

That is all there is or ever was to it.

Only one type of person thinks that's wrong: the criminals.

Now I know you are a loon. ;)

Guilt by association is a fallacy wrt the law. It doesn't exist. It would be tossed out of court faster than you can say get out.

What the cops use is a charge of "constructive possession". But it doesn't apply here because that requires several conditions be met, one of which is knowledge of the drugs existence and another is they need some degree of control over it. The cops couldn't prove either it appears.

The constitution guarantees freedom of association. It doesn't allow for guilt by association.

Get over it. Not every crime needs a charge. Especially minor crimes. Charges aren't torpedo's that are searching for any target they can lock onto. They are more like a lock and key. The problem the cops have is none of the keys they have fit the lock. They can't prove anything. Nobody except those with warrants should have been detained.

These charges will be tossed. The only reason they made the arrests was retribution.
I'll just leave this here: https://www.lexisnexis.com/legalnew...ion-and-klein-conspiracy.aspx?Redirected=true

What the premise is is simply this: When people are well aware of a given thing, yet nobody confesses to it, then all are assumed to be party to that given thing. It's one step away from a conspiracy.

If you get pulled over in your car with 4 people in it, and they find dope in the back seat, guess who goes to jail if nobody owns up to it?

You do. It's your car. You are in control of it, so it's your dope.

But it doesn't work that way in a large group of people outside. In that case, since nobody was willing to either own up to it OR point out any guilty party, they ALL go.

And the courts will bear it all out. If nobody still comes forward, they will all be charged, all be found guilty, and all be fined.

And you know what? They'll be right back out there doing it again this weekend. Several dozen kids are already dead...and that's just going to keep on climbing because to them, protecting each other from a misdemeanor drug charge is more important than living.
I'd like to ask taco.......how many of those 70 were unaware of whose sack it was?

You HAVE to know the answer to this as you seem to know EVERY THING else about this situation.
You are a complete loon. Did you even read the article? They weren't charged with guilt by association, they were charged with conspiracy. The court determined their intent, not that they were standing next to a crime. There is no crime called guilt by association. It is a descriptor applied to baseless charges.

But what you go on to describe is a case of constructive possession. So in your case, I am driving my car and I have 3 others in the car. A bag of "dope" (whatever that is) is in the back (trunk?).

Ok, in this case I am presumed to both know it exists and that I have dominion and control. Both are required for constructive possession to apply. But the other three may not be charged. If they didn't know the drugs were there, they can't be charged/convicted. Likewise, if they had no control or choice in the matter, again, no charge/conviction.

If was in a paper bag found in the back seat, it gets murkier. They still need to be able to prove everyone knew it was there, and they had a choice to remain in the car.

If it was a bong, and the drugs were out in plain site, and smoke billowed out of the car, yes, everyone could be charged.

But in a house party, not so much. You can't prove that everyone, or even anyone, knew the drugs were there and that they had control over the situation.

But it's still an abuse of power to arrest that number of people just because you are having a temper tantrum. The charges will get tossed. Courts don't like stupid police going insane and arresting crowds. Juries like it even less.
So there wasn't one single man with any balls at all?

And you blame the State of Georgia for that?

That ain't Georgia's fault, pal. That's a bunch of pussies with NO balls and NO honor. Rather than man up and take a misdemeanor, they all pussied out hoping to get away with it.

People that break the law like I do have two ways to do it: the honorable way or the criminal way.

I do it the honorable way. I've never had a problem.

They did it the criminal way as usual. That's why they have the problem.

That's like saying " I suck dick the heterosexual way, they suck dicks like faggots..
