Buying seeds

I realize the stupidity of doing this, trust me, but just about how risky would it be to have seeds shipped to the grow location BUT it's an apartment building(my own unit, no landlord) with 12 units. When packages are delivered here they just sit inside the front door until the person who ordered it grabs it.
My plan is to use a pre-paid card(no names associated with it) and address it to a random name without my unit number. No one will take it.
Again I know this is not a great way to go about this but I'm somewhat limited on options and I'd really like to start growing my own. Depending on the feedback I might try and think up a different route but I don't really want to ask anyone to let me ship it to their place. It may not be but to me it feels kinda ignorant.
I appreciate your time!
Yeah I've read that you wouldn't be in too much trouble even IF you got caught up. I guess really what's on my mind is for some reason being visited by law enforcement down the line once I've started. But now that I type that out it seems like more of a paranoid thought.
I realize the stupidity of doing this, trust me, but just about how risky would it be to have seeds shipped to the grow location BUT it's an apartment building(my own unit, no landlord) with 12 units. When packages are delivered here they just sit inside the front door until the person who ordered it grabs it.
My plan is to use a pre-paid card(no names associated with it) and address it to a random name without my unit number. No one will take it.
Again I know this is not a great way to go about this but I'm somewhat limited on options and I'd really like to start growing my own. Depending on the feedback I might try and think up a different route but I don't really want to ask anyone to let me ship it to their place. It may not be but to me it feels kinda ignorant.
I appreciate your time!

just use nirvana, the only rule i have for you is, dont have them sent to the same place you are growing. Other than that it doesnt really matter. Just use a reputable site. (like and you will be good. also, i do not work for nirvana, i have just had great luck through them! Cheers.
Ive had luck with herbies , TGT, and attitude.

I was super sketch when i made my first order
As we were not a recreational state at the time

But ive even got my orders taken by customs.twice lol
Just dont order through attitude with the coffee cup just saying use random item .
Well thank you. Was actually debating either Nirvana or MSNL.
I get that it's not exactly smart to do so but if there's no way someone will come to my door especially if I've received them already, what's the issue with sending them here?
I realize the stupidity of doing this, trust me, but just about how risky would it be to have seeds shipped to the grow location BUT it's an apartment building(my own unit, no landlord) with 12 units. When packages are delivered here they just sit inside the front door until the person who ordered it grabs it.
My plan is to use a pre-paid card(no names associated with it) and address it to a random name without my unit number. No one will take it.
Again I know this is not a great way to go about this but I'm somewhat limited on options and I'd really like to start growing my own. Depending on the feedback I might try and think up a different route but I don't really want to ask anyone to let me ship it to their place. It may not be but to me it feels kinda ignorant.
I appreciate your time!
it was this 'fly by the seat of ones pants' devil may care attitude that helped us win the war son...good to see that spirit is still alive!
Really not smart to be posting pictures of seed packaging. Really not smart at all.
Agree but it was probably in an envelope and i dont think they search every envelope

Edit to add nirvana probably wouldn't be dumb enough to send something that has his face and name on the package

this is NOT how i recieved the package, this is after i opened it. i dont see the problem with sharing this. its not like they can open every package and see whats inside.
kinda figured :) envelopes are mechanically sorted ...
Not like a guy has a candle looking through all the envelopes lol..

Nirvanas been on my list for a long time just never pulled the trigger ill have to go look at there menu again
it was this 'fly by the seat of ones pants' devil may care attitude that helped us win the war son...good to see that spirit is still alive!
You know how it goes... desperate times call for desperate measures!
Honestly though the more I think about it the less of a risk there seems to be. Hopefully I'm not just fooling myself but from what I've read and gathered using common sense, there's virtually no risk unless you try and claim a detained package. Please for the love of your God correct me if I'm wrong haha.
kinda figured :) envelopes are mechanically sorted ...
Not like a guy has a candle looking through all the envelopes lol..

Nirvanas been on my list for a long time just never pulled the trigger ill have to go look at there menu again
does nirvana send from holland? isnt it a higher risk from there for mail to get through?
I couldnt say anything ...except they took them

Whether or not i got put on some kind of list is beyond me.

Now if i where a straight drug lord who dealt in pounds measured by the hundreds ... i wouldnt lmao

Doesnt sound like the case though you will more then likely be fine..... just dont call me for bail :)
You know how it goes... desperate times call for desperate measures!
Honestly though the more I think about it the less of a risk there seems to be. Hopefully I'm not just fooling myself but from what I've read and gathered using common sense, there's virtually no risk unless you try and claim a detained package. Please for the love of your God correct me if I'm wrong haha.
dont worry man, just search for the reliable banks & be careful and you will be ok, ive ordered seeds from overseas(im in australia) for nearly 20yrs now, at least 100 orders and only 1 0r 2 went awol, ive ordered most of my purchases through attitudeseedbank/choiceseedbank in uk, though had good fortune with many US banks these last few years, namely neptuneseedbank, seedgeeks, thedankteam etc...
does nirvana send from holland? isnt it a higher risk from there for mail to get through?

No clue
Just doesnt seem possible for a mail carrier to screens all envelopes.
Especially for something as minor as seeds . I know some postal worker is reading this while smoking lol let us know

Now if your mailing coke or herion you might get nabbed lol
All my successful shipping has been done by envelope both from here in the states and from the uk ...
If you guys haven't heard of it is located in UK and they're reputable. Compare prices because from what I've seen they're the cheapest.

P.S. I can't post a link just yet. But there's supposedly and impostor site w/o the hyphen so watch out.
dont worry man, just search for the reliable banks & be careful and you will be ok, ive ordered seeds from overseas(im in australia) for nearly 20yrs now, at least 100 orders and only 1 0r 2 went awol, ive ordered most of my purchases through attitudeseedbank/choiceseedbank in uk, though had good fortune with many US banks these last few years, namely neptuneseedbank, seedgeeks, thedankteam etc...

this is my exact point, Not only that, but the worst thing that could happen is they keep the package. ( i think they mail you some official looking letter saying they took it) you have done nothing wrong by someone sending you something. if you are sending stuff out, then there would be trouble.
dont worry man, just search for the reliable banks & be careful and you will be ok, ive ordered seeds from overseas(im in australia) for nearly 20yrs now, at least 100 orders and only 1 0r 2 went awol, ive ordered most of my purchases through attitudeseedbank/choiceseedbank in uk, though had good fortune with many US banks these last few years, namely neptuneseedbank, seedgeeks, thedankteam etc...
Nice I'll actually check all those out before finalizing an order so thank you. I think once I figure my out my set up I'll just go for it.