Marijuana withdrawal. Interesting experience

Full blown panic attacks after 3 days, anxiety nightmare, cant sleep, flu like symptoms, hot sweats at night.... I never thought I would have such withdrawal issues from cannabis. This was several years ago, lasted 9 week T break after being put on benzos by the ER. Back to weed and everything is calm again, no scripts....

I keep seeing you say quit for a day...isn't that just not smoking for a day, im sure you can get irritated but withdraw in day alone. If you want to quit, tapering off probably makes it harder.
Full blown panic attacks after 3 days, anxiety nightmare, cant sleep, flu like symptoms, hot sweats at night.... I never thought I would have such withdrawal issues from cannabis. This was several years ago, lasted 9 week T break after being put on benzos by the ER. Back to weed and everything is calm again, no scripts....

I keep seeing you say quit for a day...isn't that just not smoking for a day, im sure you can get irritated but withdraw in day alone. If you want to quit, tapering off probably makes it harder.
Im glad I don’t get withdrawal symptoms from anything.
I'm a 40 year smoker (yup!) and recently stopped because of some asthma issues that were getting worse (caused by allergies) and aggravated by the smoking. As much as I LOVE to smoke, the breathing issues became severe enough that I had no choice. I have been supplementing my nights with a capsule (coconut oil infused with THC), mainly for sleep purposes. I miss the head buzz, as the capsules are mostly "body" oriented, but I'm getting more done around the house. LOL
So, no real withdrawal symptoms as my THC levels remain elevated, but I'm definitely feeling a bit better after about 5 weeks so far............

Fifty year smoker here. Both tobacco and pot. Usually don't have a toke until 4:20 if I catch the clock but then am taking single hits in my pipe every so often all evening until bedtime around 2-3am.
Sometimes I'll skip a day or two and not notice any difference. I often take my medicine orally by way of cocobudder I make myself for longer term relief. Probably have to abstain for a month before my THC levels got low enough to kick in any withdrawal symptoms. :D

I'm right between you two guys..thegambler & OldMedUser, and just now quitting tobacco smoking (again) for me theirs only one way to toke weed is thru a spliff like the Brits and French
have done for over 150 years...the nicotine carries that thc right to that brain cell...the stone is very different I confess...with many articles of this duel chem out on the web.

as I now try not not smoke tobacco...I use a vape as my chest recovers...turned down to 315 F(350F too high just now) I only want that THC not the rest... even the taste
and boy ol boy its BLAND...but even with the vape blazing it still takes some getting used too...I'm also resting from my pipe and bong

and must get into this vape ..cheers for the rant
forgot to mention I have used herbal sleeping tablets for the insomnia

( Valeriana officinalis) the herb in the jar

smells like shit but does give a lil buzz!

means you sleep with no side effects
I'm right between you two guys..thegambler & OldMedUser, and just now quitting tobacco smoking (again) for me theirs only one way to toke weed is thru a spliff like the Brits and French
have done for over 150 years...the nicotine carries that thc right to that brain cell...the stone is very different I confess...with many articles of this duel chem out on the web.

as I now try not not smoke tobacco...I use a vape as my chest recovers...turned down to 315 F(350F too high just now) I only want that THC not the rest... even the taste
and boy ol boy its BLAND...but even with the vape blazing it still takes some getting used too...I'm also resting from my pipe and bong

and must get into this vape ..cheers for the rant
Vos if your looking at vaping the plenti from brickel, and cloud exhale evo are two I both own and love them both. Def worth the investment imo

I'm still on my shitty DaVinci the one that looks like a 'work' radio

what I do like is often I forget to charge...and can do that whilst toking ...handy!

but thanks dude!
I have been smoking almost daily for 5 years; multiple times a day, so clearly I have symptoms when I try to take a break. I am currently on day 4 of not smoking anything and this is my second time taking a break. When researching online I read there are two ways to stop: either cold turkey or limit my usage. I figured it is hard to limit my usage because I would be tempted to smoke again, but the first day or two are horrible. 2/3 times I took a break I would stop smoking for 1-2 days and deal with the symptoms and then smoke a little bit again. It wasn't planned, but the smoke session I had after 1-2 days virtually made the withdrawals go away. My appetite is back, I have to take melatonin to sleep, but I sleep fine, and I have no real need to smoke again. The one time I did try to go cold turkey 10 days later I still couldn't eat anything and I had to start smoking because I was losing too much weight, but the lack of appetite and sleep are the only 2 real symptoms I get.

Just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience?

I take a break every day, from when I wake up (4:00 a.m.) to about 1 p.m. I've quit for 2-3 days at a time when leaving the country on business but now retired so I don't have to travel no more. Two or three days are ideal for me lol. I think once over 65 and you had some of those unintended dry times in your life it's time to make up for them. :p You could have an alcohol problem so don't get down on yourself too much, just set certain times you can smoke and it you have to quit do it for like 8 hours.
sucking robocop's dick.
I only really enjoy joints.

I agree but after serious amount of time imo: 42 years just toking

I'm getting cautious about my lungs

and yeah it does take some getting used too

but sneek in many joints my true pref.