is baldrick on disability..for what might i ask?
Yes, please find out. I can't wait to hear. These things are public domain. They know who I am. It should be easy to find a smoking gun.
Sad that I have to make this declaration but: I am not on welfare. I am not on disability. I have never been on welfare or disability even once in my life. I have never drawn unemployment. One year I got a subsidy under Obamacare on healthcare. Just this morning I took my son to a library event where he got to build things with colored Popsicle sticks. We did not bring the popsicle sticks - they were just there. I don't know who paid for them but assume it was probably Rob Roy. I do not, nor ever have lived with my in-laws. But hey, this is the internet... believe whatever the fuck you want to. You can get a gang and come beat me up after school. I am so afraid.
I would love to discuss any details of the underlying issue with anyone but posting these details on a public website seems like a very dumb thing to do.
Now back to you Schuylaar. You are a dried up old hag suffering under the delusion that your life means anything to anyone. It doesn't. You and Dia should meet.
Edit: Oh, Obamaphone? Nope. But it made me laugh. Very clever. Maybe something about government cheese next time.