Bill Blair Praises LP's

Lets just hope they heed his advice and that they didnt just invite him for the sole purpose of claiming to have our side represented
uh huh...just like it's so hard for a teenager to get booze. i didn't have a problem when i was under age I can't see how it would be that hard now a days.
how about starting by protecting kids from other harms that already exist??
why isn't anyone there speaking out about the children's oxy? those are incredibly bad and proven..well the grown up version so how could it be different from the children version except in smaller doses. let's get our kids hooked on pharma so they can do heroin when they can't get their legal supply anymore.
So if we are going to see all this positive spin off from legalization - why all the secrecy ?

So far a hand full of millionaires have been granted status, the rest of us are criminals as our leader says. Only illegal thing I am in is helping 2 other people and myself get relief from life. I am proud to be a criminal - better that than a politician where I come from....Could you imagine going to court and the judge saying that for the next 48 months you are a politician - what shame your family would feel, your friends wouldn't talk to you anymore, I cant imagine .
Guns, other drugs, money, ect. - really, sounds like more BS. My son has a pellet gun, that must be what he meant by guns...and as far as the money part goes.... yup, Im living the dream boys...
soon as I take the bottles in...
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he's a fool beyond fools if he thinks he can stop kids from burning if they want..
Maybe they will make it "ILLEGAL" ? Oh wait, they did that in 1923 and it doesn't seem to work. Well then we should get some narc (retired) to figure it out for Canadians.

Better yet a national debate should take place to address all legitimate concerns. What we have now is the government and the LPs standing around in a circle having a masters debate - guess how that's going to end..... Between the PM and uncle bill it is a hands on thing.....:cuss:
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Maybe they will make it "ILLEGAL" ? Oh wait, they did that in 1923 and it doesn't seem to work. Well then we should get some narc (retired) to figure it out for Canadians.

Better yet a national debate should take place to address all legitimate concerns. What we have now is the government and the LPs standing around in a circle having a masters debate - guess how that's going to end..... Between the PM and uncle bill it is a hands on thing.....:cuss:
and not let anyone who actually has knowledge in the room. they might put forth some actual facts instead of the reefer madness we get
uh huh...just like it's so hard for a teenager to get booze. i didn't have a problem when i was under age I can't see how it would be that hard now a days.
how about starting by protecting kids from other harms that already exist??
why isn't anyone there speaking out about the children's oxy? those are incredibly bad and proven..well the grown up version so how could it be different from the children version except in smaller doses. let's get our kids hooked on pharma so they can do heroin when they can't get their legal supply anymore.
Dont forget the methadone to get them off the oxy's!
Dont forget the methadone to get them off the oxy's!
damn evil drug!
my wife was put on that crap. what a horrible withdrawal! the nerve twitches and her "spiders" were hellish and because it oxidizes in your bones it takes longer to get out of your system!
damn evil drug!
my wife was put on that crap. what a horrible withdrawal! the nerve twitches and her "spiders" were hellish and because it oxidizes in your bones it takes longer to get out of your system!
Sounds terrible. I think you meant metabolizes though, not oxidize. My apologies, health background naggin at me
Liberals' pot policy is a big fog

On its signature policy of marijuana legalization, the Trudeau government's performance is a glowing object lesson in non-delivery.

Somewhere in Canada at any given time, groups of federal cabinet ministers are clustering at the feet of a few famous gurus of the high art of “deliverology,” learning how to implement the promises that brought them to power by retreating to mountains and forests to absorb the wise words of international experts.

Meanwhile, here in the real world, the same government's almost spectacular mishandling of its most notorious promise — legalizing marijuana — is actively creating whole new classes of marijuana criminal, leading to widespread arrests, confiscation of property, neighbourhood strife and massive civic confusion.

On this signature policy, the Trudeau government's performance is a glowing object lesson in non-delivery. You almost have to go back to the Chrétien years to find an implementation of anything so inept.

So far, the most authoritative voice on the current state of federal pot policy belongs to Saskatoon police chief Clive Weighill, current president of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police. “Right now, it's just a big fog,” he told the CBC.

And wouldn't you know it, the big fog has a name: Since accepting the job of Canada's pot czar six months ago, former Toronto police chief Bill Blair has fairly billowed with obfuscation, taking every possible pro- and anti-pot position in his tireless efforts to avoid action.

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On the hustings, Blair altered his long-standing beliefs to affirm, in line with party policy, that it's just plain wrong for the police to target and criminalize marijuana users. In Toronto this week, he castigated the businesses and users that responded naturally to that promise as reckless and cynical scofflaws.

More than 90 people were arrested in the raids that followed the ex-chief's latest decriminalization initiative.

Amid the shouting and confusion that attended the drug-bedecked, throwback press conference that followed the raids, Chief Mark Saunders flailed manfully in trying to describe the current state of the law. In a final attempt to end the pain, he directed attention to Health Canada officials, who were standing by with leaflets that spelled out the Harper government's now-nullified policies in unhelpful detail.

Known locally for a once-promising career that degenerated into mulish resistance to necessary reform, Blair's first act as newly appointed pot czar was to dampen expectations. He refused to provide a schedule for legal reform, mulling instead about a task force. Six months later, he's still mulling. There's no task force. There may or may not be a schedule.

Meanwhile, the cops are back to knocking heads up and down Main Street, neighbourhoods are seething at the explosion of dispensaries, and local officials are struggling to cope with the inevitable consequences of federal ineptitude.

In defence of the hapless deliverologists, one could say that events ran ahead of them. The excuse would be more credible had they not triggered the events in question themselves. Besides, that's what events do: They run ahead. And that's why leadership matters. Rather than grappling with the easily anticipated consequences of his promise, Trudeau flung open the barn doors to legal weed then ambled off to smileytown, leaving the file in the hands of a political rookie with an established propensity to stand pat.

In his latest performance, Blair positioned himself as the arch-defender of “Big Marijuana,” the group of 31 producers licensed by the Harper government to grow the herb for medicinal use. After massively over-investing in a tiny market with barely 70,000 legal users, Big M is desperate for the government to clear gray-market competition out of the recreational market it hopes to dominate.

But making the world profitable for millionaire investors was not part of the “mandate letter” in which Trudeau ordered Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould to legalize marijuana. And doing so, as Toronto has discovered, requires creating a whole new class of marijuana martyrs whose cases will continue to shame the federal government as they proceed prominently through the courts.

The popular dispensaries are Ottawa's Uber, and the response is paralysis.

That's not surprising, given the past quarter-century of cuts, retrenchment and “making government smaller.” The gurus are needed. But until their teachings take hold, the hard business of regulating the sale and use of recreational marijuana will fall to those lowly local officials who attend no retreats but actually know what they're doing.

John Barber is a Toronto-based freelance journalist

70,000 patients. 3g/d x 365 = 76,650 kg/yr $10/g retail = $766M / yr gross.
Say 500g max / sq m / 4 per year = 9581 sq m
About 1 ha or 2.4 acres.
If 250g / sq m, 2 ha or 4.8 acres. Supplies all the med pot.
If rec pot laws are late or never, which LP's survive?
Like uncle hippy said, we own this culture, fuck everyone who thinks they can jump in now. At least in the states you have our cultured people working with gov. I put money on it when he leaves office in a few years he has a plush job at bedrocan or tweed.....
Times change, when I made that comment LP's were still doing dumb shit, they have now shifted and brought on some great people, so eat a dick and stop stalking me, like I said anyone want to meet up I am more then glad to.

What in Davy Jones’ locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I’ll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I’ve led numerous raids on fishing villages, and raped over 300 wenches. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another source o’ swag. I’ll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o’ pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o’ monsoon that’ll wipe ye off the map. You’re sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o’er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o’ the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I’ll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o’ the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn’t, ye didn’t, and now ye’ll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I’ll shit fury all over ye and ye’ll drown in the depths o’ it. You’re fish food now.