think i just got scammed please help


Well-Known Member
i got no idia if this is the right place but fuck i feel stupid i was on tjis dsting site some one sent me a pm asking to pm her on fb so i did she sad she was gunna do a cam sho and wanted me to ne her free guest if got screen shots of the whole thing but when i went to put in my debit card info i asked her why i needed 2 do tjat and she said for age verificarion purposes sounded legit at that point so i put it in and it came up declined told her she said tjat means master card aint supported tried again with anotjer link same again then i was 99 percent sire it was a scam cuse how wouldent u know master card aind supported not once but twice but tjen when i said somthing about it being scam in a very short period of time she pmd me a pic of her holding a note pad saying its not bullshit and my 1st and last name it was to quick a response to right tjat neat and it looked kinda fake and kind of see throo iv gotten in contact with the bank i dont now if im sposed 2 get in contact with the cops but is ratjer not not unless im 100 percentany body got any advice or if any one knos if its 100 percemt a scam i mean if it is shes fuken stupid cuse i tookmscreenshots like seems 2 me tho if she was scamming me its gunma be really easy to catch her fuck i feel stupid tho
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Gigs bro you just got phished. Call the bank on Monday and tell them what happened, change your card number..

Never give out your credit card in future unless its on one of the big trusted sites..
its a mix of laziness and my mind moving really fast if i really wanted to i could slow my self down and not spell so bad so ill cop to being lazy on tjat one
Did 3gt say that?

That's horse shit. I'm dyslexic. I overcame it and strive to use proper English.

It is laziness.
Yeah I did haha and had no idea if he was or not, seems gigs is just a serial keyboard masher who can't be fucked. Maybe sours right put some effort in if you're asking questions