Morgan Lynn
Active Member
On Jan 27, 2010, I got busted for manufacturing marijuana in XXXXXX. The Xxxx authorities came to my house in XX (another state) and arrested me. During the course of their search of my house, the XX authorities discovered about 3 grams of pot, and a gun, so I was charged in my home state with possession of MJ and a gun.
Of course, I took all of the charges (even though my wife was into it up to her eyeballs, and all for the grow.) I had repeatedly asked her if she was OK with the grow, and that if she wasn't, I'd stop. "NO, NO!! Don't stop! I'm fine with it". Was her reply each time I asked. I started out growing HER pot, as I didn't smoke at that time. I got her used to (and spoiled on) the best kind bud. I started smoking again shortly thereafter, it saved my life by getting me off alcohol. I kept her from smoking schwag, dealing with different, and inconsistent people, and saved us a whole lot of money in the process.
There was no contact between us (per her lawyer) while her case was going on. After her case was decided, and all charges were dropped against her, I expected that we'd be in contact, and that I'd have the support of my wife again thru these trying times. I was OK with taking everything, as long as I had her “by my side” so to speak.
For the 9 months I awaited trial, she came and visited twice. She put $40 dollars on my books. That was the last I saw or heard from her. My son (who did visit sporadically) said she was afraid to come or write. I finally got real depressed, and made a deal in Xx for 9 months detention center, 5 years probation.
After serving 9 months, I was extradited to XXXX to await trial. My bond was reduced to a point where I was able to bond out (after 19 months, all told) I still await court in XX as I write this.
My son picked me up at the county jail, and when I got home, I found myself ERASED from my own home. Not a trace that I had ever lived here exists!!!! I asked where all my clothes were and was informed that they were packed in the boxes in the spare room. No offers to help find anything, I'm just being told that “it's all in there”. My toothbrush, beard trimmer, razors, everything was packed away, and has yet to be found. I had to buy all new with what little I had left. I have to beg for what little I ask for like cigs, or a soda from time to time, I have no true idea how much money we have, as the bank account is now in her name. I know we aint got much, but damn. The only food that gets bought I buy from my food stamps!!! When we're out of food, she's fine with Fast food. I thought we were broke?
No “Thank you for keeping us out of things” or anything!!! I did 19 months to come home to this shit?? Am I wrong to be bent out of shape like this???? Right now, I have SO much rage and so many issues for having been literally abandoned for all this time, I don't think I can move past that. I'm trying real hard to not be a dick about things, but I feel like I'm gonna explode!!
Sorry for the rant. I had to tell someone, 'cuz when I tell the ones near and dear to me, It feels like it's falling on deaf ears.
Listen, it's ok if you have to vent. You shouldn't have live like that. For one, you took the heat for all that went on in the household. She got off when she could have been charged as well. To me it sounds like she may have been messing around or thinking about leaving you. She wouldn't have packed all your items up and hid them (to me it sounds like they were either hidden or thrown away) if she wasn't trying to conceal a marriage.
Shame on her. She is your WIFE. A grown ass woman needs to act like a grown ass woman.