I Just Need to Bounce This off the Community. Venting, Mostly.

wow man, i'm sorry to hear about all that.. i can picture it as one of those times where a big change happens, and it doesn't start off so well... but most of the time it does get better.

good luck man, it seems like you're strong and can get through this.
This is probably a silly question, but have you talked to her? What is she thinking about? Does she want a divorce? Does she want your marriage to work out? Sad situation dude. I hope it all works out for you.
I didnt read the whole thread. I'm sorry for that.

I did read your story...thats a major bummer.

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this....but you said WIFE

Thats legally binding in court.....
yeah if you are legally married, no matter how much she wants to have her money in her name, it's both of yours. unless there is a prenup. it's not a matter of the bank deciding, or she deciding, it's just the way it is...

if not, no matter how much in her name the bank account is, it's both of yours.

all you need is to demonstrate evidence of your legal marriage. boom! that's it. enjoy the cash my man!!!
yeah if you are legally married, no matter how much she wants to have her money in her name, it's both of yours. unless there is a prenup. it's not a matter of the bank deciding, or she deciding, it's just the way it is...

if not, no matter how much in her name the bank account is, it's both of yours.

all you need is to demonstrate evidence of your legal marriage. boom! that's it. enjoy the cash my man!!!

I don't think it's that simple. I'm not a lawyer dont get me wrong.

But any good one fighting on her side, will show any expenditure while he was in jail as a forfeit. If he is the bread winner, and goes to jail, she has to have support.

I think he needs a good lawyer in this case, based on his time away.

If his bank account is on the lower side...it wouldn't even be worth it. Less you can find pro bono.

Im speaking in terms of him trying to get compensated for any money spent while he was away.

Him getting his half of what his balance is at now, shouldn't be hard. You also have to take into account money she made while he was in prison.
it varies from state to state, and the courts have a bad habit of siding with women for some reason.

BUT, one thing that is similar with marriage licenses is the sharing of assets and debts.

for example, if she goes out and spends 5,000 on a credit card, and she doesn't pay it, they can go after HIS assets... and vice versa.... b/c things are owned by the 'union' of both parties... unless there is a prenup, couples that get married give up the right to claim assets/make decisions as individuals.

that's why in many legal paperwork all you need is the signature of one of the spouses, not both, to complete a legal transaction that binds them both....

talk to a lawyer, even if she wants to screw you over with the money, she might not legally be allowed to until you are either legally seperated or divorced....
My friend just went through 27k in legal fees and court costs for his divorce....I've heard that can be cheap...obviously depends on your monetary status.

That's why marriage isn't for me.

The fact he came back to this situation after doing 19 mo, and supporting her still...it's sad. I feel for you man.
Thats some cold shit, you have every right to be angry mate. You did everything you could to keep her out of it, she should be grateful.
sucks feel sorry for you bro likes a bitch then you die is how i feel good luck
if you want pay back grow a shit load plants in her backyard and leave call 50 then see how she feels when she comes out
sucks feel sorry for you bro likes a bitch then you die is how i feel good luck
if you want pay back grow a shit load plants in her backyard and leave call 50 then see how she feels when she comes out

i thought you left because we killed your plants?
kiss-ass fuck that ingrateful bitch move back toCALI and manufacture again.... sounds like you were killing it... oh yeah and fuck her for not visiting heres a little bud to somke you outbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilieweek 8-9 003.jpg
No payback, I'm not that vindictive. But THIS time I'm just taking everything I want. Her Xterra, (I bought it for her) my dog and my cookware. Some furniture and a few other things. She doesn't dare say shit until after my case is settled. Not that I would do it, but she doesn't know that, but I COULD retract my sworn statement and she'd be in deep kimchi again. If I have anything to do with it, my case is gonna drag out for a good while more.
Wish I could help ya out. I feel bad about your situation w/ your wife. It may all blow over if you both love each other. There's something missing from this puzzle. MB your wife can fill in the blanks. I feel there's something she's not telling you? IDK. keep your chin up bro.
Thanx, but there is no helping in this situation, nor do I ask anything other than what this is. I am just using this venue as a sounding board. I've spoken with her time and again, just to keep from letting things build to the point where I will be a dick.
According to her, she was "advised" not to have any contact with me as she was on misdemeanor probation for simple possession of pot. She claims her PO and her lawyer both advised that she could have no contact with anyone who is a felon, and that she was scared. I know her lawyer, and they cannot prevent a husband and wife from being just that, probation or no. My contention is that if she had any backbone at all she would have said "hey, he's my husband." I understand being scared. But I know for certain that if the roles were reversed, there is NO WAY IN HELL I'd have just abandoned her in her hour of need. No she couldn't visit me while she was on probation. But they cannot stop a wife from writing her husband, or sending him some money. But I don't want to make it about money here. She never even thought to question that. People who profess to love someone for better or worse would take a more proactive stance, IMHO.
In retrospect, and I've had a lot of time to sit and reflect, this has been one sided for a long time. She has never once called me on her way home and ask if I needed anything, I never fail to do so. She bitched at me for driving to the store when I had been drinking (as well she should have), but i wasn't a problem when she needed cigs.
Yes, the love will always be there, but I just don't seem to be able to get past the abandonment. Maybe I don't want to, I don't know. I have had 18 months to analyze the little nuances of our relationship, and there are so many ways that it has been onesided I can't list 'em all here. She has never been a "nurturer" and at one point, that might have been OK, but not any more.
Im sorry to hear that, but maybe now tat you recognize that she is a complete bitch for her selfishness, and her fear, dump her ass. Its not worth heartache. And if she says "ill take everything..." threaten to retract your statement, she's selfish enough to realize her own hide is on the line
Thanx URCA, thats the game plan. I doubt if I really could do that to anyone, but the threat will prevent her from stopping me.
Thanx URCA, thats the game plan. I doubt if I really could do that to anyone, but the threat will prevent her from stopping me.

I know its a shitty thing to do, but your woman is supposed to have your back, no matter what. At least your son is on your side, cares about you
I'm not a lawyer but isn't it a law that no married couple can be asked to testify against their spouses? Seems like she's too scared and mb bordering on paranoia?
Jack, a very tough story. I'm sorry man. It's hard enough to deal with the legal consequences without having your wife betray you.

Everyone talks a good game. It's when things get tough that you find out what they are really made of. You just found out what your future ex is made of.

I have found out that if you are too generous and too kind to people, they take you for granted. Yeah, I've been fucked by people that I helped.

I'd look at it this way: You can walk away from her and put all this unpleasantness behind you. She can't. She is stuck with herself for the rest of her life.

PS I looked through your threads but couldn't find where you talked about how you got busted. How did it happen?