Aussie Growers Thread

zomuse think now that there in flower i just gotta be more dialled in im gunna send a email to eather te place i got it or the compemy tjat makes it and see if i can get some kind of thing with every thing tjats in grow and bloom im gunna get my head out my arse n get these harvested
zomuse think now that there in flower i just gotta be more dialled in im gunna send a email to eather te place i got it or the compemy tjat makes it and see if i can get some kind of thing with every thing tjats in grow and bloom im gunna get my head out my arse n get these harvested
I already explained to you why you won’t get a 1 part nutrient that contains everything that’s needed
Has anyone taken a clone whilst the mother plant is in flower? Was it successful?

I think I'm going to try to snip a little off the Stinky Shit an wack it in the bubble cloner and see if itl take and reveg.
@OzCocoLoco if you have 5 of those units and were thinking of using it for the challenge maybe set them up like this? would give you one very well lit little plant. I do a fair bit of archvis work in my day job so quickly magicked up a pic of how I'd try and arrange 5 round panels for 1 plant.

Depending on how bright they are or how hot they get you'd need to play around with the spacing and angles a bit but as a general idea this would be cool and it would work well.

If you were going to use them for something else then i guess it would depend on what you want to do with it or the area you put it in.

Has anyone taken a clone whilst the mother plant is in flower? Was it successful?

I think I'm going to try to snip a little off the Stinky Shit an wack it in the bubble cloner and see if itl take and reveg.
how far along? I prefer earlier but my bro takes cuts during mid flower every run and does OK. they can take a long time to root and reveg though
@OzCocoLoco if you have 5 of those units and were thinking of using it for the challenge maybe set them up like this? would give you one very well lit little plant. I do a fair bit of archvis work in my day job so quickly magicked up a pic of how I'd try and arrange 5 round panels for 1 plant.

Depending on how bright they are or how hot they get you'd need to play around with the spacing and angles a bit but as a general idea this would be cool and it would work well.

If you were going to use them for something else then i guess it would depend on what you want to do with it or the area you put it in.

That program looks the business :). I’m fitting out a renovation and have to put about 40 of them in so I was thinking of over ordering a few ;)
yeah its pretty sweet - you can really nerd out and import IES data from all of the big light manufacturers and use that to make the 3d lights perform with real world luminance and falloff and shit.

A couple bits of alu plate bent into a gull-wing shape and bolted together and it would be job done. if the price is right one of these would make a pimping super-hot chilli light for indoor/winter growing
Fuck yes they would! Are they driven straight from 240v? Those IC (integrated chip) drivers aren't very efficient (60hz flicker) but for a cup perfect!

I wanted to actually design a small circle PCB for use in buckets/small spaces..
Nah there’s a driver under the inner section.
even with only 18w if they were rigged in a radial grid and weren't spaced too far apart you'd be pushing well over 30w per square foot using 5 of them. would it be efficient? probably not. but would it look like an alien spaceship and grow a small dense plant? yup :weed: