There's this certain FISA memo......

I thought it was about lying to FBI about a meeting with Russians in Decemer 2016? In any event, I was likely wrong about this relating to the memo released today and appreciate the correction.
Mueller's focus on Flynn has to do primarily with those interactions and his other ties to Russia, as well as his lobbying firm's activities and his failure to register as a foreign agent when Flynn Intel Group was paid $530,000 in August 2016 to lobby on behalf of a businessman with ties to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during the latter half of the year.

The firm was also tasked with producing a documentary about Fethullah Gulen, the exiled Turkish cleric who resides in Pennsylvania and whom Erdogan believes is responsible for planning last year's attempted coup. Flynn Intel Group reportedly did not want anyone to know about its involvement in the film's production.
I'm not clear on what the national security issue was with releasing this memo, other than it makes the FBI look bad. Both dems and repubs overplayed their hands on this. Not Watergate in my opinion.
I'm not impressed, it's just more mud tossed into the waters; i.e one side's "interpretation" (or rather what they want you to think). I don't expect the Demo's memo to be any better. Here's a link to it:

a downloadable PDF of it:
I agree with you, we'll see how things shake out, but I think repubs overplayed their hand more than the dems did on this.
I'm not impressed, it's just more mud tossed into the waters; i.e one side's "interpretation" (or rather what they want you to think). I don't expect the Demo's memo to be any better. Here's a link to it:

a downloadable PDF of it:
There's nothing fucking there?

Its more of the same fairly standard "the Dems found treasonous fuckery during opposition research and the FBI investigated it" stuff.
There's nothing fucking there?

Its more of the same fairly standard "the Dems found treasonous fuckery during opposition research and the FBI investigated it" stuff.
Yep, and if the Dems release their memo it will say roughly the same thing; "we found treason fuckery during research and told the FBI to investigate". This was a poorly thought out and executed Hail Mary by the Republicans; nothing new just more smoke. Trump is dead man walking
It's more like the FBI was already investigating a lot of that stuff and the steele info corroborated it, so the fbi took interest. The fbi didn't rely on the steele info for anything.
Even if they did, what does it matter?

Its like a PI hired by someone's wife to see if the husband is fucking the neighbour's wife, if during the surveillence he sees the husband kill someone... to the cops it doesn't matter who hired him or for what reason, no?
After hating black people for so many years I wonder how he'll feel with one black dude in every hole?

that would be fucking awesome. i hope he has a miserable life after he leaves the whitehouse. i hope he watches all of his children die or go to prison and i hope he meets his new life partner in prison, bubba, from alabama. he loves alabama. treasonous fucking dick !!!!
Yep, and if the Dems release their memo it will say roughly the same thing; "we found treason fuckery during research and told the FBI to investigate". This was a poorly thought out and executed Hail Mary by the Republicans; nothing new just more smoke. Trump is dead man walking

No need. The last page of nunes own memo says that the investigation started with papadapolous drunken statements in a bar. Really. He completely trashes the steel dossier impacts.
Are you as disappointed as me that the nunes memo makes no mention of Benghazi?

It's gonna be a great year for Comey's lawyer. Probably buy a boat or something. Boat money coming his way. You know what boat money is Morty? :bigjoint: