Check out my little buddy =D


Well-Known Member
Took these pics a few months ago, my buddies and I went out to smoke when this little guy landed on my neck. I flipped out and kinda grabbed him and threw him in an instant, then turned on a light and found him...luckily I had my camera on me for some fun pics :lol:

I have high res, but they are 2.5mb apeice =P




Well-Known Member
a praying mantis bro. i had one crawlin around on a juniper tree i have on my porch im training for bonsai scared the shit outta me when i first saw it. those are really good pictures btw


Well-Known Member
methinks, and its legs =P The really creepy part is his eyes, the black dots always looking at you 0.o


Well-Known Member
You should see when they stand up and show their arms, it looks like they are doing karate or some shit. It's hilarious. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I fucking love these pics.

The composition of the lighting is good :D

If someone writes an article on praying mantis for the GrowFAQ would you mind if these pics were used?


Well-Known Member
Those are a grower's best friend, they are the T-Rex of the pest world. For some reason they are all over my place, I love it because they are so good for organic gardening. I have been seeing them lately bigger than my pinkie.


Well-Known Member
cool scary part bout them is their eyes follow your eyes 100% everywhere u go lol..

or thats what it looks like hah


Well-Known Member
Peacock mantis shrimp (the prettiest specie, in my opinion). 8)

These guys follow you with their eyes, too. Don't let your thumb get in the way!


Active Member
Awesome pics. My mom likes to fuck with them when they are on the window screen. They will follow your finger....or at least the one at her house does.
