Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Dude. Did you not see the video I posted? A lead ball and feather fall at the same rate in a vacuum. How do you explain that?
Is the earth in a vacuum? Do the lead ball and feather fall at the same rate under the conditions on earth? WTF does that got to do with the price of eggs in China? Stay focused Bre. :bigjoint:
In layman terms. The Navy's missile tracking systems uses laser sights to track other ships on the open ocean. These targets can be tracked for several hundred miles out over the ocean. Proving the oceans surface are in fact LEVEL because lasers don't curve. Remember now, according to your scientist the earth curves at 8 inches squared per mile. So if the earth is 73% water then we have a problem when were talking about a sphere. Polaris aka the north star is stationary. Time lapse video has shown that all the other stars rotate around Polaris. In line with a firmament/dome/ionosphere put there as a clock for man to use. Moon phases, sunrises, sunsets, equinox, eclipses, meteor showers and Haley's Comet are cosmic events that are predictable and happen precisely. The groundwork for predicting cosmic events was laid down by ancient man and is still in use today. The Mayans built an observatory near Cancun that can still be visited. They studied the dome and its intricate design over many years and basically mastered it. Most of their work was destroyed by foreign invaders. Doesn't sound like cosmic chaos of a big bang theory but in line with intelligent design by a creator.
That's not how it works. I worked on radar and guidance systems in the military.


The flight path followed by cruise missiles depend on their launch platform, guidance systems and the target.

  • Sea skimming / Terrain Hugging

Anti-ship cruise missiles generally follow a sea skimming profile. This means that the missile flies just a few meters above the water surface. This flight profile makes the missile invisible to enemy radar until it is just round 30 km away from the ship due to the earth’s curvature. Flying low delays its detection by the enemy unless the enemy has an airborne radar. But flying low has its disadvantages as well. Fuel consumption is high when following a sea skimming profile. Range at sea skimming height is 30-40% of the range at high attitude flight.

Land attack missiles generally follow a terrain hugging profile. This means that they closely follow the ups and downs of the terrain and remain hidden from detection by radars due to their low altitude.

It cruises the contour of the earth then uses laser to hit its target.
Your data is seriously flawed. LMAO You don't jack shit about radar because you just told on yourself. Really? PUUUUUHHHHHLLLLLEZZZZZZ. How much classified data would you expect to find on the net that is legit? The Tomahawks altitude is controlled by a computerized altimeter and gyroscope. Gyroscopes DO NOT work on a curved Earth. :cuss:Don't you know smart weapons are the Navy's bread and butter in war time for precision in taking out key targets? Disinformation? Globe earth confuses and keeps American citizens and her enemies in the dark. I'm here to expose because they dicked my out of benefits. I don't have the money to replace the metal plate in my head with a carbon fiber one. If I accidently get near a microwave while it's on I wet my pants and get disoriented with nasty headaches all day.
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I'm not sure what to think about global warming gramps. The area I live in definitely doesn't get the snow like it did in the 70's and early 80's. The Antarctic ain't melting anytime soon i know that. Put your trust in God you might as well your ass belongs to him.

Base Arturo Prat
38 °F Mist 81% 29.03 in
Base Bernardo O'Higgins
35 °F Light Fog 97% 28.87 in
Base Esperanza
38 °F Overcast 71% 28.85 in
Base Jubany
39 °F Light Rain 74% 28.83 in

But my God relays facts. I adore that.
Your data is seriously flawed. LMAO You don't jack shit about radar because you just told on yourself. Really? PUUUUUHHHHHLLLLLEZZZZZZ. How much classified data would you expect to find on the net that is legit? The Tomahawks altitude is controlled by a computerized altimeter and gyroscope. Gyroscopes DO NOT work on a curved Earth. :cuss:
so on a flat earth everything is perfectly flat..right.. ?
Is the earth in a vacuum? Do the lead ball and feather fall at the same rate under the conditions on earth? WTF does that got to do with the price of eggs in China? Stay focused Bre. :bigjoint:

The feather falls slower outside of a vaccum because of atmosphere.

Take a lead ball and golf ball and they fall at the same rate outside vacuum. Only something lime a feather or piece of paper falls slower.

This is simple stuff.

If the earth is really flat in a dome why is there no pics of the edge and dome?
Your data is seriously flawed. LMAO You don't jack shit about radar because you just told on yourself. Really? PUUUUUHHHHHLLLLLEZZZZZZ. How much classified data would you expect to find on the net that is legit? The Tomahawks altitude is controlled by a computerized altimeter and gyroscope. Gyroscopes DO NOT work on a curved Earth. :cuss:
I don't know who you were talking to. I don't need to find classified info. I had a clearance in the military that allowed me to see it.
The feather falls slower outside of a vaccum because of atmosphere.

Take a lead ball and golf ball and they fall at the same rate outside vacuum. Only something lime a feather or piece of paper falls slower.

This is simple stuff.

If the earth is really flat in a dome why is there no pics of the edge and dome?
Because of atmosphere? What happen to your gravity Mr. Naval weapons expert exposed as a fraud in 30 seconds.
Your data is seriously flawed. LMAO You don't jack shit about radar because you just told on yourself. Really? PUUUUUHHHHHLLLLLEZZZZZZ. How much classified data would you expect to find on the net that is legit? The Tomahawks altitude is controlled by a computerized altimeter and gyroscope. Gyroscopes DO NOT work on a curved Earth. :cuss:Don't you know smart weapons are the Navy's bread and butter in war time for precision in taking out key targets? Disinformation? Globe earth confuses and keeps American citizens and her enemies in the dark. I'm here to expose because they dicked my out of benefits. I don't have the money to replace the metal plate in my head with a carbon fiber one. If I accidently get near a microwave while it's on I wet my pants and get disoriented with nasty headaches all day.

From Figure 10 we can clearly see that a horizontally-pointed radar beam will propagate further over the horizon than we would otherwise expect. The curvature of any given ray relative to the earth’s surface is given by:


where R is the radius of the earth, n is the radar refracrive index, z is the height of the ray above the earth’s surface at a distance s from the source around the surface, f is the angle at the intersection of the radar beam and a circle with radius R+z which is concentric to the earth (see Figure 10).


We can quantitatively calculate the magnitude of the effect by combining the refraction curvature effect and the earth’s curvature. This is gives what is called the radar effective radius, R/ .




Using a value of dn/dz of -4x10-8m-1, we find that R/ is approximately 4/3R (the magnitude of this effect obviously varies according to meteorological conditions). Replacing R with R/ in Equation 12 compensates for the bending of the ray due to atmospheric effects (in the standard atmosphere) and the equation simplifies to df /ds=1/R/ . That is, the rays would travel in straight lines with height affected only by the earth’s curvature. This is useful to simplify the illustration of radar radiation pattern and ray traces.

The result above also tells us that the general effect of radar refraction in the "standard atmosphere" is to make the earth seem bigger, and thus flatter than it really is. This is illustrated in Figure 11.

Try learning something.
Never said I was a naval weapons expert. Said I worked on radar systems.

I posted something on how they work.

As far as a fraud I actually posted my VA card on here.
this guy always deviates off topic.. if he has nothing he comes back with bullshit.. or he stalks your profile
My thoughts may be a bit off at the moment. I'm sicker the. A dog. Took multiple cold medicines as well as pain pills on top of some edibles.
wooooo wiiiii . easy I just got a bug again .... got pins and needles through all my joints and a massive headache.. came on early this a.m... the bitch is I have nothing at the moment to ease the simptums ... plus we got hammer'd with 20" of snow and 18 more to come through the night

From Figure 10 we can clearly see that a horizontally-pointed radar beam will propagate further over the horizon than we would otherwise expect. The curvature of any given ray relative to the earth’s surface is given by:


where R is the radius of the earth, n is the radar refracrive index, z is the height of the ray above the earth’s surface at a distance s from the source around the surface, f is the angle at the intersection of the radar beam and a circle with radius R+z which is concentric to the earth (see Figure 10).


We can quantitatively calculate the magnitude of the effect by combining the refraction curvature effect and the earth’s curvature. This is gives what is called the radar effective radius, R/ .




Using a value of dn/dz of -4x10-8m-1, we find that R/ is approximately 4/3R (the magnitude of this effect obviously varies according to meteorological conditions). Replacing R with R/ in Equation 12 compensates for the bending of the ray due to atmospheric effects (in the standard atmosphere) and the equation simplifies to df /ds=1/R/ . That is, the rays would travel in straight lines with height affected only by the earth’s curvature. This is useful to simplify the illustration of radar radiation pattern and ray traces.

The result above also tells us that the general effect of radar refraction in the "standard atmosphere" is to make the earth seem bigger, and thus flatter than it really is. This is illustrated in Figure 11.

Try learning something.
Disinformation regarding the proper function of how radar works. You pulled some shit out of your ass you found on the net that has to explain how radar works on a curved earth. Lasers curving SMDH. There is a lot of bullshit on the net supporting a Globe earth and there will be more to come. Just like the horse shit on how selenelion eclipses work. NASA is covering their ass. The establishment has some smart mother fuckers working for them to spread it. Water lays perfectly level. Level to 360? Just stop. STOP. It will never work Globetard.
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