

Well-Known Member
Dude your outta of your mind....
MANY people keep there lights at this level....
hey sunny, its got to be different if you start them like that.

i moved my 5 day olds from cfl to 400wMH 14" away
6 hours later .... TOAST only 78 degrees in there too


Well-Known Member
First off dude, take a chill....this is a growing site, you know all that good stuff...love and peace....
Secondly, you came out here assuming that I knew what the OP had going on with his lights, he never told us!
I veg under MH, different than the OP, did I know this??? NO
Smoke a blunt and chill

Your opinion is whack blood, i start my seedlings under a 125w eco-lite a few inches above the tops till theyre 6wks or so old and ready to flower, ZERO stretch!!

A 400w hps a foot above the tops of two week olds is fucking crazy man, a 600w 6" above is just spastic, end of.

Over 7years iv been growing now and iv never heard such bollox in all my life.


Well-Known Member
The Op didn't give us any details, I should of asked him more questions...

hey sunny, its got to be different if you start them like that.

i moved my 5 day olds from cfl to 400wMH 14" away
6 hours later .... TOAST only 78 degrees in there too


Well-Known Member
First off dude, take a chill....this is a growing site, you know all that good stuff...love and peace....
Secondly, you came out here assuming that I knew what the OP had going on with his lights, he never told us!
I veg under MH, different than the OP, did I know this??? NO
Smoke a blunt and chill
The OP's details are of no relavance to the point here, 12" IS too close for a non air-cooled 400w HID above 2wk olds, end of.

It SO pisses me off when i see ppl giving out shitty advice, what if luda took your advice, dropped the light down to a foot and checked his plants the next day only to find them burnt to fuckry?? I think he'd be pretty pissed dont you?? Its better to advise someone to go on the easy side with HID's and work its way down bit by bit, daily. 12" away would be fine if the plants are well established and you have good extraction to pull the heat away, but 2wks old man?? and no idea of any extraction being used??


Well-Known Member
I will take PART of the blame, but not full...He should of giving us more details...When I give my opinions I give them based on my experiences and what works for me. Don't worry, I won't be answering any more questions from noobs until all the details are perfectly laid out....


Well-Known Member
No, I disagree with this. His details are relevant...Had I known he used flouros, I would not of told him to move his lights down.
I always do my seeds under 400W MH, always 12 to 18 inches from the tops...never had a problem nor stretch. It is a non cooled HID...I know a lot of people that do this.
The OP's details are of no relavance to the point here, 12" IS too close for a non air-cooled 400w HID above 2wk olds, end of.


Well-Known Member
No, I disagree with this. His details are relevant...Had I known he used flouros, I would not of told him to move his lights down.
I always do my seeds under 400W MH, always 12 to 18 inches from the tops...never had a problem nor stretch. It is a non cooled HID...I know a lot of people that do this.


Well-Known Member
If what I am reading is correct, he started his seeds under hps??

Yup, I stand by my advice....move the light down....


Well-Known Member
Don't know where you got those pics, the OP didn't post them here....

Page 1 first post....what kind of light is that????

Then if you go to the other thread labeled hps on seedlings, you will see what he says he is doing...

Ludacris my advice is move those lights down if you started those seeds with hps...


Well-Known Member
FFS man what is wrong wid you man???? :wall: THEY WERE STARTED UNDER A SINGLE FLOURO TUBE!!!!!!! SEE FOR YOURSELF https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/114866-pics-sprouts-stretched.html

Dont call me a liar and dont fucking Insult me by accusing me of posting fake pics, fucking plum.

Iv been advising Luda by pm conversation since before he bought the fucking seeds!!

They only went under the hps yesterday or today, cant remember exactly, from my advise and theres no way id advise anybody to put two week olds from being under a single flouro tube to just a foot under a 400w hps!! FFS :wall:


Well-Known Member
First off I did not call you a liar...

When people come on here they go by what to op says....the pics he posted were not the ones you were posting, see the confusion??

You immediately came out here screaming about bad advice....which is fine, I just ask you to please look at the information I had to look at...I give my advice based on the info I read. I am not a mind reader. There is no way for me to know that you have been helping him with his grow. You were the only one in this thread that had that privileged information.
My advice was good based on the info I was given. Period. I am not going to take your shit, ya digg?


Well-Known Member
Theyre fine mate, dont worry, just bring the light down an inch per day as i said.

FFS people theyre under a 400w hps and have only just gone under it from starting under flouros, do you want them stressed or something, they wont stretch under that light, and theyre masterkush, indie dominant, not high light demanding sat's.
Crikey, did this statement not give you an incling that iv been helping him already??

I suddenly appear with all the missing info in Ludas absence??


Well-Known Member
Dude I had no idea you were helping him...none....
You posted that AFTER my posts...I can't see in the future.....

Crikey, did this statement not give you an incling that iv been helping him already??

I suddenly appear with all the missing info in Ludas absence??


Well-Known Member
Don't know where you got those pics, the OP didn't post them here....

Page 1 first post....what kind of light is that????

Then if you go to the other thread labeled hps on seedlings, you will see what he says he is doing...

Ludacris my advice is move those lights down if you started those seeds with hps...
First off I did not call you a liar...

When people come on here they go by what to op says....the pics he posted were not the ones you were posting, see the confusion??

You immediately came out here screaming about bad advice....which is fine, I just ask you to please look at the information I had to look at...I give my advice based on the info I read. I am not a mind reader. There is no way for me to know that you have been helping him with his grow. You were the only one in this thread that had that privileged information.
My advice was good based on the info I was given. Period. I am not going to take your shit, ya digg?
I gave you all the missing info, but no you kept on.

And you saying the pics i posted are not posted by Luda on here isnt calling me a liar? No?

Yes page1 first post, is a hps, then i told you theyve only just come from being under a single flouro tube!!


Well-Known Member
If you go from the START of this thread and read down....it all falls into place.
Anyone that has the misfortune of reading this crap, please read from the beginning so you can see I didn't start any shit....I am not a shit starter....

This is the first time I am using my ignore button....

Bye Londoner


New Member
luda,s back.chill the londoner has the full story maybe i did not explain they were started under cfl,s and have just been put under the hps today.and yes the pics he posted are mine.


New Member
no just a large window i can open every now and then and my fans to circulate.
and they were started under 2 (60watt) tubes it just looks like one because of the photo angle.