Israel starts deporting African migrants

I'm just curious as to which leftists have claimed that Jill Stein (the irrelevant defacto leader of the irrelevant Green party) is a Russian agent.

This ought to be good, since you support Putin's fuckboi Donald Trump
your buck buddy in post 165. he is in fact a leftist.

I voted third party, just like you

I don't want either of these shit stains to be president so I'm voting for Jill Stein to make America dank again.

therefore you are a trump supporter

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ok 3pump or whatever that shit means!
sardonic or literal, is that the white mans excuse for using the n word Willy nilly these days as you have here for years?

your turn, 5pump.

gee, a banned member used to like that quote of me using the n-word literally because he was a dumbass who thought it made some point.

mark burnett can't keep his tapes hidden forever though
You voted third party in a swing state (not like me at all) and get emotional only toward people who don't support Trump. Why don't you take a hint? You've already been banned at least once.
California wasn't a swing state and you have a glaring double standard showing, Stein voter.

do you like echo chambers?
you keep telling that lie, 2pump.

but no one fucking believes you because you ar only here to shill for trump and white supremacy. you don't grow or smoke and no one likes you. hence why you keep getting banned, trailer boi.
Genghis Chron and some snow godess, what you got, some cat piss?

in any case, I voted third party and your post indicates that makes your vagina really sore for some reason.....same with your girl @abandonconflict who ironically also voted third party...

watched @kelly4 call y'all out there several times.
i guess you're forgetting when you made this same sobbing, crying plea before i showed you that hamas literally put the protocols of the elders of zion and hitleresque blaming of the jews for WWI right in their founding fucking charter.

gonna be embarrassing when i eventually do your work for ya, dipshit socktard.
So got those citations yet or you gonna just keep being a blowhard?

I don't accept things without evidence, especially not arbitrary declarations of "he's racist" from the resident drunk clown.
I read @whitebb2727 call you out on it a little while back too.

you're losing a lot of ground here lately. sticking up for baldrick not paying his debts didn't help but dude you've been a one trick pony for years now.
Tell us more about how you hate civil rights because it would just make you 'hate em more now'
So got those citations yet or you gonna just keep being a blowhard?

I don't accept things without evidence, especially not arbitrary declarations of "he's racist" from the resident drunk clown.
Your right, shapiro worked for a neo nazi rag because he's totally not racist.

Dipshit sock
if I'm a trump supporter for voting third party, so are you..
Dude, you don't even seem to know which state you voted in, don't try to act like we have something in common. Maybe if you didn't come here spouting a bunch of nonsense at everyone who doesn't love Trump you wouldn't be called a Trump supporter. Hell, maybe you wouldn't even have been banned.
Dude, you don't even seem to know which state you voted in, don't try to act like we have something in common. Maybe if you didn't come here spouting a bunch of nonsense at everyone who doesn't love Trump you wouldn't be called a Trump supporter. Hell, maybe you wouldn't even have been banned.

I don't mind being called a trump supporter any more than I minded being called an Obama supporter when lameo's like yourself tried that busted ass tactic for 8 years.

you said I was a trump lover because I voted third party, I pulled a quote that shows you voted third party, now you're trying to tell me what state I voted in as if that matters or somehow rights your failed logical loop.

it's sad to watch but whatever dude, loop out some more if that's your bag or what not; have fun.
I don't mind being called a trump supporter any more than I minded being called an Obama supporter when lameo's like yourself tried that busted ass tactic for 8 years.

you said I was a trump lover because I voted third party, I pulled a quote that shows you voted third party, now you're trying to tell me what state I voted in as if that matters or somehow rights your failed logical loop.

it's sad to watch but whatever dude, loop out some more if that's your bag or what not; have fun.
Member since yesterday.

Nobody could or would have called you an Obama supporter 8 years ago. More likely at that time they called you a Newt supporter. Or maybe Pat Buchanan supporter. Most likely you were a Bush supporter before then. Clearly you were never an Obama supporter and you weren't around eight years ago for anybody to have called you one.

Are you retarded or just stupid?